For those of you who are unfamiliar with Lionheart's incredible story, or may have forgotten, I am reposting one of Radarsite's first articles about the plight of this heroic crusader.
I wish RCP was up and running now so that this could get maximum coverage, but what can you do? I will cross post it to my contributor's sites and hope that you will all help to spread the word. He needs our help, both moral and financial. Please do what you can. I have. Thanks - rg
Cross posted from Radarsite
Published by Wake Up America - January 4, 2008
This is not an article. I'm not looking for votes on Real Clear Politics. I'm not looking to impress anyone with my knowledge or my considered opinions. This will not be heavily edited or clearly thought out. I'm too damned angry for that.
This is a cry of outrage, a shout of FIRE in the crowded theater. This is a four letter obscenity aimed directly at those of you amongst us who are allowing this travesty of justice to take place, who are actually promoting it.
Whatever research has been done by me in order to write this was done long before I decided to do it. If I don't write this piece, and write it right now, then I'm not worth the effort it takes to read my stuff.
Today, posted by Deb Hamilton of Right Truth in Real Clear Politics is an article about the British blogger Lionheart. Lionheart is facing arrest if he returns to Britain. He is facing arrest for doing something and for doing it well. He has written about the invasion of his native land by Muslims. And he has called a spade a spade. And today WE DO NOT CALL A SPADE A SPADE. It is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN TO CALL A SPADE A SPADE. Or to call the ISLAMIC MENACE an ISLAMIC MENACE.
God help us!
The Multicultural Thought Police ARE REAL, folks. THEY ARE HERE NOW. This is no longer some clever literary device, this is reality. HE IS FACING ARREST. For writing TRUTHFULLY about Islam.
Today it is Britain, but tomorrow it is us --"
Lionheart has committed the unpardonable cultural offense of writing the truth about Islam. He has actually gone so far as to criticize Islam. THIS is his crime. He has committed a Hate Crime. And for this dreadful Hate Crime he is actually facing the horrifying prospects of prison. For trying to protect his own country!
My God! How have we let it come to this? When the hell are we going to stop this before it's just too late to stop it? How in hell can you write about a hateful and murderous cult without calling it hateful and murderous? How in hell can you demonize the devil? Just to describe it is to commit the crime.
If these same Hate Laws are enacted and enforced here in the United States -- and we are coming very, very close to this fateful precipice -- every conservative blogger or columnist here who writes -- truthfully -- about this Islamic Menace IS VULNERABLE. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US. And from what I have read of Lionheart's work, I must say that what I have written critically about Islam is ten times more scathing. Ten times more indictable. And I've got plenty of company.
Regardless of the outcome of this particular preposterous and outrageous British case, the mere fact that we in the Western world have allowed it to progress this far is an indictment against our collective intellectual laziness and our lack of courage. We have allowed two terrible monsters to grow to maturity within our midst: the Imperialistic Islamic Menace, and the PC Multicultural liberals who are nourishing this deadly beast to their own bosom.
THIS CANNOT STAND. We must not just read these articles about this latest horror and move on to something else. It's gotten too serious. The threat's too grave. It's gone much too far. We're in some kind of crazy International Stockholm Syndrome. We identify more closely with the criminals than with those who are trying to save us.
Please, before it's too late. NOW IS THE TIME. TOMORROW WILL BE TOO LATE.
Here's his website address. Please write him and give him your support. Write whomever you may think can be helpful. I'm going to.
Here's Deb Hamilton's article:
Here's someplace to write and voice your indignation.
Here's Deb's original article:
Fellow Blogger Lionheart to be arrested for speaking the truth
Fellow blogger Lionheart sent me an email this morning to let me know a warrant has been issued for his arrest. Why? Because he blogs about Islamic terrorism. He says:
I am currently out of the Country and on my return home to England I am going to be arrested by British detectives on suspicion of Stirring up Racial Hatred by displaying written material" contrary to sections 18(1) and 27(3) of the Public Order Act 1986.
This charge if found guilty carries a lengthy prison sentence, more than what most paedophiles and rapists receive, and all for writing words of truth about the barbarity that is living in the midst of our children, which threatens the very future of our Country.
The cultural weapon in the hands of the modern Jihad within Great Britain, silencing the opposition using our own laws against us - The Dumb Filthy Kaffir's as the Moslem would say to his children behind closed doors.
What has become of my homeland, the land my forefathers fought and died for on the battlefields of the world when one of their children is forced into the position of facing years in prison for standing up for what is right and just within British society.
At least my words of truth have obviously now reached people's eyes and ears, with the powers that be now intent on silencing me - Third World Tyranny in a supposed 21st Century democracy!
I wonder if the Moslem peer Lord Ahmed was one of the people behind trying to silence me, I did wonder about why he crashed his car and nearly killed himself over Christmas, let that be a lesson to you - 1 Chronicles 16:22 Saying, “Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.”
How dare any Moslem try and silence the truth from being told by an Englishman about the Islamic enemy in our midst within the British homeland.
Who have I killed, who have I threatened to kill? No one, all I have done is written about my reality on a computer screen, and now I face going to prison in my own country for standing up for myself and others.
What has happened to those who threatened my life or who have killed my friends - NOTHING - This is British justice in the 21st Century - Shove your British Labour justice because it is worthless to the Englishman whose country this is, whose country you have destroyed.
Who blew up trains and buses on 7/7, who tried blowing up cars in London and Glasgow, who is seeking to detonate a dirty bomb upon the streets of Great Britain and who believes that non-Islamic territory is to be viewed as 'the house of war and must be converted at all costs', I dont think you will find it is me, but I have no problem with educating others to the threat, the threat that this 'Loony Labour Government' is pretending is not real - The former Home Secretary knew what he was talking about. [snip]
I do not want to go to prison for many years for standing up for my children and other childrens futures, it is an injustice within what is supposed to be a civilized democratic society and people need to know what is happening, that my government is now seeking to silence me from speaking the truth about the war that has been declared against us all.
Today it is me and my blog and tomorrow it is you and your blog.
Please help me get this message out there by raising the awareness of this injustice, then my State Sanctioned arrest will not be in vain.
Please keep coming back because this is all I will now be posting on - My life and my freedom now hangs in the balance after all.
In service of the King - Jesus - The Lion of the tribe of Judah
Lionheart... (continue reading)
If you are a regular reader here at Right Truth, you know that I have quoted Lionheart on several occasions. Go visit his site, leave him some words of encouragement, pray for him and his family, and pray to God that you are not next. Spread the word, others are:
What Lionheart cries out is true. If you criticize Islam in the West for anything you will be prosecuted.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with him. And if he is convicted, I will pray that he is safe from harm, facing the lion's den with the knowledge that the Lord is by his side.
It worked for Daniel.
Lionheart should comne to the US. Problem is, the Obama Justice Dept would probably extradite him to the UK.
ReplyDeleteSo the UK dumps its freedom of speech to satisfy the Muslims.
What cowardice!
The next election in Britain should have the Labour Party dumped into the gutter where they belong, and hopefully a great man or woman will step forward and lead the British down the path of righteousness. Where are the Churchill's and Thatcher's when you need them most?
ReplyDeleteIt's bad enough that one has to go into hiding to save one's life, let alone be charged with hate crimes from the same bloody lot looking to take his life.
Lionheart, you must be a strong man mentally and spiritually for God to have put you through so much; God must have great plans for you.
Roger and Lionheart: the courage it's taking to bring this truth to light is staggering. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.
ReplyDeleteLionheart should know that he may be a target going to and from court. Mafia Kingpin Ya'acov Alperon in Israel was killed in this way a number of weeks ago in this way.
ReplyDeleteWe are each small pieces in the bigger game of life that is now unfolding upon the Earth, each with our own responsibilities.
ReplyDeleteThe future we cannot see is the end prize and final scenario that we are now walking towards.
War has been declared against us and there can only be one winner, them or us no middle ground.
Western elites who are in control of our Nations cannot control a religion, they have opened the doors of hell upon us...
Will we or wont we win that is the question now?