Published by Wake up America -- December 2, 2007
"The war with Japan is still being fought.
Not on the battle field, but in the business arena".
-- Col. Nate Edwards (Ret.)
Asked if they'd really like to kill a German, the GI in WWII Europe answered Yes 7% of the time. When asked the same question about the Japs in the Pacific the answer was Yes 44% of the time.
What accounted for this tremendous difference in our attitudes towards the Germans and the Japanese? We were in the midst of the bloodiest war the world had ever known, and both the Germans and the Japanese were our bitter enemies. Yet while the American people had no difficulty conjuring up a healthy hatred for the Nazis, and the average GI in the European Theater soon learned to despise his Nazi adversaries, and, holding them in special contempt, eventually had no qualms about shooting the notorious SS troops on sight, none the less, throughout that monumental conflict, as the above statistics suggest, the American people, and the average GI, both held conflicted views about the German people themselves.
Throughout our relatively short national history, we had enjoyed long generational ties with Germany and with Germans. We had learned to admire that advanced Germanic culture and those admirable Teutonic traits of hard work and efficiency, diligence and discipline. We listened appreciatively to their magnificent classical music (which they had all but invented) and avidly studied their writers and philosophers. We shared a common bond, unique to those members of the Western World. And perhaps most importantly, we shared a common religion -- and although it had perhaps become somewhat theologically awkward -- at times we both prayed for victory to the same Christian God.
For these reasons and many more we were, at least partially, able to buy into the argument that the German people were a basically decent people who had either been seduced or terrorized into accepting the lunatic racist visions of the Third Reich. (The degree to which this comforting paradigm still has validity is, of course, highly debatable). But those were our views at the time. And these unspoken cultural ambiguities were often reflected in the actions and attitudes of both adversaries on and off the battlefield. As an example of this subliminal cultural affinity, consider the following statistic: During the entire course of WWII only 2% of Allied POWs died while in European captivity.
Now, what about the Japanese?
In the first place, after December 7, 1941, they were no longer referred to as the Japanese. They were simply, and disdainfully labeled Japs, and later, Nips. Although there was a small but thriving Japanese-American population on the West Coast and on the American island of Hawaii, few if any cultural bonds existed between the Japanese and American peoples. And, of course, after Pearl Harbor, the Japanese-American community was looked upon, somewhat understandably, with growing suspicion. (Our moral justification for the subsequent internment of our Japanese-Americans is a complicated and contentious subject which deserves to be treated in a separate article). Suffice it to say, that the Japanese, unlike the Germans, were a completely different race from a strange and utterly alien culture. Their religion appeared to us to be a weird conflation of Shintoism and Emperor worship, their political ideology was grounded in the unyielding brutal code of the Samurai warrior.
Since the end of the First World War, the Japanese national character had become more and more militaristic, aggressive, imperialistic and -- in a reactionary nationalistic backlash against those cultural inroads made by the Caucasian West into their traditional inbred, closed society -- they had become defensively and virulently racist -- anti-white, anti-Western, anti-colonialist.
Beginning with their brutal and unwarranted invasion of Manchuria in 1931, through the subsequent horrors of their infamous Rape of Nanking, and the innumerable and unimaginable acts of inhumanity committed against captured enemy soldiers and innocent civilians alike, throughout their conquered territories in the Southeast Pacific, the fearsome Japanese soldier accumulated a long, despicable record of sadistic barbarism unmatched in modern times. (An appalling record of rape and government-sanctioned sadism for which they -- unlike the Germans -- have to this day never adequately apologized).
After the Battle of Midway, as the war in the Pacific gradually turned against those at first seemingly-invincible Japanese forces, and as the inevitable and dire fate of the Empire of the Rising Sun became increasingly apparent, the scale of Japanese atrocities grew exponentially.
In stark contrast to that 2% of POWs who perished in European POW camps, an incredible 37% of Allied POWs would die under horrendous conditions in the Japanese prison camps. To be captured by the Japanese during WWII was for many, quite literally, a fate worse than death.
Considering that the American public had first become aware of the Japanese war machine through that treacherous and unprovoked sneak attack on an American Naval Base, during a time of peace, while the Japanese ambassadors were at that very moment meeting their American counterparts at the State Department, the Japanese people quickly became something else; they became Japs. A brutal and inferior race of savages to be distrusted and despised. A race, in short, to be hated.
And hate them we did. We hated them openly, willingly and without reservation. And we didn't just hate their leaders or their armies and their navies, we hated THEM, the Japs themselves, the bloodthirsty, sadistic little squinty-eyed monkeys. We matched their racial hatred of us with our racial hatred of them. No caricature, no obscenity, no epithet could be too vile to describe a Jap. If you were a patriotic American, be you man, woman or child, you automatically hated the Japs. It quickly became a necessary adjunct to our national persona, second nature, like loving your mother and apple pie. It was not only that it was O.K. to hate the Japs, it was considered your sacred duty. And the more fervently you expressed this hate, the more patriotic you became, and the more patriotic you became, the stronger America became.
It was as clear as crystal.
And our hate was essential to the cause, we could not have won the war without it. This natural unquestioned hatred of the enemy -- especially of the Japs -- became our strength and our power, a weapon as necessary to possess in abundance in our arsenals as guns and bombs. It gave purpose to our lives, and was re sanctioned daily by our unified patriotic media and our beloved patriotic movies. This sacred and unmitigated hate fueled our patriotic fervor, and enabled us to put up with those ever-increasing burdens of rationing and deprivations, and to endure those awful but inevitable losses of our loved ones.
In short, hate was good.
In itself, hate was neither moral nor immoral. It was, rather, a natural rational reaction. Hate became the very substance that sustained us, the societal glue that bound us all together. Our imaginations thrived on lurid visions of Jap bestialities -- most of which were unfortunately all too true.
It seemed, somehow we knew, that in a time of war hate was a quality as essential as bravery and courage and sacrifice. This was a truth so obvious to us all that no one ever thought to even question it. No one had ever won a war by learning to dislike their enemy. If they won the war, they won the war by learning how to hate their enemy at least as fervently as their enemy hated them. The whole purpose of all nationalistic propaganda, no matter whose side it was on, was to inspire that all-powerful passion of hate, that genuine, pervasive and relentless hatred of the enemy which is absolutely essential to success in warfare.
Then, finally, the war was over and we had won.
But we had changed.
In 1946, William Wyler released his critically-acclaimed motion picture The Best Years of Our Lives, and immediately it touched the hearts of a war-weary American public. It also showed an unwelcome light on the first cracks in our otherwise confident new peacetime facade.
Basically, the film relates the stories of three GIs returning from the war, and the various problems they encounter as they attempt to readjust themselves to civilian life in a world they hardly recognize. The story opens with the return of a tough, battle-hardened, newly-discharged Army Sergeant, just back from fighting in the Pacific (masterfully played by Frederick March). After one of the most heart-warming homecoming scenes in all of moviedom, he begins that awkward but inevitable process of reacquainting himself with his barely-recognizable grownup children.
Following his college student son's rather underwhelmed reaction to his gifts of hard won Jap war trophies, he listens patiently as the young man proudly announces that he is currently attending lectures at school on World Peace, and learning that in this new Atomic Age we must all learn to get along together and that 'war is never the answer' (thereby inferentially condemning his warrior father who by fighting for his country may have inadvertently transgressed some higher moral code).
Thus it began.
All of those hard lessons we had learned during the war years must now be unlearned and forgotten. As peace settled in those traditional masculine virtues -- strength, courage, duty, loyalty, bravery, honor -- which served society so well in time of war, and had probably saved the very life of that society, were to be gradually shunted aside and devalued, eventually to be replaced by those gentler, more civil feminine virtues of patience, understanding, nurturing, tolerance and love. We were encouraged to become an increasingly passive, self-absorbed, self-indulgent feminine society, a nation obsessed with its health, wealth, weight and security. Soon, our most important national issues would become our civil rights and personal liberties, free speech and gay marriage.
For two successive generations since the end of that great war, we had been undergoing this continuing process of deprogramming and moral readjustment. A whole new vocabulary had emerged to define this new world. Certain words had taken on a subjective moral weight all their own. We still had enemies, but now our most important enemies had become our own words -- words like Prejudice and Racism and Intolerance were now the new enemy. This was the new war we were fighting, a war of words against words. And of all of the words that we were fighting against, none more perfectly embodied the evil nature of our mortal enemy than that most deadly and unconscionable of words -- Hate.
Hate is the very heart and soul of our new enemy; the word Hate itself must be eradicated and expunged forever from our new vocabulary and from our new lives. We must banish Hate from our cities and our towns as the Nazis banished the Jews. We must put up posters at all the entrances to our communities which proclaim: NO PLACE HERE FOR HATE. We must diligently search out Hate wherever it attempts to hide itself and expose it to the bright light of reason.
Our new weapons in this new war would be Openness, Tolerance, and above all, Acceptance of The Other. We had learned our lessons well. Never again would we mistrust The Other merely because they were different from us. Rather, we would enthusiastically embrace these differences. We would especially honor those unique cultural and religious differences, and the more they differed from ours, the more we would respect and honor them.
And if by chance these particular cultures happened to embrace slavery, child abuse, honor killings and the violent suppression and persecution of all other religions and of all of their hapless women, then we shall smile at them and say, This is your culture and your religion and we honor it and respect it and we welcome you into the fold. We open our borders and we open our hearts to you. Because, at all costs, we can no longer tolerate those deadly enemies of Peace -- Prejudice, Intolerance and Racism. Because, as our eager young college student so presciently observed back in 1946, 'in this new Atomic Age we must all learn to get along together, and War Is Never The Answer'.
War is, in fact, the physical manifestation of Hate; therefore, War itself must be our primary enemy. Anyone who proposes War must be the enemy. War will be successfully defeated by the utter eradication of the word Hate. Thus we will maintain our moral equilibrium, the status quo of Peace.
Now, however, we have been attacked once again. This time, a sneak attack even more deadly than the one on Pearl Harbor, with even more loss of life, 2,987 compared to 2,403. This time, it would not even be a military attack against a military target but, rather, a treacherous unprovoked attack against innocent civilians, people going to work in the morning.
We had been attacked by people who hate us so badly that they would gladly die to kill us. They hate us and our Western culture with such passion that they spill out onto their streets in droves daily to stomp on our flag and to burn our president in effigy. We are, they scream and shout at us, the Great Satan, and they have promised to wipe us off the face of the earth. Driven by an unyielding religious fervor, they will not be dissuaded nor deterred in their righteous jihad until they have fulfilled their sacred promise to destroy us.
What, then, is our national response to this violent onslaught?
We are unsure, we remain confused and conflicted, we can barely conjure up a reasonable facsimile of anger without it generating some immediate liberal moral backlash. We have gutted our military and outlawed our masculinity and rendered ourselves all but defenseless. Half of our nation believes we are at war and half of our nation doesn't. We live nervously in our Cowardly New World of clever obfuscations and elaborate denials, we cower behind a wall of euphemisms and confront our enemy's virulent hatred with the only weapons we have left, those pitiful weapons of Tolerance and Understanding. We attempt to defend ourselves against the Murderous Beast by pretending that he's really not there. We would rather be dead than be impolite. We refuse to identify our enemies for fear of offending them.
We have forgotten how to fight back, we only know how to talk. We have forgotten that omnipotent power of hate; foolishly, we have systematically eliminated the most powerful weapon in our arsenal. We have thoroughly expunged that dreaded word from our vocabulary, and we have declared that the word War is now our real enemy.
In summation, we're in serious trouble.
If we are to survive as a nation, as a free and honorable people, if we are to survive as a viable Democracy, we must once and for all abandon all the lies and obfuscations. We must make all euphemisms illegal. We must go all the way back to 1945 and relearn that cold hard masculine vocabulary of War.
To live, we must learn how to hate again. For without the strength of that unmitigated and unquestioned passion, weakened by our own civility, we will most assuredly perish, subsumed in the onrushing tsunami of our enemy's unanswered rage.
Comments cross posted from Wake Up America:
Another great article, timely and right on! Roger, the difference in Germany and Japan is simple. Japan attacked us on American soil, Germany did not.
This should be a warning to the half of Americans who cannot muster up the appropriate form and amount of hate for our present enemy -- Islamic terrorists. This enemy must be defeated, no other option. Get with the program or we both halves of Americans will suffer.
Debbie | Homepage | 12.03.07 - 1:12 am | #
Excellent, Roger, very well stated.
As I see it, these anti-hatists would do us all a world of good if they took their practice to the Middle East and taught that to them first.
Get Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and such to desire to live without hate and we can follow suit.
As former Israeli Premier, Golda Meir once said, We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate.
LewWaters | Homepage | 12.03.07 - 1:21 am | #
Thank you, Roger for an excellent clarification of the hate issue.
There are some critical differences in this war.
1. We can not identify a single state or alliance of states as the enemy. Those seeking to torment and destroy us come from many nations.
2. We can not identify a single "race" as the enemy. Our enemy is multi-racial, comprised of Arabs, Asians, Negroes, Latinos & Caucasians; some recruited, most descended of conquered tribes and nations.
3. Our enemy wears no uniform, no badge when it strikes; instead it wears a false religion as a camouflage.
Because Islam is falsely labeled as a religion; associated with prayer, charity, spirituality, poetry & philosophy it is immunized from well deserved hatred & retaliation.
Our elected leaders declare Islam to be "a great religion of peace" when, in fact, it is a war machine; an amalgamation of plagiarized and contrived scripture, ancient pagan ritual and rabble rousing rants that would do Hitler proud. They won't name Islam as the enemy, instead they talk about radicals or extremists who have hijacked it.
They ignore the fact that Islam's canon of scripture describes Muslims as Allah's slaves, purchased for the purpose of war in return for admission to Paradise when they are killed in battle [9:111],
They ignore the fact that the Qur'an mandates fighting [2:216], commands perpetual war against pagans [8:39]; Jews & Christians [9:29] until only Allah is worshiped and we are subdued and pay extortion.
They ignore the fact that Islamic tradition, biography & history are full of glorification & incentivization of Jihad.
They ignore the fact that Moe started 86 wars in the final decade of his career.
They ignore the fact that Islamic law requires the Caliph or Imam to mount at least one military expedition against us in every year.
The process of recognizing the enemy and formulating a proper attitude of hatred & contempt begins with learning his doctrine. For this purpose I exhort everyone to read the Qur'an and Bukhari's Hadith. You can find links to them in my latest blog post: Tolerance Must Be Reciprocal.
Ben | Homepage | 12.03.07 - 3:16 am | #
Great job Roger, and welcome back!
Cyber Pastor | Homepage | 12.04.07 - 6:12 am | #
The war with Japan is still being fought.
Not on the battle field, but in the business arena.
Japan owns most of Rockerfeller Center and has interests in many US companies.
Recently, their giant advertising agency DENTSU harrassed an American Employee to the point of a federal lawsuit.
We must recognize the war has shifted, but it still continues. We must keep America strong militarily and fiscally.
The Japanese CEO Toyo Shigeta, of DENTSU, should be treated almost as an enemy combatant. How dare a foreign company treat American employees as they treated the man in the lawsuit?
Col. Nate Edwards (Ret.) | 12.04.07 - 11:24 am | #
Col. Edwards, if only Congress would understand that, we would be in better shape.
spree | Homepage | 12.04.07 - 11:28 am | #
Thank you for that interesting contribution Col. Edwards. I agree with you completely and I salute you.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 12.04.07 - 4:13 pm | #
All hate is self hate.
Mr. Golyadkin | 12.04.07 - 11:33 pm | #
Sounds pretty catchy Mr. G., but it just ain't true.
Hate is not always some sort of psychological transference of a self-destructive impulse. It's not always a sign of moral sickness or weakness.
Hate is a legitimate emotion, like love or fear, and sometimes, under certain circumstances, it's quite appropriate. Sometimes, as I tried to point out in that article, it's even essential as a source of strength.
I'm sorry, but if an enemy hates you enough to want to kill you, and is attempting to do just that, clever words like yours just won't help us.
It would be wonderful to live in a world where hate was unnecessary, but I'm afraid we're not quite there yet. And until we are, hate is a weapon we still need in our arsenal. You can not win a battle against people you merely dislike; your lack of passion will be your downfall.
Save your pacifist wisdom for a battle against other pacifists. Against naked aggression your lofty sentiments are useless.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 12.05.07 - 2:09 am | #
Brilliant blast, Roger!!! You put Golyadkin right in its place: the septic tank.
Ben | Homepage | 12.05.07 - 3:01 am | #
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 12.05.07 - 3:20 am | #
I certainly wish hate were not as effortless as it is...hmmmm, too wishful?
Unfortunately some people are in too much of a hurry for a "Star Trek: Next Generation" world...no one gets there alive if we chose to continue down the mamby pamby route that has been taken up.
CK out the NYT OpEd page today; Friedman conjures up an Iranian NIE (assume this is easy for him...all you gotta do is hate, right?). Dowd is all over the "intel that suits the prez," as though she and the Left doesn't do that very same thing, except MUCH louder. And of course, The Board points to the "hate of America" with the most obvious symptom being President Bush.
It will be nice when Bush is out of office so we can get back to the Love Fest we would prefer to pretend surrounds us.
Nicely writ
Blandly Urbane | Homepage | 12.05.07 - 3:07 pm | #
He does write well.
spree | Homepage | 12.05.07 - 3:29 pm | #
Thanks Spree. I'll bet Mr. G. doesn't think so.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 12.05.07 - 7:53 pm | #
Comments cross posted from Faultline USA:
Douglas V. Gibbs said...
folks forget that peaceful Muslims are peaceful despite Islam, not because of it. . . but, there are peaceful Muslims out there though few, and silent.
Thu Dec 06, 11:12:00 PM 2007
Roger W. Gardner said...
Good point Douglas.
However, we seem to be the only ones conflicted about this issue. The Islamists have no difficulties at all defining their enemies -- they are at war with the Infidel, which of course is you and me. For them it is quite simply Islam against the unbelievers. They're not wasting a lot of their time trying to figure out who are the "moderate infidels" amongst us, they are not bothered by these discreet distinctions. All infidels are equally guilty. Whether they are men, women or children, soldiers or civilians, all infidels are equally guilty in the eyes of Islamists. And -- as we saw on 9/11, they all will be subjected to the same fate.
Our current moral confusion is, I fear, no match for their clear and focused hatred. Somehow, we have to wake up, before it's too late.
Thu Dec 06, 11:50:00 PM 2007
Faultline USA said...
What a courageous piece! It will no doubt be twisted by those who HATE traditional conservative values. You have described quite beautifully the deadly contagion of xenophilia – the inordinate affection for unknown objects or human beings. It is the opposite of xenophobia.
Fri Dec 07, 06:54:00 AM 2007
Wuttisak said...
Nice blog. I will keep reading. Please take the time to visit my blog about Orchid Care
Fri Dec 07, 10:50:00 AM 2007
TexasFred said...
That is a great piece of writing, and so true... Thank you for the visit, I DO appreciate it...
Fri Dec 07, 05:43:00 PM 2007
GUYK said...
Fri Dec 07, 06:21:00 PM 2007
Richard Disney said...
You have enunciated very well part of what I mean when I tell people we need to fight this war "World War Two Style". It is amazing how many foggy stares I encounter when I talk about breaking the enemy's will to fight and pummeling the enemy into submission as though people think that is no longer possible. We defeated Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan in less than five years. To do that we had to hate our enemies. The time to just get along is after the war is over. Yes we are at war and yes, our enemies hate us. We had better have the stones to hate them back.
Sat Dec 08, 05:19:00 PM 2007
Roger W. Gardner said...
Well, I must say, I'm pleasantly surprised to find so much apparent agreement out there over my obviously controversial article, which seems to be promoting Hate, and therefore could be so easily misconstrued and attacked.
Thank you all for taking the time to read it.
If I felt that what this world -- and especially this country -- needed right now was more tolerance and understanding, that's what I'd be calling for.
But, it appears that many of you agree, that this is just what we don't need. That what we do need is to somehow strengthen our resolve, to reach back into our honorable history and bring back some of the old time Yankee courage.
Thanks for your thoughtful comments.
Sat Dec 08, 05:37:00 PM 2007
Anonymous said...
Well done Roger..
Tue Dec 11, 10:00:00 AM 2007
Cross posted to Faultline USA -- December 6, 2007
Cross posted to Chron Watch Forum - December 3, 2007
ReplyDeleteWhat more can we add? Magnificent piece. We shall forever be your fan!