Latest Muslim Outrage on
You won't believe who they're targeting now
Cross posted from Crusader Rabbit:
Islamic savages win again
by MK
St. Cloud Times - A St. Cloud State University student in a teacher-training program at Technical High School left the school in late April because he says he feared for the safety of his service dog. The school district calls it a misunderstanding, and officials there say they hoped Tyler Hurd, a 23-year-old junior from Mahtomedi who aspires to teach special education, would continue his training in the district. Hurd said a student threatened to kill his service dog named Emmitt. The black lab is trained to protect Hurd when he has seizures. The threat came from a Somali student who is Muslim, according to Hurd, St. Cloud State and school district officials.
The Muslim faith, which is the dominant faith of Somali immigrants, forbids the touching of dogs. Things didn't go as well at Tech, Hurd said. Students there taunted his dog, and he finally felt he had to leave after he was told a student made a threat. Hurd met with Lockhart but said he did not feel comfortable continuing. Julia Espe, director of curriculum, instruction and assessment for St. Cloud school district, said the school needed to do a better job communicating.
Steffens said it is important to respect different cultures and the rights of disabled students. “I think this is part of the growth process when we become more diverse," Steffens said.
Yeah, communicating my ass, diversity and different cultures, balls! Diversity today means bend over and appease any bloody intolerant savage that wants to start something, the only cultures that get this "growth process" [*spit*] is the religion of 7th century savagery. What these spineless twits should have done, instead of waffling about tolerance and kumbaya, is taken that ungrateful cur [the Islamic savage] out of the class, put him on a plane back to Somalia and left him there to sprawl his arrogant, intolerant ass amongst the vast splendor and obviously superior culture created by his fellow savages. That's what should have have happened and would have set a fine example for the rest of the upstart savages before they get any ideas, instead, well you know what happened.
Hat tip Hang Right Politics.

Copy of email sent to the President of St. Cloud University by Radarsite:
Dear sir -- my name is Roger W. Gardner. I am the owner and editor of a political website Radarsite.com. I have had my articles published by Reuters, Chicago Sun Times, and CNN.com. I have regular readers form over 70 colleges and universites, and over 60 government agencies, including the State Department, DOD, House of Representatives, etc.
I have just read an article (enclosed) about these most recent alleged threats of violence against one of your students or his companion dog by a Somali Muslim student, and I am appalled. I think I am more outraged by your insipid and dismissive reaction to this affront than by the threat itself.
Aren't you supposed to be protecting your students? Isn't making a threat like this grounds for immediate expulsion and police intervention?
When your political leanings stand in the way of protecting your students, it is time for you to seek other employment.
This is a disgrace to American education.
I intend to write an article today voicing my outrage at your inept handling of this situation. I intend to disseminate it as widely as I can and cross post it to as many websites as possible.
If you do an about face and come to this poor students aid, I will happily report that change. However, until that time I will do whatever I can to bring this disgraceful episode to the public's attention.
Roger W. Gardner
Response from President Potter
Dear Mr. Gardner:
I am writing in the hope that I can save you from embarrassing yourself. You have not read the article to which you refer carefully or correctly. The situation to which you refer occurred in a school operated by the St. Cloud School system. The university had no control over how the school system managed this issue. We have been in conversation with the school system’s leaders and we do understand the complexities with which they have to deal. We will work with District 742 to help make sure that this problem does not reoccur.
For our part we have worked with our student to adjust our expectations to his wishes so that he can continue his program at SCSU. For our student this is a question of his safety. He is still enrolled at SCSU and plans to finish here.
We value all of the new Americans who are coming to St. Cloud and are committed to working through the complicated intercultural issues that their arrival raises. We encourage SCSU students to study the issues, think about them carefully and respond with understanding. I would commend each of these objectives to you.
Personally, I would like to add that your message was addressed to a military veteran with 24 years of service to this country. The service to which I gave a good part of my life guaranteed the freedom of all Americans but I cannot condone ill-informed or hurtful language that purports to reinforce American values. Please consider that your hasty response was ill-considered.
Earl H. Potter, III
St. Cloud State University
720 Fourth Avenue South
St. Cloud, MN 56301
(320) 308-2122
(320) 308-5139 fax
Radarsite email response to Presidant Potter:
Dr. Mr. Potter --
Thank you for your prompt reply to my email, and thank you for expressing your concern about the prospects of my embarrassing myself. Although I was not the original author of this piece I did post it to Radarsite, and I take full responsibity for that.
From the indignant tone of your reply I can only assume that this story is totally without merit, and that the facts of this case are completely different from what we have been led to believe. Or, as you -- rather condescendingly -- pointed out, that we may have misread the information and totally misunderstood the entire affair. Although you aptly expressed your anger and frustration over this apparent flawed report, you have not seen fit to refute any of the specific allegations. I suppose that we are just expected to take your word for it that we got it all wrong.
Well, Mr. Potter, maybe we did. If that is the case, if you can unequivocally state that none of these reported threats ever took place, that Mr. Hurd did not feel that either himself or his service dog was ever in any serious peril, if indeed the student who allegedly threatened him was not a Somali, and not a Muslim, and your administrators did not actually say what they were quoted as saying -- in short, if none of this actually happened, then I will quickly issue a retraction.
However, you have so far not refuted a single fact of this disturbing story. And what little clarification you offer us “We value all of the new Americans who are coming to St. Cloud and are committed to working through the complicated intercultural issues that their arrival raises.” only serves to demonstrate your apparent concern for the Somali student and his ‘complicated intercultural issues’; but little or no concern about his criminal threats, or Mr. Hurd’s victimization. To me, this hardly makes the case that you are protecting your students from Muslim intimidations, but rather, not too surprisingly, that you are more concerned with promoting your school’s multicultural agenda.
As far as your 24 years of service to this country is concerned, I congratulate you on being a veteran. I, too, am a veteran, and my son is a veteran, and ¾ of my readers are veterans; but, I’m sorry to say, that this has little or nothing to do with the subject at hand. The subject at hand is whether or not Mr. Hurd and/or his service dog was threatened by a Somali Muslim student, on the basis of his Islamic teachings, and whether or not this affair was handled appropriately.
As I stated above, if these basic facts of the story are proven to be incorrect then I will make the necessary retraction. Till then, I stand by my posting.
Roger W. Gardner
Copy of comment left by Radarsite on updated version of the original article at the St. Cloud Times:
I just published a cross posting of this original article on Radarsite.com as it appeared in this newspaper. I also emailed my concerns to the president of St. Cloud University. He responded with an indignant denial. According to him, none of this ever happened, or we have completely misunderstood the entire affair. Somehow I tend to doubt this. I responded to his reply just now.
This whole exchange is reposted to that article on Radarsite.http://radarsite.blogspot.com/2008/05/from-other-sites-on-line-14-may-08.html
Does the SC Times stand by its original piece? If so, please let me know.
Thank you,
Roger W. Gardner
owner and editor of Radarsite
5/14/2008 8:26:33 PM
Response from Mr. Potter:
Dear Mr. Gardner,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thinking with me. I will try to lay out the facts that are not clearly represented in your communications, i.e., your website or your exchanges with me.
1. Tyler Hurd is a student in good standing at SCSU.
2. Somali students at Tech High School objected to the presence of his service dog at the High School.
3. The officials in the school district were taken by surprise as the situation evolved.
4. Muslim leaders around the world are working to adjust the teaching of strict Islamic understanding to the modern world. In St. Cloud, local leaders are working to help Somali students in our school system to learn a new reality.
5. Neither the school district nor the university anticipated this situation. Both of us made a mistake.
6. SCSU supported our student by adjusting our expectations to take into account a situation that made it impossible for him to complete his assignment in this term. We respected his concerns about his own safety. We adapted to the situation to enable him to continue his progress. We are working with the school district to prevent a reoccurrence.
7. My reference to my own service is relevant in that we/I have been accused of being “un-American”. This could not be further from the truth.
8. You refer to “your administrators”. You miss the point that student teachers from the university( SCSU) perform their student teaching in local schools systems that are not part of the university’s administrative structure. We have to work through partnership agreements as any cooperating but not unitary entities must do.
9. In short, the “Somali student” is not our student but a student at one of the local high schools. Moreover, we have only second hand reports of what might have been said and no direct evidence. Furthermore, we have no right to investigate a matter that occurred at the high school. SCSU is a public university that operates under a completely different legal and administrative structure.
10. We have taken care of our student, looked after his rights and guaranteed his educational progress.
11. We are committed to working with the school system to learn from this incident and move forward to a healthier world.
I reiterate my position that you have gotten this wrong and suggest that you correct the record. Having said this, I respect your courage and appreciate the time that you took to reply.
Earl H. Potter, III
St. Cloud State University
720 Fourth Avenue South
St. Cloud, MN 56301
(320) 308-2122
(320) 308-5139 fax
Following Ms. Johnson's suggestion here is the complete article from the St. Cloud Times:
SCSU student leaves training at Technical High School
By Dave Aeikens • daeikens@stcloudtimes.com • May 12, 2008
A St. Cloud State University student in a teacher-training program at Technical High School left the school in late April because he says he feared for the safety of his service dog.
The school district calls it a misunderstanding, and officials there say they hoped Tyler Hurd, a 23-year-old junior from Mahtomedi who aspires to teach special education, would continue his training in the district.
Hurd said a student threatened to kill his service dog named Emmitt. The black lab is trained to protect Hurd when he has seizures.
The seizures, which can occur weekly, are from a childhood injury.
The dog has a pouch on his side that assists those who stop to help Hurd.
Hurd said he was unable to finish his 50 hours of field training at Tech. The university waived the remaining 10 hours, he said. He plans to do his student teaching outside a high school setting.
“We came up with a solution because I felt threatened by it," Hurd said.
The school district and university are working to make sure a similar situation doesn't happen.
Kate Steffens, dean of the college of education at St. Cloud State, and Tech assistant principal Lori Lockhart met Thursday.
The threat came from a Somali student who is Muslim, according to Hurd, St. Cloud State and school district officials.
The Muslim faith, which is the dominant faith of Somali immigrants, forbids the touching of dogs.
Hurd trained at Talahi Community School and Tech. He said his experience at Talahi was good. The Somali students there warmed to the dog and eventually petted him using paper to keep their hands off his fur, Hurd said.
Things didn't go as well at Tech, Hurd said. Students there taunted his dog, and he finally felt he had to leave after he was told a student made a threat. Hurd met with Lockhart but said he did not feel comfortable continuing.
Julia Espe, director of curriculum, instruction and assessment for St. Cloud school district, said the school needed to do a better job communicating.
“I think it was a misunderstanding where we didn't really prepare either side for possible implications," Espe said.
Espe said the school's investigation determined the student did not make a direct threat.
“We certainly welcome (Hurd) in our district, and we hope we can get this all resolved so he feels welcome and his dog is welcome," Espe said.
St. Cloud State places about 1,000 students in 240 schools to help prepare them for careers in education.
In St. Cloud school district, 330 are in the field training program Hurd was in and 94 are in student teaching.
Steffens said it is important to respect different cultures and the rights of disabled students.
“I think this is part of the growth process when we become more diverse," Steffens said.
Steffens called Hurd a good student and committed young man.
Gary Loch, who is the diversity coordinator for the district, said the situation was an unfortunate case of miscommunication.
“I'm not quite sure where the breakdown comes into play here," Loch said.
Radarsite's response to Mr. Potter:
Dear Mr. Potter --
Thank you for your reply. I have re-read the original article in the St. Cloud Times and carefully re-read your itemized response. Your latest response was polite and gentlemanly, and I will try to maintain this tone.
Here is your last paragraph:
I reiterate my position that you have gotten this wrong and suggest that you correct the record. Having said this, I respect your courage and appreciate the time that you took to reply.
You suggest that I correct the record. Alright, I'll try. To my mind, far from refuting them, your last letter only serves to substantiate the factual elements of the Times original story. I'm afraid that underneath that apparent civility your letter, to me, represents a rather typical bureaucratic response to a problem: rather than addressing the possible criminal act of the Somali student involved, and the subject of his subsequent punishment, you (and Ms. Johnson in her email) dispute the issues of administrative responsiblity and jurisdiction. You admit that both the school district and the university made mistakes. In my view, you're still making them. Your item number four, re: Muslim leaders around the world working to improve the precepts of Islam is, at best, highly controversial. However, that is a subject for another discussion.
I originally wrote to you, Mr. Potter, because Tyler Hurd is a student at your university, I therefore assumed that you had some responsibility in this affair.
I am afraid that I don't see this the same way that you do; I do not see this as some isolated incident, involving miscommunication; rather, I see this as a major cultural issue facing all of academia.
I would point out that I am evidently not alone in this opinion. While reposting the original article from the St. Cloud Times I re-read the many comments to it. If you haven't already I would suggest that you read them too.
Finally, as complimentary as it is, I find your last line a little baffling. I'm not quite sure where my purported "courage" plays into all this -- unless you mean that it takes courage to disagree with you. As for the time involved; that's not a problem. This is what I do.
I have made myself as clear as I possibly can. I have, at Ms. Johnson's request, reposted the entire original article and responded to your every objection. I hope that this puts an end to it.
Like it or not, this article, and this whole affair, stirred up a major bee's nest. I have had over 1,500 responses to this story so far, and it's still going strong. Perhaps, just perhaps, we here aren't the ones who have misunderstood this whole affair. This subject seems to be important to many people, perhaps more important than you first realized.
I may or may not continue replying to Ms. Johnson's emails, but I will, however, post any further replies from you.
Roger W. Gardner

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15th May 2008 14:52:58 No referring link
IP Address: Host: SH-MOBILE-07079.stcloudstate.edu
ISP: Minnesota State University System
Entry Page Time: 16th May 2008 16:28:57
Location: St. Cloud, Minnesota, United States
Entry Page: http://radarsite.blogspot.com/
Country United States
Region Pennsylvania
City Bethlehem
ISP Lehigh University
14th May 2008
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["The Latest Muslim Outrage on Campus"]
ISP: Lansing Community College
Entry Page Time: 16th May 2008 09:31:09
Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States Entry Page: http://radarsite.blogspot.com/2008/05/from-other-sites-on-line-14-may-08.html
[‘Latest Muslim Outrage on Campus"]
I wish I had more time to express my feelings...This is an outrage!
ReplyDeleteGreat response to the school! Hammer away!
Here is the root of the problem:
ReplyDeleteSahih Bukhari Book 002, Number 0551:
Ibn Mughaffal reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) ordered killing of the dogs, and then said: What about them, i. e. about other dogs? and then granted concession (to keep) the dog for hunting and the dog for (the security) of the herd, and said: When the dog licks the utensil, wash it seven times, and rub it with earth the eighth time.
Why did Moe order killing pet dogs?
Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 539:
Narrated Abu Talha:
The Prophet said, "Angels do not enter a house witch has either a dog or a picture in it."
As usual, Roger,you expressed our common outrage in ample form.
Why wasn't every groups who advocate for the disabled screaming about this? Why is it that there are one set of rules for Muslims and one for every one else?
ReplyDeleteWho gives a darn what the students culture says? If he threatened a teacher (yes a student teacher is a teacher) then he should be expelled, the police brought in and State Department notified of his terrorist activities.
The student teacher should sue the school and school district for his civil rights were violated.
You can tell Mr. Potter that I too spent many years in the service (21 yrs) and that his reply was a very poor excuse for not doing the right thing! The school sysyem and the entire community should have risen to the occasion to admonish the muslim...you don't lower your standards to accomodate a lessor value system. If muslims want to be educated in OUR Country they need to shape up (to our standards) or ship out! Period! No ifs,ands, or buts! Wake up Potter and remember from whence we came...right now your exhibiting the wimp in you, stand up and be strong... God Bless and save the USA from the likes of you and Islam!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link back Roger.
ReplyDelete"We encourage SCSU students to study the issues, think about them carefully and respond with understanding."
Sounds like their doing a swell job of it. The understanding is on our part not anyone else though.
What i don't understand is that their lefty apologists claim to be whining about the rights of the innocent Muslims, every time one of us raises this issue they scream that it's not all Muslims and it's only some and we're just whipping it up. Why do they not support stamping out the obvious intolerance amongst many when it rears it's ugly head early rather than later because if you don't, one day it'll become too much of a problem, then the only solution is mass punishment.
Mass punishment will mean innocent Muslims trying to get away from the savagery of their homelands, will get caught up. I’d much rather only the intolerant bastards are shipped out and made examples of. When you think about it, the lefty apologists are actually ensuring things are much worse off for the few Muslims, who have no problem with the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteThis Cretin from Academia really has gopne out of his way to reinforce our already Known fact that the Academia of America has already been taken over by the Secular progressive anti-America Komissars!
Keep taking them to task.. We are With you !
Thanks everyone. And thanks Redhawk for your unwavering support.
ReplyDeleteTo MK -- As you well know, that original article came intact from the St. Cloud Times. You can read my comment to them at the end of the article on Radarsite.
If our friend Mr. Potter still has issues with this story he should take it up with them.
PS: It's interesting how this article made the front page at RCP with 11 votes, then just totally disappeared. Gets my conspiracy theory alarms ringing. lol
RCP is a real gutless disaster which having not the Gonads to face the TRUTH has been Deleted from by postings... The policy of appeasement which gave us 9/11 is apparently once again alive and well anomg the CRETINS!Wonder if MORON.ORg has any connection with RCP??????
ReplyDeleteI just read your cross-posting of the St. Cloud Times article and email exchange with the President of SCSU. It's unfortunate that you didn't post a COMPLETE article - you conveniently left out portions - I know because I read the article on the day it was first published.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, it's too bad that you don't understand the difference between the St. Cloud State University and the St. Cloud School District. You are attacking SCSU and SCSU has nothing to do with this except that Mr. Hurd is a student there. He was student teaching in a high school in the St. Cloud district and the incident took place in the high school whose administration is handling the issue.
I actually thought President Potter was quite benign given the fact that you didn't know what you were talking about while attacking him.
Perhaps the people commenting on your blog would re-think what they're saying were they to be given accurate information. Perhaps not - given the headlines and other content it appears that racism & sensationalism is alive and well on your blog. Combine that with the misinformation and well.... You see what you get.
Julie A. Johnson
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteRegards to you Julie Johnson. I'm afraid I have to admit to being a little confused by all this, just as you suggest. Although, according to Mr. Potter, he assures us in one sentence that he and St. Cloud have nothing whatsoever to do with this whole non-event, then in the very next sentence he takes ownership of it:
ReplyDelete"We have been in conversation with the school system’s leaders and we do understand the complexities with which they have to deal. We will work with District 742 to help make sure that this problem does not reoccur."
"...the complexities with which they have to deal..." Please. We're talking about a student being threatened by another student, most likely on religious/cultural -- perhaps even racist grounds. The only complexities involved are in your convoluted answers.
If you or St. Cloud have an argument with the particulars of this story take it up with the St. Cloud Times. That's where we got it from. And we made no mistakes in quoting them.
Why, I wonder, do you remind me of those Islamist apologists who are constantly telling us that -- no matter how much research we may have done -- we don't really understand, that we've just somehow misinterpreted the facts, that we're just not knowledgeable
enough to know what is really going on.
Ms. Johnson, I'm afraid your noble efforts at coming to the defense of this school system's failings fall flat. Because, once again, you will not refute a single fact in this story; you just keep telling us how wrong we are. It seems to me that the only facts that you have successfully refuted so far are in which particular school this fictional event never happened. Congratulations for that.
Other than that you haven't said anything that would change my mind.
If these events did not happen, then just say so, then prove it. Otherwise, why don't you just keep your superior indignation to yourself. We shall remain happy here wallowing in our racism and sensationalism.
Have a good day.
Anonymous said: It's the same language choice that leads to the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, the Rwandan genocide, and the mass killings of Native Americans.
ReplyDeleteHe and Julie claim that what you write is racist and bigoted. That it wasn't the University's fault. There they are wrong.
It is the University's responsibility to provide a safe workplace for their students. An incident like this should have been addressed by the University as Unacceptable to the school board involved. Instead they put their head in the sand.
As for the comment above. What leads to genocide is for good people not to take a stand against evil. I hear people cry about Darfur, but no government will stand up and say NO! I heard many women decry the treatment of a rape victim in Saudi Arabia, but did one government in the world say we cannot allow you to victimize women any more.
The Women's Movement is silent on the treatment of women in Muslim countries, but condemns Israel. There is a simple word for it. Anti-Semitism. And yes, so-called anti-Zionism is just a new name for that old anti-Semitism.
It has already been clearly stated that we accept no more anonymous comments.
I'd suggest that you change your settings too. That way you can make sure they leave at least a pseudonym.
ReplyDeleteThanks Findalis.
ReplyDeleteI would like to address Mr. Potter, as I am also a Veteran of the Viet Nam War.
ReplyDeleteYes, we fought for people’s freedom, both Americans and others. However, when we traveled to foreign lands, it was incumbent upon us to respect their culture and laws, not them accommodate us.
That being said, the Americans With Disabilities Act gives those with bona-fide Service Animals the right to unfettered access to nearly every establishment in the country. I know this as I have been waging a campaign to keep non-service animals out of certain businesses, such as restaurants, grocery stores and the like as many have deceitfully claimed a dog to be a service animal to be allowed in those areas with them.
I too welcome those that wish to immigrate or visit our country as I am currently sponsoring a South Korean man for citizenship. He is learning our culture while maintaining his own, not expecting me to become South Korean.
Perhaps Mr. Potter’s educators and administrators should brush up on American Laws and inform foreign students of the differences they must adapt too, instead of expecting Americans to adapt to every other culture over our own.
As for charges of "un-American," I personally feel patriotism isn't necessarily defined by ones service or lack of service, but their support for our country and our citizens.
If a foreign student finds our laws unbearable or against their beliefs, they have every right to return home where the culture they desire exists.
If they wish to remain in America, I welcome them with open arms, providing they respect our laws and people.
Thank you Lew for your calm and intelligent response. You are a true gentleman. And thank you again for your service to our country.
ReplyDeleteWe are not at war with academia, or with immigrants -- unless they are illegal. We are at war with those would would diminish our greatness by incrementally giving away our heritage and our traditions -- and even our legal rights, in order to accommodate other cultures and participate in these multiculturalist experiments which has already produced such chaos both here and abroad.
this particular case is important because it in indicative of a trend, a trend which is ruining our country and sacrificing the gains of the Western world to appease Third World civilizations with brutal morays.
However belatedly, people are beginning to see the folly of this latest leftist exercise in social engineering, they're beginning to fight back , as is evidenced by the recent elections in Rome and in London. The PC multiculturalists have lost big time and are slinking away with their tails between their legs.
If these Somali students are having a problem with our culture -- tough. I have no sympathy for them. Every previous generation of immigrants to this country have found their way to assimilate, mostly without complaint. Because they all know that they are lucky to be here. If the Somali students harassed or threatened another student because of his American culture they should be expelled and arrested, and sent back to that hellhole they came from.
Here is the link to the original article. As I said, you left portions out and only kept that which you (it appears to me) furthered your agenda. http://www.sctimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2008105120058
ReplyDeleteAs for President Potter taking ownership, I disagree. I believe they made contact with the school district to find out what happened as the University has many, many student teachers within the district and I expect that the University would want to make sure this didn't disrupt the entire program for all student teachers along with Mr. Hurd's education. By disrupt, I mean endanger, incapacitate, etc. Anything that could cause student teachers to leave the district.
If you want someone who truly should have ownership, perhaps you should contact Bruce Watkins, the superintendent of the St. Cloud school district who is actually in charge of what happens within his district - as President Potter is not.
Julie A. Johnson
A couple last comments due to people assuming they know me and what I think:
ReplyDeleteFirst, I'm not supporting President Potter per se - I'm pointing out that you're going after the wrong administrator. It really isn't his position to discipline the person who threatened Mr. Hurd.
Second, I have issues with the fact that you didn't post the article in it's entirety. You can still take from it what you will, but post the whole thing, please? Don't chop it up to fuel your fire more efficiently.
And last, I'm not condoning the behavior of the person who threatened Mr. Hurd's dog. The district has a zero tolerance policy that they aren't following and I have serious issues with that. However, it is the school district's responsibility to own up and take care of it. Not President Potter's.
If no one here is racist, fine. However, it appears to me that there is a blanket hatred for Muslims. I can't buy into that - a few bad apples don't make the whole barrel rotten.
Julie A. Johnson
ReplyDeleteDavid Horowitz mentioned St Cloud in his talk this week as an example of what goes on in our universities. I don't recall the incident he described.
This is just another example of an arrogant group of people who come here and expect us to adapt to their ways.
Same people we sent our military to help deliver food and what did we get in response? Black hawk down.
Why wan't this guy arrested for making threats?
gary Fouse
Ms. Johnson. I think this will be my final communication with you on this subject. I have posted my email reply to Mr. Potter on the article in question and I believe it addresses all of the issues that you brought up.
ReplyDeleteFinally, believe what you will about us, it matters little to me. This is not the proper format to discuss my opinions of Muslims and of Islam. However, if you read some of my many articles on this subject here on Radarsite I think my positions will become quite clear.
Please let's just drop this fruitless dialogue.
Thank you.
Roger G.
Bravo Roger!!!! After having read through everything on this subject, you are correct, they are more worried about protecting one "set" of students than others and this is an outrage.
ReplyDeleteThank you Gary for that new insight.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you Susan. As you must know, your opinion is invaluable to me.
My Dear Roger,
ReplyDeleteOnce again you do us all proud. Noble Gentleman Warrior of the Blogosphere. Had we the Queen's authority to do so (and weren't merely a bloody parrot) we would knight thee. Carry on!
Mr. Potter said:
ReplyDelete"Muslim leaders around the world are working to adjust the teaching of strict Islamic understanding to the modern world."
Who? Where? How many?
Because they certainly don't appear to be having much success--unless the lack of airplanes being flown into tall buildings is evidence of their efforts, something I very much doubt.
Potter's claim is just one more example of the feelgood multiculti mindless mantras spouted by leftist academics.
Let us see:
ReplyDeleteIn this same area of the country Muslim taxi drivers won't pick up a ride with a service dog.
Won't pick up a ride who is carrying alcohol.
Won't pick up a ride if it is a single woman.
Want to ban service dogs from schools.
And they are "working" to fix the problem?
That's a joke.
Thank you Charlie and KG. And, yes, Findalis it's a sad joke.
ReplyDeleteCarerful Roger... Your Presenting of the " rerst of the Story" might the trolling presiden have an Epiphany and go out and recruit a true anti Muslim Terrorist student on full scholarship to at least say that there is ONE at that institution.. after all there seems to be anew trend in the Socialistic Academia like at CU Boulkder where the president wants to endow a Conservative "token" chair...
ReplyDeleteAbsurdity is one thing, but when it becomes an impediment to the well intentioned people then it's criminal.
ReplyDeleteGreat response, Roger.
Such irony, that the fool in the gold-fish bowl would be concerned about you embarassing yourself, is priceless. I caught a quote that I fouond interesting; "Steffens said it is important to respect different cultures and the rights of disabled students. “I think this is part of the growth process when we become more diverse," Steffens, one of a regiment of quasi-doyens employed by St. Cloud, said."
First of all, the threat to kill the student's dog was so direct as to even suggest motive for doing so. (Be it religious or not, it suggests prior consent of the will).
Secondly, the Somali is the living failure in diversification.
That a state institution would side with such a bigotted argument against the home culture is an atrocity.
The full elements of shame (Dante would have the best detail, I guess.) should cover those Prairie Professors.
(As to the political factor being employed as a religious matter, I recall the terms of the Reformation; 'Cuius regio eius religio.' Whose land, his religion.
Thank you once again Shawmut for your intelligent support.
ReplyDeleteI think our Mr. Potter bit off a little more than he could chew by coming on here.
PS: I took the liberty of deleting that duplicate comment. lol