Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook
A detail of the "Old Testament" Gutenberg Bibles is photographed at the Morgan Library and Museum Monday, May 19, 2008 in New York. For the first time in more than a decade, the Morgan Library and Museum will exhibit all three of its Gutenberg Bibles, the largest number of copies in any single collection. the exhibit opens to the public May 20, 2008 and runs through Sept. 28, 2008. Photo credit: AP via Daylife
In Maryland: A Bible Club for children is prohibited from handing out meeting notices to students. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the prohibition a violation of free speech. Much like the Missouri case profiled below, according to school policy, the Bible Club need only request to distribute their materials. The school took the position that a "third party" needed to approve the request, like the PTA, any sports team...or any government agency. The Bible Club is allowed to meet after school on school property, but is not allowed to notify parents of meeting dates. Decision of the second appeal is pending.
In Los Angeles: A police sergeant was denied promotions (9 times the sergeant claims) and demoted because he quoted scripture on off-duty hours. His lawsuit alleges that this is common practice for the LAPD. The sergeant, when off-duty, is a senior pastor. At the request of an officer's family, he conducted funeral services for the officer, and he quoted Corinthians 6, which mentions the "unrighteous:" fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminates, abusers of themselves with mankind, thieves, the covetous, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners. The officer was in civilian clothing, off-duty and "in a church outside the city."The objection of the LAPD seemed to be the reference to the "effeminates."
In Missouri: A judge ruled that Bibles cannot be handed out to students who want them, but the Koran can be. Here's the rest of the story:
The Gideons, the oldest Christian business and "professional mens association in the U.S. is prohibited from distributing free and unsolicited Bibles to students who want them in Missouri.
The South Iron School District's policy is that outside literature by "various groups under set rules, irrespective of whether the literature is secular or religious" is allowed, and this policy includes accepting materials from atheisits, communists, gay rights, etc.," if a group so requests.
According to WorldNetDaily:
Judge Catherine Perry [in a trial court ruling] issued an order specifically prohibiting distribution of the Bible, and the Bible alone, after calling it an "instrument of religion."Matthew Starver argued the case before the 8th circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis, on behalf of the school district.
She said the district's neutral treatment of literature is unacceptable, because it actually would allow the distribution of the Bible.
The veto power, the judge wrote, must be provided to veto religious, but not secular, literature.According to Starver, Perry's ruling legislated that a "private third party (like the ACLU)" had the right to veto the distribution request of the private applicant (in this case, the Gideons).
Staver said the Constitution simply doesn't allow the Bible to be singled out, like contraband, for special penalties.The ACLU initiated the challenge in 2006. According to Starver, a decision is not expected for about two months
How ironic [Starver said] that in America, until recent times, the Bible formed the basis of education, and now its mere presence is radioactive in the opinion of some judges," he said. "The Founders never envisioned such open hostility toward the Christian religion as we see today in some venues. To single out the Bible alone for discriminatory treatment harkens back to the Dark Ages. America deserves better. Our Constitution should be respected, not disregarded.
The Quran is OK, and other kinds of religious texts; just not the Bible. The Bible alone is impermissible in the public school," he said.
Christians lived and live in times where the possession of a Bible can mean death. Now in the United States, the judicial system is basically outlawing the distribution of the Bible. Pardon my French, but "What the hell!" How long will it be before no one will be allowed to own a Bible?
ReplyDeleteWhat people in the West do not understand is the very grave danger Islam presents to democracy and freedom.
There is absolutely no moral equivalence between Christianity,Judaism and Islam. We must oppose the establishment of Islamic schools in the West. In any campaign against Islamic schools you will no doubt challenged by the assertion that Jews and Catholics have their own schools so why can’t Muslims.
Christianity and Judaism are religions that truly preach peace and love with democracy, freedom and human rights as central to their belief system. Islam is not a religion but a totalitarian ideology invented by an evil criminal, Muhammad.
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ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog this morning and have sent it to some of my friends on Facebook. Hope you'll be getting some more visitors! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteComment to Findalis: Jewish parents would never take their kids out of school over the Bible. They support the separation of Church and State. And religious Jews send their kids to Jewish day schools or yeshivas. So, it's up to Christian parents to fight the fight.
Actually some Jewish parents might boycott a school that promotes Islam and teaches it. When schools cross the line and start teaching one religion over others, that is the time for a boycott.