Happy Birthday Israel!
A Message from Osama bin Laden
Cross posted from Memri.org
On May 16, 2008, the Islamist website Al-Ikhlas posted an audio message by Osama Bin Laden titled: "The Reasons for the Conflict: Commemorating 60 years for the Emergence of the Occupying Israeli State." In the message, Bin Laden accuses the West of consistently taking Israel's side in the conflict. He also blames the West, and more particularly the United States, for what he describes as its double standards which manifests itself, according to him, in the fact that it commits crimes against Muslims around the world but at the same time speaks about moral values.
Bin Laden further states that the celebration of Israel 60th birthday indicates that "Israel did not exist 60 years ago and only came into being on the stolen Palestinian land by military force... This is a clear proof of the truth of our claim that Palestine is our land and that Israelis... must be fought against."
Bin Laden accuses Western media for "distorting the truth" by "presenting Israelis always as the victims... while depicting the Palestinians as terrorists..." and, more generally, for creating a distorted image of Muslims which allows Western countries to wage war against Muslims. He adds that Western leaders' participation in the celebration of Israel 60th birthday is a strong proof that "the West assists the Jewish...occupation of our land, and that it put itself in the Israeli [military] trench against us..."
Bin Laden concludes his message by promising that as long as there is one living Muslim in the world "they will not relinquish even one inch of the Palestinian land."
A message from Radarsite: So the old Merchant of Death is still alive --
But then, so is Israel. Alive and well and prospering. Despite all his evil machinations and deadly warnings, brave Israel thrives. How galling it must be to have to wake up in that cave and face this glaring truth every morning. You're on the wrong side of civilization OBL, and you're on the wrong side of history. Retreat into the darkness of your cave and seek solace with the scorpians. -- rg
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Facts not Fairies
12 hours ago Bin Laden marks Israel anniversary with combat vow
Neo-Cons Prepare New Bin Laden Tape Osama bin Laden vowed in an audio tape timed to coincide with Israel’s 60th anniversary to continue to fight the Jewish state and its allies in the West. Bin Laden has placed growing emphasis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in recent pronouncements. He said it was at the heart of the Muslim battle...
18 hours ago Blips on the screen: 16 May 08
Happy Birthday Israel! A Message from Osama bin Laden Cross posted from Memri.org http://www.memriiwmp.org/ On May 16, 2008, the Islamist website Al-Ikhlas posted an audio message by Osama Bin Laden titled: "The Reasons for the Conflict: Commemorating 60 years for the Emergence of the Occupying Israeli State." In the message,...
Yes Roger our Friendly Assasin is living on the run and hiding in caves BUT after seeing what the Obama Camp did yesterday after W's Historical reference of facts, it must have given him the Idea that as long as Pelosi goes to Syria Scarf in Hand and Hamas then invades Lebanon, that if Jamah Cawtta tries to hug Hamas and that If Pelosi, Daschle, Kerry, Biden and the ever Popu;larczarina Hilly girl castigate W over his comments about appeasement.. well then there you go... the snake comes out if the cave to send THANK YOU message to thr LOONS!
ReplyDeleteDamn straight Redhawk. We've got our own scorpians to deal with, don't we?
ReplyDeleteYou've been reading my mind again, or the same news services I do.
ReplyDeleteOur dear friend with the towel wrapped around his head is existing in caves in Pakistan. We will get him, but now he's marginalized. Coming out like the cockroach he is to show his ugly face.
Compared to the speech President Bush made yesterday, the bin Loony's is just the ramblings of a deranged old man.
Bin Laden's 'Arab land' claim is false and malicious. Israel was invaded and colonized by Caliph Umar in 638 as a continuation of Moe's campaign of violent expansion and empire building. According to Isdamn, that makes it Isdamnic land forever. Read the HAMAS Charter for the details. I posted a link to it yesterday at anewtone.
ReplyDeleteIt is long past due for someone to stand up and curse Isdamn and expose its curseworthy doctrines to the full view of the general public.
The continued existence of Bin Ladin is a shame to America and an affront to all humanity. Shrub should have nuked him at Tora Bora!!! That failure will go down in infamy as one of the worst.