Published by Wake Up America - September 21, 2007
"An article that echoes the sentiments of all thinking people.
Sadly these thoughts are never heard in the corridors of power".
-- DFO Australia
Earlier this week, in a truly frightening post on Susan Duclos’ Wake up America blog, a new and appalling terror threat was revealed. Referred to as “Jihad Boom”, this latest outrage against humanity involves nine postcards mailed out to nine public schools in the Florida area, containing graphic bomb threats, specifically targeting these schools and their children.
If this isn’t a “wake up call”, then I don’t know what more it would take.
It’s time to take off the gloves, America. It’s time for new rules of engagement.
To prepare ourselves for this battle we must begin by taking a refresher course in self-defense. Our first lesson must be to insure that we have a clear and unobstructed understanding of what it is we are defending and, further, we must firmly believe that it is indeed worth defending.
We are living in an new era, the Age of Unreason. We are being ruled by a ruthless and unyielding dictator who hides under the benign title of Political Correctness. This tyrant requires nothing less of us than our complete and unquestioning obedience to his rules of conduct. His ironclad laws permeate every area of our existence, even penetrating into our innermost thoughts. He vigorously supports and enforces these regulations through a formidable array of propaganda, misinformation and outright lies.
Like all tyrants and professional propagandists, he propagates these lies through an effective combination of coercion, intimidation and endless repetition. The tyrant succeeds when the people eventually weaken and become completely and utterly convinced that the tyrant’s agenda is the only path to real truth, and that the goal of righteousness — i.e. “right thinking” — can only be achieved by the strictest adherence to his dictates.
Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong all thoroughly understood these principles and used them masterfully. Their followers were not merely loyal, they were rapturous in their zeal.
And God help the dissenters.
As George Orwell famously pointed out in his prescient “1984″, in order to control the people’s thinking, one must first control their language. We have unwittingly succumbed to a new form of Doublespeak; it is called Multiculturalism. We have been told what we can say and what we cannot say. We have been taught the right way to think and the wrong way to think. To our shame, we have meekly acquiesced without debate to this insane suspension of disbelief. The foundation of this monstrous lie is the incredible premise that all people are basically the same and are all driven by the same general motivations.
Not only is this statement completely unfounded, it is inherently preposterous. We have been coerced into accepting the ludicrous idea that all peoples, and all nations are operating under the same precepts of universal justice and morality.
The only differences between them, we are assured, lie in their unique customs and rituals. We are forbidden to even acknowledge that there may in fact be some manifest differences between cultures more meaningful and profound than mere customs.
We are forbidden to even comment on the individual characteristics of different peoples or different races. Anyone attempting to broach this taboo subject is immediately met with loud admonishments of “racism” or “prejudice”.
However, even more proscribed than a critical appraisal of differing races is any form whatsoever of objective criticism of anyone’s religion — anyone’s, that is, but our own. This breach of the rules of Doublespeak is considered to be the highest form of Multicultural treason.
We are precluded from making even the most obvious and benign observations of the world around us. Multiculturalism has become our new religion; a religion based upon a revealed truth which we have been forbidden to question. To merely frame the question constitutes the crime.
Case in point: All nations and peoples, we are reminded repeatedly, are to be considered equal: yet, when was the last time you heard about a bloody revolution in Scandinavia?
Now, how about in South America?
I am not a racist, I am a culturist. Culture matters. Although this statement will undoubtedly be considered the highest form of Multicultural heresy, I’m going to say it anyway. There are superior and inferior cultures. I realize that, to some, this smacks of Nazi Arianism, but it’s nonetheless true. And that’s what this conversation is all about — breaking free of the shackles of Doublespeak and finding the courage to speak the truth.
As former Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick put it so succinctly, “Americans need to face the truth about themselves, no matter how pleasant it is.” We are simply the greatest, most honorable, most generous, most judicious nation in the world. Our advanced Western culture isn’t just different from that Middle Eastern version of Islam, which is causing the world so many problems right now — it is vastly superior to it. We have progressed a thousand years beyond their backward-looking medieval and barbarous practices. We don’t decapitate our journalists, teach our innocent young children to be suicide bombers or stone our adulterers. We don’t say it’s our religion or death. We don’t murder our cartoonists or our writers.
As Dinesh D’Souza phrased the questions so accurately — When was the last time you heard about a Muslim invention that didn’t involve bomb-making? Or, when was the last time a Muslim made the world’s headlines for something other than terrorism?
To be forbidden to make these blatantly obvious comparisons between peoples and cultures, to be forced to ignore these self-evident truths in the name of some delusional concept of Political Correctness is not only grossly dishonest, it is becoming increasingly self-destructive.
How can we defeat an enemy whom we have been forbidden to even identify, for fear of demonizing the Devil?
We are a superior civilization who has been infected by an inferior civilization who is attempting to destroy us from within. We are being intimidated and threatened and we have been told that to fight back in any way against this vicious enemy is both unjust and immoral.
Somehow, and very soon, we must cut through this miasma of Multicultural deception and grasp the truth. We must call a spade a spade.
These imminent threats to our very existence are not coming from the Irish or the French; nor the Hindus or the Catholics or the Jews. They are coming from the Muslims; and those Muslims who most closely follow the teachings of the Prophet are the terrorists; while those so-called “moderate Muslims” are, in the Islamist’s view, considered apostates, and for the most part have chosen to remain mum.
We must fight back, and we must fight with the weapons of truth.
I’m not willing to wait until our children have been slaughtered –
are you?
Comments cross posted from Wake Up America:
"We are living in an new era, the Age of Unreason. We are being ruled by a ruthless and unyielding dictator who hides under the benign title of Political Correctness. This tyrant requires nothing less of us than our complete and unquestioning obedience to his rules of conduct. His ironclad laws permeate every area of our existence, even penetrating into our innermost thoughts. He vigorously supports and enforces these regulations through a formidable array of propaganda, misinformation and outright lies."
That is arguably the most profound statement of our time.
And amen to it.
Hawk | Homepage | 09.21.07 - 8:05 pm | #
he writes good doesn't he?
Great Job Roger.
spree | Homepage | 09.21.07 - 8:06 pm | #
Thank you Hawk. I left a special notice to all of you in the group. You guys are all great!
And thank you Spree, once again.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.21.07 - 8:51 pm | #
Excellent article Rogerguy...I just sincerely wish more people would wake up and see the danger before their eyes!
Miss Beth | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 12:53 am | #
Roger, I know I will take a beating for this , but I for one did not think your article was "Excellent" I did find it rather good and almost on point. Perhaps I am just mistaken on my understanding as well but we will see. I agreed with you that multiculturalism is killing us. It is growing an entire generation that has no sense of identity. Every one wants to be African American, Italian American, Irish American, when in fact they are just American. Political correctness is also killing us and I agree there. I thought you made good points on both topics. Where I do draw the line is where you said that there were indeed "inferior" people.
Would you then toss aside the Declaration of Independence that tells all Americans that all men were created equal?
To be inferior means to be "less important, less valuable,or less worthy." Surely you can not mean that.
If this were true based on the culture of people then the slaves were justly enslaved because they were "inferior" they did no acts of science and culture, they cut the heads off of people, so they deserved it? The American indian was justly wiped out then because of his inferiority? I dont know if this is getting too long so I will continue in another post
JMC | 09.22.07 - 2:51 pm | #
All men were created equal. I will agree with my founding fathers on that one. All that is different is that we are privileged enough to have grown up in a place where the founding fathers opened the eyes of the people around them and for generations to come a new way of life and liberty that ensures the unalienable rights of it people. It is because of that ,that we are privileged to have escaped the trappings of theocracies like you have in the middle east. It is because of that , that we dont just execute but we try by juries. Does this make us superior? NO! It puts us in a better state of being and a more livable and enjoyable and justified existance but it does not mean that we are somehow worth more. If we are superior and they inferior then why not just nuke Iraq and get them out of the way? Because we recognize the worth of all human life on the same level and are trying to open the eyes of the people of what they are trapped in. again I will continue below
JMC | 09.22.07 - 2:56 pm | #
you say we dont "decapitate our journalists" NO your right, but we do have a number of people who throw babies in dumpsters and in trash cans. "we dont teach our children to be suicide bombers and stone adulterers" No we dont , we just dont teach our children at all, and we put our adulterers in the white house. "we dont say its our religion or death" No we just declare war on religion."we dont murder our cartoonists or our writers" No we praise them when they glorify murder and break moral boundaries. I am not saying that we should kill them or start practicing the muslim way of life FAR BE IT! What I am suggesting is that what we think is awful about them, they think is equally awful about us.
I would not say that any one is inferior. are they misguided? perhaps, are they twisted perhaps, but life is life and people are people and sometimes we need to give those people a chance to open their eyes before we declare them inferior and send them off to the gas chambers. Perhaps they are happy in their lifestyle even after they see what we offer. then let them live it.
A doctor is not superior to a plumber because he has a higher education. the doctor can not fix a pipe and a plumber can not fix a heart, neither is inferior.
again I will continue one last time
JMC | 09.22.07 - 3:07 pm | #
I just moved to a new neighborhood. my old one no one talked to eachother and no one helped each other out. Yet in my new neighborhood we all help eachother out. My neighbor broke his leg and for the last couple months everyone has taken turns to mow his lawn. My drive way washed out in a storm we had and without asking my neighbors all came and helped me fill it back in. We had a guy with a leaky roof and we pitched in to help him. We have each other over for dinner, we watch for each others kids, we treat every one like we would want to be treated. I didnt grow up in a place like that. I grew up where neighbors treated each other like crap. When I came to my new place was I "inferior" because my new neighbors cared for the value of eachother some time even over themselves? No I was shown a new way to live and it opened my eyes. Now I enjoy living side by side with those I consider my equals , my friends, my neighbors.
Please tell my you dont actually believe that some people on this earth are inferior because of the culture they were brought up in. Disadvantaged yes, but more reason to celebrate the United States Citizenship we were all blessed to be born under. More reason to spread our love and generosity and not our hate and lord over any one .
please correct me if I misspoke. I will gladly listen to you and would like to understand greater where your idea of inferiority is meant to fit in.
JMC | 09.22.07 - 3:14 pm | #
Yes, JMC -- the poor jihadis are just disadvantaged -- there, does that make you feel better. The differences I'm writing about are not the same as differences between doctors and plumbers -- and somehow, in spite of yourself, I think you know that. I also think that you know exactly what I meant but purposely chose to ignore it so that you could get up on your soapbox and preach to us.
Your liberal BS is exactly what I'm fighting against. You think that you are fighting the good fight on the side of the angels. You are so self-satisfied with your borrowed opinions. In reality all you are doing with your liberal nonsense is aiding and abetting the enemy.
Do you honestly think that by reframing my clearly defined positions to fit into your tired old arguments that I'm going to change them?
If anything you only serve to validate everything I'm writing about.
There are indeed superior and inferior cultures, for precisely the reasons that I put forth.
And yes, I would definitely bomb Iran and not think twice about it.
In your misguided view you still think that this all boils down to a gentlemanly debate, it's just a matter of semantics. Well, I'm sorry JMC, but you're wrong. It is a matter of life and death. And you are on the wrong side.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 4:26 pm | #
Kill all Jihadim.
No dot com.
Zap them all.
Snooper | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 4:59 pm | #
There you go, Snooper!
You always manage to get right to the heart of it.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 5:02 pm | #
Lock and load, amigo!
We can't afford to sit around and "negotiate" with them.
The more we sit and talk, the more they laugh at us and plot more destruction.
Saddle up!
Hawk | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 5:15 pm | #
Roger, it wasnt so clearly defined because I actually wanted to know where you stood. Apparently you really do think there are certain people who are of less human than others.
I am no liberal sir, and I didnt mean to come across as on a soap box if that is how it was. I wanted to get to the bottom of what you were saying.
I did not need you to insert your sarcasm with the "poor jihadists" they are clearly enemy combatants, but as someone who has faced them in battle trust me when I say they are just as human as you and I and thus there is hope.
If there is no hope for the "inferiors" then lets just blow them up and bring our troops home because we are just wasting time with an "inferior" group who will never change.
I knew I would be immediately assaulted by you. Your way or the Highway. what else is to be expected from a man who views others as inferior.
There is a healthy view of the enemy sir and then there is a hatred that makes you no better than the enemy.
I am sorry you are so offended that I put forth my views and they were different. I am sorry that you did not get a full hug and embrace for your ideas from me but such is the wonderful idea that we can think and speak freely.
I stated I would gladly listen to you But listening to you talk and listening to you bash are two different things. I apologized in my original posting if I was mistaken and yet you offered no further explanation , you just offered condemnation and sarcasm. I am sorry to see that.
I am sorry to spree that it took me four posts to get my idea across, I will try to cut it down. and talk shorter and for the sake of discussion post in increments so as not to come across on a soap box and perhaps settle any questions in shorter form.
I am sorry roger it looks like we will just have to agree to disagree.
JMC | 09.22.07 - 5:19 pm | #
See, that is where I disagree JMC, I thought Rogers intent was clearly defined and obvious even.
spree | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 5:36 pm | #
No, I no longer just agree to disagree with liberals such as yourself. You are wrong. You are not only wrong but you are hurting our country. You are giving the enemy a podium to speak from.
You are stuck in exactly the same place as those delusional students and faculty at Columbia. You STILL think that we are in the debating stage with our enemies. What is it going to take for you to wake up? A nuclear bomb on New York City? The slaughter of our innocent children?
You brought up the American Indians, so I'll be more than happy to deal with that subject -- in fact, this is a perfect example of what I'm writing about.
The culture of the American Indian was primitive and brutal. It had remained virtually unchanged for ten thousand years. The differences between the Indians of, say, 9,000 years B.C. and the Indians of the 19th century is almost non-existent.
During the last two thousand years Western civilization grew and changed and flourished.
The differences between those inhabitants of the Western world at the time of Christ and now is incalcuable.
Does this mean that I think it's that all right to kill Indians? No.
Does this mean that I'm happy that those representatives of our Western world won out and subsumed that brutal and stagnant Inferior culture into their own higher culture? Absolutely.
And, if you're not happy about that outcome, then either you're delusional or you should move to a reservation.
Multiculturalists like yourself, pick one or two traits out of an otherwise backward and unproductive culture and go on and on about it. The American Indian becomes a "Noble Savage".
I can only wonder, if you have read any of the accounts of white captives who have survived the tortures of their brutal captivity, why your side always seems to conveniently neglect these rather obvious truths?
The American Indians had many admirable traits; but am I glad that our side won? You're damn right I am.
You see yourself as a reasonable person attempting to take part in a reasonable debate with an unreasonable man.
I see you as an enemy.
And I do not just agree to disagree with you. I will fight you every chance I get.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 6:22 pm | #
One thing more. You said that you have fought for your country. If that is indeed the case then I truly honor your sacrifice and thank you for your service. To me, it only makes it all the sadder that you are on the wrong side of this critical question.
You further state that you are not a liberal -- yet all of your talking points are straight out of the liberal's playbook.
When I was growing up, and we went to the movies, there was little doubt when watching our favorite Westerns who the good guys and the bad guys were. The good guy was wearing a white hat and was being chased by about a dozen Indians. He' d swing around in the saddle a fire one shot from his six-shooter and five Indians would fall off their horses.
Then the sixties and seventies rolled around. And the surest way of alienating yourself from everyone at that cocktail party (including all the good-looking women) -- worse than the worst case of BO -- was daring to say anything at all critical about the noble American Indians.
Both extremes were a travesty of history.
The truth, however, was pretty simple.
An inferior civilization had been conquered and subsumed by a superior civilization.
The way in which these wars were conducted was inevitably murderous and brutal.
But the right side one. Period.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 7:03 pm | #
Sorry for the typo. "one" should obviously be "won".
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 7:07 pm | #
JMC---I think (and Roger, correct me if I'm wrong in my assumption) the keystone here is indeed a misunderstanding.
Roger is not saying PEOPLE are inferior--he's saying the CULTURES are inferior. There's a huge difference there.
And I have to agree, the entire islam culture is indeed inferior in that it has stagnated and come to a grinding halt. It took the rantings of a misogynisitc madman and grew from that poisoned fruit into the very real threat we see and face today. Their own "holy" (and I use that term very loosely) book exhorts extreme violence toward all who do not agree while suppressing fully 1/2 of the population (women), including sexual mutilation, stonings, honor killings, considering rape victims as criminals (as long as it's women, of course). I find nothing, NOTHING redeeming about the culture.
I DO see a people who is yearning for freedom, a chance to grow and become a part of the 21st century--and yet they have no clue how to do so because they've been repressed by the thugs for so long. The steps are tentative, yes...but they are there.
The culture is pure poison. They are reminiscent of two year olds who, when they don't get their way, go on a screaming rampage of violence. It can be seen simply by how they've been stewards to their lands.
Israel, forced onto a small, rocky, barren area, while the best lands went to others, has turned that country, that barren land, into an oasis. Look at the lands surrounding her. Is it any wonder everyone wants Israel? And yet, what would they do with her once they got her? Simple--destroy her as they've destroyed their own lands.
No, JMC, I don't think it's the PEOPLE Roger means--I believe it's the CULTURES.
Miss Beth | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 7:08 pm | #
I repeat...
Kill all Jihadim.
No dot com.
Zap them all.
I have faced them in battle and they are NOT, repeat, NOT on the same moral plane as we are. We respect life. We abhor war. But, if we are to have a war, let us win the damn thing and be done with it.
It IS that simple.
My son will now face them in battle and the likes of the troll JMC, a supporter of the losers of ReidCo do nothing but enable and embolden the enemy.
When we get done with this war, they are next.
Snooper | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 7:09 pm | #
Thank you, Miss Beth. That is of course exactly my meaning. The only thing I might disagree with you about is whether our friend truly "misunderstood" my statements, or deliberately conflated them with racist and prejudicial rantings, in order to make his liberal talking points. I suspect the later.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 7:31 pm | #
I'm in a somewhat mellow mood today--it's dark, cloudy and stormy and I'm watching movies with my daughter with intermittent spurts of cleaning up a bit. Been a very long week, completely emotionally exhausting and I just need to rest. So, in my mellowness, I'm trying to give benefits of the doubt--for the moment.
Miss Beth | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 7:45 pm | #
I think perhaps I might see things a little differently about those people who are trynig to be free. Just as with Germany after 1939, after that country began invading other countries and slaughtering the Jews, what those "good German people" really thought about Hitler quickly became a moot point. Unfortunately, we had to defeat Germany, not just the Nazis.
The time left for these "good Muslims" to get on the right side of history is fast approaching -- especially in Iran.
If things keep going in the same direction -- just as with Germany in the 40s -- the Western world will be forced to react. And it might be exceedingly difficult to separate out the "good Iranians" from the" bad Iranians".
I truly hope that things will take a whole other direction. But right now it doesn't look to hopeful.
Miss Beth, I think I know exactly where you're coming from, and you are being kind and reasonable. And much of what you say is true. It's just that I fear events are, once again, going to overtake reason.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 7:46 pm | #
Ben posted an excellent post over at my place yesterday about moderate muslims trying to break free and calling for the eradication of the violent verses in the koran and titled Muslims Against sharia...I linked the site to mine and to me, it shows a hope of those trying to break free of the murderous culture. Here's the link:
Miss Beth | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 7:48 pm | #
I'm sorry, Miss Beth. Please -- go on and enjoy your well-deserved quiet time. The same arguments will be here tomorrow.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 7:49 pm | #
Thanks Roger...I'm just so darned drained..I may just go back to bed for awhile (I only slept 12 hours for starters...lol)
luvya, too!
Miss Beth | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 7:53 pm | #
The time to "chat" with the enemy has long passed.
The ONLY reason they want to "chat" is to buy them more time.
Diplomacy does one thing and one thing only...it delays the inevitable. It always has and always will.
Snooper | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 8:15 pm | #
Actually, in thinking more about it, there are plans out there re: Iran that could get the job done without too much loss of civilian life.
We'll see..
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 8:17 pm | #
You're right, Snooper. I agree 100%. The reckoning is coming.
PS: I pray for your son every night.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 8:23 pm | #
Hey Roger - very cool piece. Political Correctness is the very def of intolerance. I gave ye a plug at right truth. Plus, I got to use the word 'eschew' in it!
The superiority of Western Civ is not about 'Guns, Germs and Steel" Or Colonialism, neocolonialism, Imperialism, exploitation, wicked trade practices like mercantilism or capitalism. It's all about unbridaled, free inquiry. Only in the West did it blossum into the age of enlightenment.
courtneyme109 | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 8:31 pm | #
Miss Beth, thank you for being calm and talking to me.
I have been stewing over this in my mind for quite some time now, I even went and re read the article.
I suppose my hang up is where you pointed out. The separation of people and culture.
I don't really see them as two distinct things. I think calling a culture inferior is calling a people inferior. Even in the article it states that the differences go deeper than mere customs , so it must mean the people? or am I mistaken. (I am sure that will be bombarded with hate comments)
Make no mistake about it. I think that their ideas are dangerous, I think that their motives are hate, and I would call radical islam an enemy, but I will not call the muslim people inferior. Again I stand with the founding fathers who stated that all men were created equal.
Roger do not call me your enemy and then say you honor my service. You dont even beleive that my intentions here are honest and yet you do not know me.
spree can attest that I have not posted anything in hate. Miss Beth has seen my name here before. I have been respectful , I ask questions when there is a disconnect with my understanding. I would rather ask and gain an understanding than just say stuff like your a liberal, your my enemy. It is a shame that all you can come back with is blasting hatred.
Having you say I am hurting my country SCREW YOU ! you know nothing of the sacrifices I have made, You know nothing of the places I have been, and nothing of the things I have been through. HOW DARE YOU! and that is the first thing I have ever stated in anger and the only thing I have stated with a deliberate agenda. The agenda being to say SCREW YOU! All I wanted was more explanation what I got was ignorant bashing. I am done talking on this subject. I enjoy the site, it is a good source of news and I thought opinions but perhaps not because if you misunderstand or disagree your an enemy.
JMC | 09.22.07 - 9:34 pm | #
I generally let a debate go, especially when I didn't author the original thought provoking article to begin with but I will say this once to all.
Step back, take a deep breath.
Then everyone reread everyone elses answers.
The problem as I see it is everyone is trying to determine an underlying motive towards each others answer.
I see every comment has that element.
It has already been stated that the article DOES separate culture from people...take that at face value JMC.
Roger, JMC has commented here before and he doesn't deal in the hatred of the far liberal left at all.
With that said, JMC, you are offended at Rogers making assumptions about you, well HE also had the right to be offended that after it was explained that the culture and the people were separated, you did exactly what you accused him of doing, you argued about what HE wrote and his intent.
So, everyone, reread each others comments and take them at face value and stop trying to apply "hidden intent" and start dealing with stated intent instead.
spree | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 9:46 pm | #
Absolutely right, Courtney.
I did see your comments and thank you very much.
I just left some comments on your blogsite.
This has proven to be an interesting debate.
We'll see where it goes from here --
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 9:51 pm | #
JMC, I have to disagree with you regarding separating people from cultures, and I'll try to explain.
I believe, FIRMLY, that every child born, is a complete and total innocent, regardless of where or to whom they are born.
The CULTURE they are born into molds them from the moment of birth, the beliefs, the customs, the rituals, all of it stem from the culture that child is born into. It's how they are raised, it's what they know and learn.
Now, here in America, we are blessed to be born into THE greatest nation on earth, with all our freedoms. No other country even comes close--and I think that's illustrated by all those who are coming here, legally or illegally.
Those that are raised in a culture of hate and violence learn hate and violence--again, it doesn't make the person inferior at all--it makes the culture inferior in what it has taught that person.
Then you have those that "buck" their culture, that yearn for something more than the hate and violence--and we're seeing it in Iraq with those struggling for freedom, perhaps for the first time in generations. They're not inferior people, they're trying to break out of an inferior culture. And they're condemned for it.
That's why I gave you the link I gave you above--the Muslims Against Sharia link.
Cultures mold people--it's only rarely people mold cultures and then only when there's a breaking point. And I think that is indeed what our founding fathers were thinking.
Miss Beth | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 10:24 pm | #
Here are two links which shows what Beth is saying. One is called Spoonfed Hatred, morning, noon and night:
The other is the Nature of our enemy:
Add those to the link Beth gave and I think it will help.
spree | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 10:28 pm | #
Hey Spree, where'd you get that cool "I Stand With Israel" Banner in your top left corner? I WANT ONE!!!
Miss Beth | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 10:52 pm | #
Let me grab the URL for you Beth.
spree | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 11:07 pm | #
Beth, easier to just slap it on your site, want me to?
spree | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 11:08 pm | #
Got it up...and the other one in the other corner--to me they're complimentary! Thanks! have them bookmarked now.
Miss Beth | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 11:27 pm | #
All right. I've stepped back for a while and collected my thoughts. And here they are.
If I thought that what this country needed right now was more tolerance and understanding, I'd be calling for more tolerance and understanding. Unfortunately, that is exactly what this country does not need right now. What this country needs right now is clarity and honesty and courage. After having given this whole subject a great deal of thought, I would not change one word of what I wrote -- but I would change two or three words that I mispelled.
We have been, and are being emasculated by Political Correctness. We refuse to acknowledge the enemy even while they're threatening to kill our children. If I sound angry, I am angry. When our enemies start threatening to blow up our school children it has the unusual effect of getting me angry. And I have to ask myself what manner of human being would consider it their right to threaten to kill their enemy's innocent children? And I have no answer to this question. Human beings wouldn't do this.
The troubles that all of Europe and Britain are experiencing right now are not the result of their being racist or intolerant but, rather, the result of their being excessively and indiscriminantly tolerant of a brutal and intolerant violent religious movement. And this fanatical movement is trying to establish itself here on our shores right now.
If we don't start to finally get honest with ourselves we will lose this battle. The liberal PC nonsense that we are being fed only serves to weaken our resolve. And we need all the resolve we can muster up right now to face down an enemy who is filled with resolve -- that uncompromising resolve of religious zeal. What we need right now are people who buiuld up our strength, not people to tear it down -- our enemies are doing a good enough job of that on their own.
We do not need people whose only purpose in life seems to be trying to find something wrong with this country. These forces are in the ascendancy in so many areas of our life. Our children -- as Miss Beth can personally attest -- are being taught to respect our enemies and distrust our own countries motives. Our main stream media is filled with moral-equivallancy and multi-cultural lies. As Faultline has alerted us, even our churches ar being invaded with this deadly virus.
These forces aligned against us are huge and loud. We cannot hope to drown them out with the quiet voice of reason. We have to start getting angry if we're going to win this war for our way of life. We can no longer debate the issues, we have to fight the fight. And we have to win or society as we know it will go down the drain of eternity.
I posed the question in my article of how one would go about explaining the lack of bloody revolutions in Sweden, and their relative common place occurences in South America without talking about culture. To try to explain away these differnces in people and their cultures is misgui
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 11:35 pm | #
[continued] misguided and dishonest.
If we are going to win this war that we are in, we have to start by honestly wanting us to win.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.22.07 - 11:42 pm | #
Right you are Roger!
Those that espouse the destruction/murder of "innocents" primarily the unarmed, then those INFERIOR in intellectual honesty are indeed INFERIOR to all that is honest, decent and upright.
One cannot negotiate with a rabid raccoon.
We tried to "negotiate" terms during a mission that had gone south. They saw it as a weakness and came at us thinking we were "inferior" to them.
We were negotiating THEIR surrender.
We lived.
They died where they stood.
The people we are fighting ARE INFERIOR in all aspect and regards. This doesn't mean that they are stupid.
They are filled with hate. This makes them INFERIOR.
They murder unarmed innocents. This makes them INFERIOR.
They brutalize ALL that go against their ideology. This makes them animalistic, ergo, INFERIOR.
One can paint a turd a pretty color but in the end, all you have is a pretty turd.
Snooper | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 12:30 am | #
As much as I respect and admire you Spree, I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one.
I have no idea what this commenter has said here before, but have no doubt that what he said in his previous comments was exactly as you characterized it. These comments today were the first I have seen.
I honestly do not believe that I was "trying to apply hidden intent". I believe the commenter made their intent quite clear.
The comments begin with what appears to be a perfectly reasonable request for me to clarify my statements used in my article.
However, when we get to those third set of comments the commenters intentions become crystal clear.
"You say we don't decapitate our journalists...BUT..." They then go on to list a whole series of familiar liberal talking points to prove that we are at least as bad as our enemy is, culminating in that perfect example of "moral equivalancy: "what we think is awful about them they think is equally awful about us" !!
We are all just the same. They may be just "misguided".
I'm sorry Spree, but to me this is the enemy talking. The enemy within. People like this are trying to undermine our will. I don't care what they say their intentions might be, the effect is to tear us down and help our enemies.
And, finally, I wasn't the one who said "SCREW YOU!"
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 12:44 pm | #
I agree there Roger you didn't. I also agree that appeasement will kill us, but the intent behind the written word can often be mistaken for actual intent which is why I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they clearly just don't understand that sometime diplomacy IS a weakness because it is seen by our enemies as a weakness which in turn emboldens them.
But having spoken with JMC before, he isn't a liberal, BUT I often see that the media's liberal agenda often rubs off on people that if given all the facts otherwise wouldn't think as they do.
spree | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 1:06 pm | #
Thanks Spree.
I wasn't kidding about admiring and respecting you. Guess where I got that whole idea about having to quit being so reasonable and fight back with a voice at least as loud and angry as theirs?
However, unless someone else continues this argument, I going to just drop the whole thing right now and move along.
Have yourself a good day.
We'll all be watching the Iranian Devil in NYC!
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 1:57 pm | #
Yes, I will be watching people line up to protest. I hope I get good pictures of those protest to post
spree | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 2:10 pm | #
I have someone more interesting to watch...taking my daughter to see Mr Bean's Holiday...lolol
bbiab ya'll
Hawk | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 2:14 pm | #
That is MUCH more interesting, Hawk. Have a great day!
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 3:29 pm | #
Not ONLY was it interesting, but it was hilarious, and my daughter pulled a tooth ALL BY HERSELF...lol.
Hawk | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 5:45 pm | #
Well this is what happens when I go away for two days. I miss all of the conversation! I tried to leave my comments below when Roger first posted his article on PG, but I ran into comment errors, as Roger well knows.
Spree, you made a very insightful comment: � . . . I often see that the media's liberal agenda often rubs off on people that if given all the facts otherwise wouldn't think as they do.�
This is exactly the intent of Multiculturalism!
My Original Comments:
Roger your article is profound and daring! You have committed Multicultural Treason, and you�ve hit the nail right on the head!
The �Jihad Boom� is one more �wake up call� but how many more will it take? Multiculturalism would seem to be a subset of the left�s moral equivalency agenda. But moral equivalency is not quite equivalent. For the Multiculturalists, some races and cultures are �imperialistic� and must be �deconstructed.� A perfect example of this deconstruction is in the ever popular leftist �White Privilege� conferences (aka: the eradication of whiteness). The reason relates to your first lesson in self-defense �that we have a clear and unobstructed understanding of what it is we are defending and, further, we must firmly believe that it is indeed worth defending.� Sad to say, but many Multiculturalists don�t believe that this country is worth defending!
You wisely brought up George Orwell�s 1984. �in order to control the people�s thinking, one must first control their language.� This is absolutely true! One of their favorite forms of �Doublespeak� is the process of redefining and expanding definitions until they become, in effect, the exact opposite of the original definitions. This, of course, happens quite gradually with large and repetitive doses of obfuscation. Another popular linguistic trick is the constant use of the �both/and� argument borrowed from Quantum Physics �wave-particle� duality and not always applicable to large-scale human systems.
I�m glad that you brought up Dinesh D�Souza. I just finished reading his book, The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11. It�s well worth reading, however, his questionable recommendations are to build alliances with Muslims in three critical steps. (1) Stop attacking Islam. (2) Let them govern their own societies, and (3) to level with traditional Muslims about the reasons for our support for Israel. I don�t know that I buy his recommendations, but I do think he has analyzed correctly that the gravest dangers to our own country are from within - coming from the left.
Yes, �We are simply the greatest, most honorable, most generous, most judicious nation in the world.�
You asked, �How can we defeat an enemy whom we have been forbidden to even identify, for fear of demonizing the Devil?�
Well the answer is you. We need far more courageous people like you Roger. You are leading the way out of this Orwellian nightmare!
Faultline USA | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 6:09 pm | #
Nicely said Faultline and welcome home!!! Hows the hubby?
spree | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 6:17 pm | #
You'd better get in touch with the good Tooth Fairy pretty quick, Hawk.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 8:10 pm | #
Already done, Roger, made arrangements for that for tonight when I took her home to her mother after the movie...lol.
Hawk | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 8:14 pm | #
"All men are created equal" does not mean we all have the same inseam, shoe size or IQ. It does not mean we all succeed equally in the economy. It means that nobody is born superior or inferior as arbitrary ruler or ruled. It is a direct counter to the European class structure.
Islam has no equivalent concept. To Islam, Arabs are the best of peoples and Quraysh are the best of tribes. According to Muhammad and his first two Caliphs, the Caliph must come from the Quraysh tribe.
Most Muslims are Asian, not Arabian and are Muslim because their ancestors were conquered by Arabs and forcibly converted. Arabs imposed their culture on the conquered Asians, Africans & Europeans. Why do you think Arabic names are common in Croatia, Bosnia & Serbia?
The genius of the American system is freedom: the right to be free from coercion; coercion adnumerum as well as by force. Neither tyrant nor mob rule but limited government within set bounds.
We are in danger of losing our hard won freedom to an institution that seeks to kill or subjugate us and confiscate our property. It seeks to conquer us by violence, deception, subversion & demographics.
They seized a school in Russia and killed about 170 children, numerous parents, grand parents and teachers. They planted bombs in schools under construction in Iraq. They practiced seizing buses in Iraq and several training here in America. They obtained blue prints and security plans for several American schools. This summer, school buses were stolen in Texas.
Now comes this series of bomb threats. But Liberals can't connect the dots. They must learn the hard way, as Neville Chamberlain learned about Nazism.
When the terrorists strike it won't be just Liberal's kids being slain; the children of Moderates and Conservatives will suffer with the,m. Then it will be too late. There will be nothing we can do about it.
This whole Goddamn deal is not about grievances, real nor imagined. It ain't about our foreign policy. It ain't about our economic or social habits. Its about the Goddamn doctrines of I,slam as established by the Quran in Surat 8,9,33,47,48 & 61. Its about the curseworthy actions of islam's exemplar: Muhammad as recorded in the traditions of his companions which confirm the damnable doctrines enshrined in 8:12, 8:39, 8:67, 9:29, 33:26-27 and 59:2. You can read about them in the books of Jihad, Expedition or Khumus in any of the several Hadith collections.
In the short term, our safety requires removing Muslims from the homeland and preventing other Muslims from entering. Thats right, I said deport them!!! In the case of citizens, give each one a polygraph and ask for their consent to or denunciation of the damnable doctrines of Jihad, genocide and terror above referenced. If they can't pass a polygraph while renouncing those doctrines, then rescind their citizenship and deport them.
In the long term, our safety depends on the extinction of Islam. Islam do
Ben | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 10:28 pm | #
Ben...the message was truncated but the gist is SPOT ON!!
To me, they have become INFERIOR by choice.
Snooper | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 11:26 pm | #
By God that's an incredible insight and thought, Ben and Snooper, and gives me pause to think on it tomorrow...expect a pontification soon based exactly on your idea.
Hawk | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 11:28 pm | #
I am making a blog post of this...
Snooper | Homepage | 09.23.07 - 11:29 pm | #
I think we all agree with everything Ben says.
But Ben says it with a singular unquestioned authority, an authority born of deep knowledge of the subject, coupled with an honest and burning passion. The combination of those two qualities is formidable.
You have definitely had a profound influence on my thinking. And so have you, Snooper.
Thank you both.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.24.07 - 12:10 am | #
and here it is...
Snooper | Homepage | 09.24.07 - 12:16 am | #
Easy, fellas, I already have a problem finding hats big enough. :;
Sorry about the truncation, sometimes I get long winded. I'll try to reconstruct the missing ending.
Islam does not quit. Unlike Christianity, which had a Reformation, Islam will never cease from troubling. It has been engaged upon Jihad for 1384 years. Its demonic mandate to conquer the world causes it to persist until it succeeds or becomes extinct.
In the mid term, we need to confront Islam head on with an extensive and intensive global media campain exposing its core doctrines & practices. That is the way to plant the seeds of doubt & introspection which can blossom into apostasy.
Finally, it will be necessary to use military force to eliminate the recalcitrant die hards.
Short of Reformation, which is impossible, Extinction is our only long term option.
Ben | Homepage | 09.24.07 - 12:57 am | #
When I said that Ben had had a profound influence on my thinking, this wasn't just an idle compliment.
Before I began digesting Ben's critical analysis of Islam I was convinced that I knew who our enemy was -- it was the Islamists. Like so many of us, I had managed to separate Islamism from Islam. I was still thinking that there was some separate entity called Political Islam, which differed from Traditional or Moderate Islam. This is, as Ben pointed out so clearly, a comforting distinction but a dishonest one. And dishonesty in today,s perilous environment is deadly. We have to be able to honestly define our enemies before we can effectively fight back against them.
As difficult as it is to go against everything we have been taught about religious tolerance, we can no longer allow the enemy to hide behind the veil of religion while he stalks us.
As Ben states the issue so simply, but so courageously, it is ISLAM that is the problem. And ISLAM that must be deported from our shores and defeated on our battlefields.
Thank you, Ben for that much-needed clarity.
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.24.07 - 1:35 am | #
Snooper | Homepage | 09.24.07 - 2:15 am | #
I seems that after This Morning bits of news that says that Iran has announced that US Troops are now in range of Iranian missiles, well let's take a page out of the latest Israeli AF incursion into Syria and bomb the miltary arsenal of Iran into GLASS!!!
redhawk | 09.24.07 - 9:48 am | #
RedHawk, someone should have handled his military capabilities a long time ago.
spree | Homepage | 09.24.07 - 11:55 am | #
Right on Redhawk and Spree. I'm thinking maybe we're already planning something. A couple of weeks ago it didn't look like we were really doing anything effective to stop him. But now I think that perception may have been wrong. Now I firmly believe that we will NOT just let him keep developing his bomb. Now I think we really will hit him and hit him hard. Or the Israelis will do it for us.
We shall see --
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.24.07 - 1:48 pm | #
Planning something might have already been done.. I think that a plan is already been put in action.. what with the border crossings closed off and all that has taken place with the Israely AF raid... well something that the Demented midget does NOT want to get across the border mIGHT aleady have taken place... you think?????
Its me Roger!!!
redhawk | 09.24.07 - 1:55 pm | #
Boy -- I sure hope so -- and Hi!
I'm listening to the little jerk right now. Unbelievable!
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.24.07 - 2:56 pm | #
Find a seven year old boy among the Christian exile community who speaks fluent Farsi & Arabic. Give him a crash course in Classical Arabic, 'slime & Christian theology and period history.
Sneak him into that well so he can climb out in time for the Jumah prayer some Friday. Let him get their trust, then spring on them the fact that Muhammad lied to their ancestors and screwed them over. :-P
Ben | Homepage | 09.24.07 - 8:07 pm | #
Beautiful, Ben. If I was seven years old I'd volunteer. (maybe..)
Roger W. Gardner | Homepage | 09.24.07 - 10:18 pm | #
Democracy Frontline.Org (Australia)
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New Rules of Engagement -
Posted by gravelrash in Islam, MultiCulti, Radical Ideologies (Tuesday September 25, 2007 at 10:31 pm)
An article that echoes the sentiments of all thinking people. Sadly these thoughts are never heard in the corridors of power.
“To be forbidden to make these blatantly obvious comparisons between peoples and cultures, to be forced to ignore these self-evident truths in the name of some delusional concept of Political Correctness is not only grossly dishonest, it is becoming increasingly self-destructive.”
New Rules of Engagement
Earlier this week, in a truly frightening post on Susan Duclos’ Wake up America blog, a new and appalling terror threat was revealed. Referred to as “Jihad Boom”, this latest outrage against humanity involves nine postcards mailed out to nine public schools in the Florida area, containing graphic bomb threats, specifically targeting these schools and their children.
If this isn’t a “wake up call”, then I don’t know what more it would take.
It’s time to take off the gloves, America. It’s time for new rules of engagement.
To prepare ourselves for this battle we must begin by taking a refresher course in self-defense. Our first lesson must be to insure that we have a clear and unobstructed understanding of what it is we are defending and, further, we must firmly believe that it is indeed worth defending.
We are living in an new era, the Age of Unreason. We are being ruled by a ruthless and unyeilding dictator who hides under the benign title of Political Correctness. This tyrant requires nothing less of us than our complete and unquestioning obediance to his rules of conduct. His ironclad laws permeate every area of our existence, even penetrating into our innermost thoughts. He vigorously supports and enforces these regulations through a formidable array of propaganda, misinformation and outright lies.
Like all tyrants and professional propagandists, he propagates these lies through an effective combination of coercion, intimidation and endless repitition. The tyrant succeeds when the people eventually weaken and become completely and utterly convinced that the tyrant’s agenda is the only path to real truth, and that the goal of righteousness — i.e. “right thinking” — can only be achieved by the strictest adherence to his dictates. Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong all thoroughly understood these principles and used them masterfully. Their followers were not merely loyal, they were rapturous in their zeal. And God help the dissenters.
As George Orwell famously pointed out in his prescient “1984?, in order to control the people’s thinking, one must first control their language. We have unwittingly succumbed to a new form of Doublespeak; it is called Multiculturalism. We have been told what we can say and what we cannot say. We have been taught the right way to think and the wrong way to think. To our shame, we have meekly acquiesced without debate to this insane suspension of disbelief.
The foundation of this monstrous lie is the incredible premise that all people are basically the same and are all driven by the same general motivations. Not only is this statement completely unfounded, it is inherently preposterous. We have been coerced into accepting the ludicrous idea that all peoples, and all nations are operating under the same precepts of universal justice and morality. The only differences between them, we are assured, lie in their unique customs and rituals.
We are forbidden to even acknowledge that there may in fact be some manifest differences between cultures more meaningful and profound than mere customs. We are forbidden to even comment on the individual characteristics of different peoples or different races. Anyone attempting to broach this taboo subject is immediately met with loud admonishments of “racism” or “prejudice”. However, even more proscribed than a critical appraisal of differing races is any form whatsoever of objective criticism of anyone’s religion — anyone’s, that is, but our own. This breach of the rules of Doublespeak is considered to be the highest form of Muticultural treason.
We are procluded from making even the most obvious and benign observations of the world around us. Multiculturalism has become our new religion; a religion based upon a revealed truth which we have been forbidden to question. To merely frame the question constitutes the crime. Case in point: All nations and peoples, we are reminded repeatedly, are to be considered equal: yet, when was the last time you heard about a bloody revolution in Scandinavia? Now, how about in South America?
I am not a racist, I am a culturist. Culture matters. Although this statement will undoubtably be considered the highest form of Multicultural heresy, I’m going to say it anyway. There are superior and inferior cultures. I realize that, to some, this smacks of Nazi Aryanism, but it’s nonetheless true. And that’s what this conversation is all about — breaking free of the shackles of Doublespeak and finding the courage to speak the truth.
As former Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick put it so succinctly, “Americans need to face the truth about themselves, no matter how pleasant it is.”
We are simply the greatest, most honorable, most generous, most judicious nation in the world.
Our advanced Western culture isn’t just different from that Middle Eastern version of Islam, which is causing the world so many problems right now — it is vastly superior to it.
We have progressed a thousand years beyond their backward-looking medieval and barbarous practices.
We don’t decapitate our journalists, teach our innocent young children to be suicide bombers or stone our adulterers.
We don’t say it’s our religion or death.
We don’t murder our cartoonists or our writers.
As Dinesh D’Souza phrased the questions so accurately — When was the last time you heard about a Muslim invention that didn’t involve bomb-making? Or, when was the last time a Muslim made the world’s headlines for something other than terrorism?
To be forbidden to make these blatantly obvious comparisons between peoples and cultures, to be forced to ignore these self-evident truths in the name of some delusional concept of Political Correctness is not only grossly dishonest, it is becoming increasingly self-destructive.
How can we defeat an enemy whom we have been forbidden to even identify, for fear of demonizing the Devil?
We are a superior civilization who has been infected by an inferior civilization who is attempting to destroy us from within. We are being intimidated and threatened and we have been told that to fight back in any way against this vicious enemy is both unjust and immoral. Somehow, and very soon, we must cut through this miasma of Multicultural deception and grasp the truth. We must call a spade a spade. These imminent threats to our very existence are not coming from the Irish or the French; nor the Hindus or the Catholics or the Jews. They are coming from the Muslims; and those Muslims who most closely follow the teachings of the Prophet are the terrorists; while those so-called “moderate Muslims” are, in the Islamist’s view, considered apostates, and for the most part have chosen to remain mum. We must fight back, and we must fight with the weapons of truth. I’m not willing to wait until our children have been slaughtered – are you?
profound thanks to Roger W. Gardner, 21 Sep 2007
3 comments for New Rules of Engagement »
It’s good to see more people speaking out like this; I think there is a great deal of pent-up outrage about how our speech and thought is constrained by political correctness. People realize that this is what is disarming us and keeping us from acting in self-preservation.
The writer, Roger W. Gardner, is to be applauded for this piece, but I would ask one question. He says that ‘culture matters’ and that some cultures are superior. I don’t disagree, but I would ask: where does culture come from? Culture doesn’t arise in a vacuum, it is created by groups of people. The people make the culture, not vice-versa, but then it is part of the Politically Correct code to avoid any mention of group differences.
Comment by Vanishing American — September 26, 2007 @ 7:24 pm
The problem is that the liberal scheme of delusions will continue to work its magic so long as we have economic prosperity and things are generally peaceful in Western countries. This makes it seem as though the new omniculturalism [Thanks for that one, Grav!] and our old precepts about material success go together seamlessly. Never mind that the logical progression of this scheme is to meet up with Marxism or something similar. So far, so good. But what happens when we hit a bump? When some factor or series of events upsets society to the extent that cultural and, yes, racial identities begin to show their true colors? I don’t think there is any doubt this will happen, it is only a question of when and what form it will take.
It probably won’t take much to get folks riled up, for them to abandon the false promises of modern liberalism. How about 30% unemployment and the system of social services buried under the onslaught of millions of newly unemployed? People today do not have the general resilience they did when the Great Depression struck. We are soft and helpless by comparison but still just as likely to get rowdy when this seems the only satisfying option for self-expression. At that point the leftist ideology will loose its cachet and after another cyclical paroxysm we may get back to more traditional sensibilities. This time, however, it will be made more difficult because we have *encouraged* enormous numbers of both legal and illegal immigrants to live in our countries, apparently without any forethought beyond a supposed need for cheap labor and keeping the cost of goods– and the general wage for all workers– as low as possible. This reflects, in part, yet another failing of so-called liberals to do what is right for the average citizen, whether immigrant or native by birth. Together with liberalism’s fatal misreading of Islam, such mistakes are crucial features in what will be the socio-political rubber band snapping back on the Left.
Culture does matter. Unfortunately a deranged type of liberlism is part of our present culture and the corrective medicine will almost certainly be quite bitter.
Comment by spinifex — September 27, 2007 @ 2:32 pm
What a nice surprise to come across this today. Thankyou for the nice words. It’s a great pleasure to hear from our staunchest and most loyal ally from Down Under.
I have written several other radical pieces since this one. If you’d like, I can send you the URLs. I’ve already put your site on my favorites list and I’ll start checking it out.
You just never know where new friends are going to pop up on this Mysterious Machine, do you?
Have a nice day or night or whatever it is down there.
Best wishes,
Roger W. Gardner
Comment by Roger W. Gardner — November 1, 2007 @ 12:22 pm
Published by Political Grind - September 21, 2007
Cross posted by Take Our Country Back - September 25, 2007
Vanishing American - September 26, 2007
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