Monday, September 1, 2008

Obama opts not to follow McCain to storm region; instead will resume campaigning schedule

Obama opts not to follow McCain to storm region; instead will resume campaigning schedule

Hat tip to Miss Beth of Miss Beth's Victory Dance
Cross posted from the Partisan Report
September 1st, 2008 •

Senator Obama may be raising a few eyebrows by choosing not to go the Gulf and areas affected by Gustav. He’ll be off campaigning while McCain will be drawing coverage for being in the area and at least appearing sympathetic to the losses surely to follow after the hurricane makes landfall. In my opinion, very questionable move on Obama’s part and a very weak explanation.
Yesterday Barack Obama told reporters that he would not go to the hurricane zone to avoid taking away resources needed to evacuate the region facing Gustav’s threat. “I think you all are aware of now that we have a very big, uh, tail,” Obama said, referring to the large entourage of press, staff, Secret Service, and local law enforcement that creates the “Obama bubble.” He continued, “Sometimes we can be a distraction in these kinds of situations…I will do whatever is required that is useful, but right now the main thing that’s useful us letting everyone evacuate out there now.”
This morning John McCain traveled to Mississippi - with his own “tail,” while Obama campaigned in Ohio - far from Gustav’s destination.

A note from Radarsite: As somebody recently said: It's all about character. - rg


  1. Thanks Roger! Somehow, I don't think "character" is part of Stinky's lexicon.

  2. Shows that he lacks compassion too. The Republicans have scaled back their convention. Pres. Bush will not be speaking there. Nor will Dick Cheney.

    And the people of the Gulf can breathe a sigh of relief. Gustav is a Cat 2 storm not a Cat 4 storm as expected.
