Friday, June 4, 2010

Paul McCartney, I.Q.'s and The Obama Mystique

by Maggie at Maggie’s Notebook

Another party in the White House and Sir Paul McCartney was the star, but on this evening “Sir” did not fit his rude and inane behavior. The Obama’s presented McCartney with the Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. The whole scene is just too delicious: The Obamas surrounded by, and being serenaded by, some of the biggest names in the music industry – no captain’s of industry, of course – none of those in the Obama White House. No one there really making the country run. No one there creating jobs. No one there manufacturing anything tangible.  Perhaps no one there with an over-sized I.Q. But the Obama mystique was as thick as an oil spill.
George W. Bush
Adding to the mystique, Michelle wore a dress in silk satin silk (the pool reporter wasn’t certain, but it looks like silk to me) charmeuse in a shade of “blush, with a jeweled belt, and here it is – the chicest touch: as The First Lady “sat, a pink petticoat peeked out. The adoration was palpable, and McCartney was soon to show his rear-end, and his I.Q. See two videos below.
Standing inside our White House, McCartney said this:
After the last eight years, it’s great to have a President who knows what a library is.
In the video, Jerry Seinfield is standing in the White House right next to McCartney. Anyone know why the taxpayers should be wining and dining Jerry Seinfield? Stevie Wonder was there…again. Faith Hill (she’s a Liberal folks), Elvis Costello and Emmy Lou Harris were there. The bright spot of the evening(because it is always about the Obama’s) was Paul serenading Michelle with “Mee-shelll.”
Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) replied about the G.W. comment:
Like millions of other Americans, I have always had a good impression of Paul McCartney and thought of him as a classy guy, but I was surprised and disappointed by the lack of grace and respect he displayed at the White House. I hope he’ll apologize to the American people for his conduct which demeaned him, the White House and President Obama.
Connie Hair, writing at Human Events, leveled her site:
McCartney is the third recipient of the Gershwin Prize. Hailing from England and having earned no university degrees of his own, the Beatle may not know W. as the first American president to earn a master’s degree in business administration. (The fact the MBA is from Harvard really irks the left.) Not to mention Bush is married to a librarian.
G.W. was the first and only President to hold an MBA. He also received a BA in History from Yale. Lord knows, we could use some knowledge of business and true history in the White House.
From Thomas Lifson at American Thinker, speaking of the Left’s fondness for denigrating W.’s education and/or ability to learn:
Having attended Harvard Business School at the same time as the President, graduating from the two—year program a year after he did, and then serving on its faculty after a year’s interval spent writing a PhD thesis, I am intimately familiar with the rigors of the program at the time, and the minuscule degree of slack cut for even the most well—connected students, when their performance did not make the grade.
There is simply no way on earth that the son of the then—Ambassador to China (technically, head of the Beijing Liaison Office), or anyone else, could have coasted through Harvard Business School with a ‘gentleman’s C.’ I never, ever heard of a case of an incompetent student being allowed to graduate, simply because a certain family was prominent. On the contrary, I did hear stories of well—born students having to leave prior to graduation. The academic standards were a point of considerable pride.
Hopeful Liberals can only estimate Barack Obama’s intelligence “quotient,” his SAT, LSAT score and his college GPA. We hear a lot of very high numbers, making Liberals go all misty-eyed and weak-kneed at thought of the capabilities of his pristine half-African brain…but there nothing – not one single thing to base it on. It’s all myth, as are his policies, which have yielded nothing for this country. All of his records – that’s ALL of his records, are hidden from the public. An inquiring mind would wonder why. If they were stellar, they would not be hidden. But that doesn’t stop Progressives from telling us that Obama would be a member of MENSA if he provided the pertinent records and surely his IQ is in the 130 to 145 range. It’s all myth.

They don’t stop there. There is no information on Michelle’s scores either, but this website, which writes for our gullible children, says “it is safe to say that she is just as smart as her husband.” Personally, I have no doubt of that. I “doubt” plenty, but do not doubt that the two share similar brains – but don’t forget, Barack gets the benefit of “the other side of Valerie Jarrett’s brain (his Senior Adviser).
Obama received a J.D. from Harvard Law. He surrendered his law license. His hometown paper, the Chicago Tribune, says as a civil rights lawyer, Obama was the “strong, silent type.”
A review of the cases Obama worked on during his brief legal career shows he played the “strong, silent type” in court, introducing himself and his client, then stepping aside to let other lawyers do the talking.
Transcripts show that at court hearings, Obama identified himself, then let [Paul] Mollica begin speaking. Maria Valdez of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund sometimes spoke. The U.S. Justice Department joined in.
Letting the heavy-hitters at the Justice Department make the arguments appears to have been a sound strategy — Obama’s side won, even without him talking.
Odd, because the man hasn’t shut-up since the day he won the presidential nomination.
“I was one of the better writers [Obama said]. I ended up doing the more cerebral writing, less trial work,” Obama added. “That’s actually something I regret — not doing more trial work.”
“He wrote lots of substantial memos, but he didn’t try any cases,” said Judson Miner, a partner in the firm who was Obama’s boss.
A search of all the cases in Cook County Circuit Court in which Obama made an appearance since he graduated from Harvard in 1991 shows: Zero.
His practice was confined mainly to federal court in Chicago, where he made formal appearances in only five district court cases and another five in cases before the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals — a total of 10 cases in his legal career.
Obama sued on behalf of ACORN for Motor-Voter registration. For this, he is idolized today:
Transcripts show that at court hearings, Obama identified himself, then let [Paul] Mollica begin speaking. Maria Valdez of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund sometimes spoke. The U.S. Justice Department joined in.
Letting the heavy-hitters at the Justice Department make the arguments appears to have been a sound strategy — Obama’s side won, even without him talking.
Among Bush’s finest attributes – he is not a lawyer. Among Obama’s finest attributes, he’s tall. Among McCartney’s finest attribute: Penning Let it Be.

Paul McCartney Bashes Half of America (video)

Michelle Obama Wears...oh, who cares? (video)

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