Sunday, March 15, 2015

ADL Official Says Anti-Semitism on Campus is Unusual and Uncharacteristic

Gary Fouse

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

Daniel Greenfield has an article in Frontpage Magazine, where he highlights a letter from Amanda Susskind of the Anti-Defamation League to the New York Times. Susskind says the recent revelations of anti-Semitism at UCLA (which have been well chronicled here) do not represent the norm. Unusual and uncharacteristic were the words she used.

The problem as I see it is that the ADl is reluctant to confront anti-Semitism when it is coming from the left and/or coming from Islamic quarters. Such is the case at UCLA and other campuses. The ADL under Abe Foxman has a liberal bent. Foxman, as I have written before, spoke a few years back before a Jewish group in Newport Beach. I myself was not present, but in answer to a question from a friend of mine about anti-Semitism at UC Irvine, Foxman said that there was no problem; that the Jewish students and the administration had it under control. That was a blatant falsehood. Whether Foxman really believes that line or not I have no idea.

Ms Susskind's comments to the New York Times are hardly surprising, but they are quite unhelpful in the struggle to expose and fight anti-Semitism on college campuses.

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