Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate: Palin on Israel

A quick note from Radarsite: First impressions of the VP debate. Go Sarah!
I am too biased to give an objective view of Sarah Palin's superb and rousing performance tonight. I'll save that for others. What I would like to bring up here is one simple question. Could Sarah Palin have been any clearer on her unequivocal support of Israel? Personally I don't see how. And personally I consider this to be as an extremely important issue. More later. - rg


  1. That is a big difference between the 2 campaigns. Obama I feel would force Israel into concessions that would weaken it, at worse would use military force to give the Palestinians the whole nation.

    McCain has always been a friend of Israel.

  2. She said a "two state solution and a U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem"

    Debbie Hamilton
    Right Truth
