Don't you see? None of it matters. He is as impervious to stain as OJ Simpson was impervious to justice.
There are no present or future revelations, no matter how powerful, no matter how damning, that will derail this speeding train. 57% of America approves. 57% of America has spoken, and they have said that nothing, absolutely nothing that we have uncovered, or may uncover in the future, makes a damn bit of difference to them. 57% of America will not be dissuaded from their choice. 57% of America approves.
How does this make you feel? How does this make me feel? Outraged? Impotent? Resigned to failure and defeat?
I once had a friend who was determined to commit suicide. We loved this friend and we tried everything we could think of to dissuade them. But every argument we made fell on deaf ears. They were just determined. And nothing we could say, or nothing that we could think of saying, would make the slightest difference. And in the end, despite all of our well-intentioned efforts, despite all of our entreaties and all of those well-reasoned arguments, we lost the battle and we lost our friend.
That's how I feel.
Roger, I wish I could say you are wrong but my heart knows you are right. I see the Missouri Truth Squads and know nothing we do or say will change anyone's mind.
ReplyDeleteIs this how some Germans felt when Hitler came to power? Were there those that saw the seeds of what he was but were helpless to do anything?
I guess Reverend Wright's damnation of Amerikkka was taken seriously.
I'll try to stay safe in my rural mountain home and hope my husband and I can tough it out until whenever, if ever, the new American Revolution occurs.
God bless . . .
The problem is not with debates, but with polls.
ReplyDeletePolls don't matter that much at this stage of the game. They give too much weight to "committed" States.
This debate mattered. People wanted to see how McCain performed, and his performance was quite good.
To quote Churchill at a different time of impending darkness in the world:
ReplyDeleteWe will NEVER surrender! And yes - I am SURE Churchill is spinning in his grave at what has become of my beloved country.
BUT: I will NEVER surrender; we cannot.
Thank you both Serena and Brat. I am far from surrendering, but I am thoroughly disgusted with 57% of this country.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't just that polls don't matter much right now, the question is are they measuring what they say they are measuring.
ReplyDeleteI deal with statistics all the time and the old computer nostrum Garbage in, Garbage out holds true for polling data as well.
I read that the audience for the debate was overwhelming Democratic. So to poll them skews the poll to Obama.
Most of the current polls use only small samples: 500 to 1000 people. People who answer their phones in some, some who have computers and are sent polls by email. As you can see, the way the respondents are reached biases the polls.
I would not yet give up on the American people, Roger, even though I understand your feelings.
Americans are an eminently pragmatic people. Yes they love celebrity, but they also value efficiency and security. And most of all, they value patriotism.
And most importantly, political ads are more effective in molding people's attitudes than debates or printed matter.
Watch McCain's ad in the next few weeks. That is where the action will be.
Keep the faith.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I share your pessimistic view. It seems at this point that nothing can give Obama voters pause.
I enjoy you radar pictures and notes. I was a cold warrior in the 80s :), before turning into a hot, dusty one in the 2000's :(
Thanks again. I have not given up. And I will not give up. Even after the election I won't give up.
ReplyDeleteThank you to that last Anonymous for those intelligent remarks. I just find it impossible to understand how anyone in their right mind would consider voting for this man.
I posted this article to Free Republic and half of them there are calling me a liberal troll, or a Tokyo Rose for posting it. Somehow they think I'm promoting Obama's cause. How do you deal with people like this? lol
There are times Roger that I feel as if this is going to come to pass (been looking at condos overseas during those spells). But this exactly happened with Kerry. The press rolled on about him, polls were up about him and everyone proclaimed him President. Bush won.
ReplyDeleteThe polls are done by calling no more than 1000 people and asking them. I find this too small of a sample to suggest anything, let alone the next President. Plus the questions are done to give Obama the edge. Most people don't want to look like racists when a pollster calls, so they will say Obama then vote differently.
The only poll that matters is the one that will be conducted on Nov. 4th by the citizens of this nation. We have to make sure that the Conservatives do go out and vote, not stay home. I have a sneaky suspicion that Obama will have a rude awakening on that day.
So sorry for your losses, Roger, the loss of your friend and our mutual loss in this great republic. I, too, want to say it won't happen, as previously I felt a strong instinct that it would not; but more and more I worry that my instinct failed me this time and that we will indeed suffer an Obama administration. I, like Serena, am hunkering down for the revolution - an event I have long predicted but never really expected to see in my lifetime... but more convinced than ever that it could come with the next sunrise.
ReplyDeleteWe are not islands, and we will not suffer alone. Even while under the rule of a tyrant, a phoenix rose up from the ashes, the birth of a great nation, the United States of America. She will live on in those of us who remember her, honor her, and will avenge the crimes committed against her.
You guys are great. Thank you Anonymous for that personal message. We've all had losses, but some are harder to take than others, especially those that seemed unnecessary. And that's how I feel about this damn election.
ReplyDeleteThose of you who know me know that I am not giving anything up. But sometimes it does get disheartening -- especially where I live -- in Massachusetts. Everywhere I go I see yard signs for Obama. I've only seen one lonely sign for McCain. For me, seeing these yard signs for Obama are as incredible as seeing yard signs for Hitler. It's always a shock every time I see one. Then, when I heard those approval ratings this morning it was just too much.
I really do understand how wrong polls can be -- have been. But the fact that Obama is as high up as he is in this race just astonishes me.
ReplyDeleteI echo much of your thoughts - I feel like i'm on a rollercoaster , the highs of the debate at the Church in California to the lows of the MSM spin after this debate. The high of Dem hopes of an Iraq War loss dashed by impending American victory and the lows of a "convenient" financial collapse.
But what I hold on to is this. How did Bush win in 2000? How in the world did he win in 2004? He was supposed to lose both. And I've come to the conclusion that no matter what the polls say, when Americans step into that voting booth on November 4th, there is one thing that flashes across their minds, one thing that overshadows all else...sure, they've told the pollsters that the Economy or healthcare is their main issue, but in that nanosecond before then make that "x" or pull that lever, the safety of their children, the security of the Flag, the protection of Freedom flashes into their mind and they do the right thing.
And if that happens again this year, I have no doubt that they will not sacrifice life, liberty and justice by voting for Obama.
I feel the same pisstration I felt in '64, augmented by a sever urinary tract infection and awareness of McCain's lack of Conservative ideological credentials.
ReplyDeleteToo many people are too lazy to learn about the candidates and think logically about the issues. Our nation suffers for that failure.
We got lucky in '80. Too bad we couldn't take full advantage of it.
Holger, shrub won because two generations of Liberal replacement voters were aborted by their LibTard mothers.
Roger, bear two facts in mind:
1. Many of Obama's prime support groups have notoriously high no show rates on voting day.
2. The Bradley effect.
Roger, you're right. It's, really, disheartening on certain days. It's a shock to think that so many people could have a favorable impression of someone with the potential to be so harmful . I keep thinking, "Do these people have no insight at all? Are they not reading anything of substance on political issues?" On the bright side, I have heard that a massive amount of information re: Obama has been gathered in Chicago and that this information will start to be disseminated during the month of October. Too, there are others, such as the Reverend David Manning who, I believe, has incriminating information to share. I just keep waiting and hoping for all this to be revealed. We'll just have to wait and see. At the very least, we all have to find that still, quiet place inside ourselves where "it's all okay" with whatever it is that we have to deal with. And from that quiet place, we can take strong, appropriate action.
ReplyDeleteThanks again Holger and Ben.
ReplyDeleteAnd to Jewel. Reading you comments has become one of my new pleasures.
You must be a writer.
We all can worry about the possibility of a loss to Obama, but we shouldn't lapse into pessimism. There is time for that after the election, if the worst happens.
ReplyDeleteRight now, it's important to stick to the conservative plan, supporting our candidates in every way we can - wear the button, put stickers on your car, a sign in your yard, and a check in the mail. If McCain or Palin is speaking near you, show up and lend your support. Be sure to vote in on-line polls, most of which are being stuffed by liberals.
We can still win if we don't lose faith and give up.