On February 28, 1993, the U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) conducted a raid on Mount Carmel, a property of the Davidians. The raid resulted in the deaths of six Davidians and four ATF agents after a firefight broke out.

The Departments of Justice and the Treasury each conducted investigations in 1993. In 1999, when evidence about the use of pyrotechnic tear gas became public, Attorney General Janet Reno appointed former Senator John Danforth as a Special Counsel to investigate the events at Waco. Danforth issued a report concluding that the fire was started on the inside by Davidians. The FBI agents that fired the tear gas used pyrotechnic Flite-Rite grenades to shoot tear gas into the wooden building, though sworn testimony by FBI agents and supervisors claimed that no pyrotechnics were used, or even present at any time.
The government put some of the survivors on trial. All were acquitted of conspiring to murder federal agents, but some were convicted of aiding and abetting voluntary manslaughter.
On March 30, 2008, a Child Protection Project crisis center run by ex-member of FLDS Flora Jessop received the first of the phone calls making allegations of abuse, setting off large emergency responses that sometimes involved dozens of police officers.
Texas law enforcement officers entered the ranch on April 3, following allegations of physical and sexual abuse of a 16-year-old girl. The call was the basis for a large-scale operation at YFZ Ranch by Texas law enforcement and child welfare officials, beginning with cordoning off the ranch on April 3. Troopers and child welfare officials searched the ranch,including the temple's safes, vaults, locked desk drawers, and beds. Authorities believed the children "had been abused or were at immediate risk of future abuse," a state spokesman said.
They removed 52 girls on the 4th, and eventually a total of 462 children went into the temporary custody of the State of Texas. The children were being held by the Child Protective Services at Fort Concho and the Wells Fargo Pavilion in San Angelo, where they are housed until authorities decide who will have custody of them.
133 adult women chose to leave the ranch when the children were removed, in many or all cases for the sake of contact with the removed children. Children under the age of four were allowed to stay with their mothers until DNA testing to identify family relations was finished; once DNA testing is complete, only children under 18 months will be allowed to stay with their mothers indefinitely.
For more on this go to Wake Up America:
Warren Steed Jeffs (born December 3, 1955) was the leader of a controversial Mormon fundamentalist polygamist sect known as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS Church) from 2002 to 2007. Jeffs' position in this organization was reportedly that of absolute ruler. Jeffs gained international notoriety in May 2006 when he was placed on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution on Utah state charges related to his alleged arrangement of extralegal marriages between his adult male followers and underage girls. He was arrested in August 2006 in Nevada, and agreed to be taken to Utah for trial. In May and July of 2007 the State of Arizona charged him with eight additional counts—including sexual conduct with minors and incest—in two separate cases. His trial, which began early in September of 2007 in St. George, Utah, lasted less than a month, and on September 25 the verdict was read declaring him guilty of two counts of rape as an accomplice. On November 20, 2007 he was sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years to life and has begun serving his sentence at the Utah State Prison.
Irving, Texas (WBAP) -- Irving police are searching for a father suspected of killing his two daughters Tuesday night. At about 7:30 police got a cell call from a woman saying she had been shot, but didn't know her location. Police searching the area where the call originated were unable to locate the vehicle. An hour later, responding to a call of a suspicious vehicle in a parking lot, police found two female victims dead of gunshot wounds.
Investigators have identified the two as 17 year-old Sarah Yaser Said, and 18 year-old Amina Yaser Said.
They are now looking for the father, Yaser Abdel Said. He is said to be fifty years old, 6'2", weighing about 180 pounds. Said was last seen wearing a black turtleneck, tan slacks, and a brown coat. He is believed to be armed and dangerous.
Read this whole alarming article at Atlas Shrugs:
So what's the point? Where's the dishonor?
Consider this: In every one of these instances, when allegations of child abuse or endangerment are uncovered, with varying degrees of success, our law enforcements officials swing into action -- even if that action might later be considered by some as overly-zealous, they do indeed act. The individual criminal perpetrators are identified and arrested, and those innocent victims of the cultists are rescued and helped to rehabilitate back into normal society. The charismatic cult leaders themselves are arrested, tried and convicted and sent to prison -- or in some cases, killed, either by their own hand or in the ensuing shootouts. Although the individual scenarios may not have always been perfect, these criminal cults were nonetheless successfully disbanded and justice was eventually served.
In every case but one.
In one particular case, in one particularly gruesome cult, although individual criminal cultists may at times be found liable and arrested for their individual crimes against society, the cult itself thrives and grows stronger every day. The cultist leaders flourish and preach the deadly teachings of their revered leader daily, without fear of our law enforcement officials. Assured and confident in their immunity, they remain untouchable and uncensored. And their innocent children remain at peril, their freedom and, as we have seen, their very lives remain in jeopardy.

The cult is Islam and the leader is Mohammed
and he is laughing at our helplessness, our pitiful inability to bring ourselves to act against him. He preaches our doom and calls for our downfall and we pretend not to hear him.
In his evil name, two lovely young American girls have been murdered by their own self- righteous and unrepentant father. They have been murdered by Islam. And what is our response? We will hunt down the criminal father and if we can we will prosecute him according to our laws for murder. But isn't he merely a follower, merely a faithful believer, acting on the tenets of his religious beliefs?
But will we then go to the source? Will we prosecute the evil cult itself? Will our worthy law enforcement officials raid their compounds and their meeting places and round up the murderous leaders and arrest them? Will we tear down their buildings and successfully disband the cult as we did with the FLDS and the Davidians?
We have proven ourselves capable of moral outrage; but why not here? Why not Islam?
We all know the answers to these questions, don't we? And herein lies our national dishonor.
Sorry, Sarah and Amina, you'll have to wait a while longer for your justice, for your true murderers to be identified and punished. You'll have to wait until this great but divided nation of ours finds its moral compass and once again discovers that buried but inherent courage to act against evil, regardless of the perils involved.
But there are those of us who will not forget you, who will make certain that you will not wait in vain. The time will come. We will find our way again, we will rediscover our inherent courage, and we will act.
What happened in Waco was wrong, it was a badly planned event. But the original charge David Koresh and the Branch Davidians was a Texas charge of rape. It seems that David liked them young (in this case a 12 year old girl). We forget that.
ReplyDeleteWhat is happening now in Texas with the YFZ ranch is a good thing. Charges of child abuse dealing with boys and girls, and child sexual abuse are coming out. Girls as young as 12 and 13 have either given birth or are pregnant. That is why the State of Texas has stepped in.
Yaser Abdel Said is a murderer who has fled to Jordan. There he will be given a 6-months sentence for the murders (if he gets any time) and be considered a hero.
As for Islam. As long as our leaders call it the "Religion of Peace" and try to placate the American people, they can and will get away with murder, rape and incest. A full investigation must be done. Just look at what they have discovered in Rotterdam:
Quarter of Rotterdam Turks Marry Relatives
How many American Muslims are marring their relatives. Which is illegal in most US states.
This "religion" should be considered a cult and treated that way.
The media ignores the murder of the Said sisters because to discuss this case would mean having to discuss Islam. Can't have that! Mustn't interfere with the whitewash!
ReplyDeleteI believe honor killing to be a cultural (tribal) phenomenon. It is not prescribed in the Koran. I have not seen it prescribed in the Hadith either.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killing
its predominance varies inversely with literacy. In some Arabic nations, the penal code lets the killer off.
Note that it is not limited to Muslims. There have been cases among Christians and Hindus.
That may be Ben. But it's Muslims who are doing it now, and doing it here. And they themselves justify it -- rightly or wrongly -- by citing the Qur'an. If the Muslims weren't here it wouldn't be happening here.
ReplyDeleteRoger, this is an excellent, empassioned post drawing together a lot of the horrifying outrages against children going on in our world at the moment. And you're so right that in comparison to the horrors perpetuated all the time in the Islamic world (and even here in the west)the numbers pale. Institutionalized pedophilia is a grievous blot on our planet and must be dealt with. We are in the 21st century, not the stone age.
ReplyDeleteNice post
ReplyDeleteNot a big fan of the gub'ment going in snatching up kids whenever they see fit though
ReplyDeleteI believe honor killing to be a cultural (tribal) phenomenon. It is not prescribed in the Koran. I have not seen it prescribed in the Hadith either.
I've seen all too many 'experts' dismiss many Islamic abuses of women as 'tribal customs'
However, Islam has been around for a millennium in many Islamic countries. To say that tribal culture is the only thing causing this is absurd.
Ultimately it comes down to the fact that Islam does not respect a woman's independent sexuality and views her virginity as something to be prized and defended by their family, regardless of the feeling of the girls. The hijab is the best example of this.
What a disgrace that the feminists worry more about getting rights for partial birth abortions and suing companies for not giving enough management positions to women, instead of looking at very clear abuse going on in Islamic communities in the US.
Thank you Aurora. Your opinion is always highly valued.
ReplyDeleteBuffoon -- Thanks for the compliment. However,if, as in the particular cases cited above, our "gub'ment" is snatching kids from the clutches of institutionalized pedophilia, I have no problems with it. In fact, I applaud their actions.
And, a special hello to "Always On Watch" -- Welcome compatriot to Radarsite. Please come back often.
Johnson -- Well said. And I agree completely with your statement about the ignoble non-involvement of our feminists in the plight of their Islamic sisters. I have written about this outrage extensively.
ReplyDeleteWith an opportunity to be distracted available, 'Americana' will take it.
ReplyDeleteEven the Marines of Lebanon, the Cole and 9/11 gave way to sound-bites. I'm cynical to enough to think that the only emotions people have on these occasions is to think, "Glad I wasn't there." How could we expect them to 'feel for' (the great American substitute for action) two lovely young ladies murdered by their father.
(I use the term 'Americana' quite frequently. It's that crowd I refer to as who take great inspiration in an article they found in a months-old magazine left in laundromats. It's usually written by a waning celebrity thirteen-steps-short-of-twelve who's been 'in recovery' for two months. Dramatically, they assume a suggested element of guilt (war, trees, whales, rutting goats), and want everyone they know to do the same. They'll be found following the lemmings who want to pay slavery reparations or buy $500 tickets for a 'Stonewall Minute' gay rights dinner. (They weren't there then.)
They'll slip that magazine into their dried wear... eventually, never referred to again, it will balance an uneven table.
They don't formulate opinions based upon facts, but upon opinions of others they would emulate in style, dress, linguistics, glossies or the canned humor of late-nite TV - depending on how the late nite host is styled, dressed, speaks, etc.
Justice for the Said girls doesn't stand a chance against the American belief in 'peace and quiet over law and order'.
I suspect that they're less likely to engage in honor killing here than in the old country, particularly if they are not in a dense Muslim enclave.
ReplyDeleteI searched Reliance of the Traveler without finding reference to wife beating or honor killing.