Thursday, September 25, 2014
Roger's Cool Retro Red Vino

The Best of Roger Gardner
Roger's Fiction
Welcome to Radarsite

Roger Gardner, the owner of Radarsite, lost his battle with leukemia on December 17, 2009. His friends and contributors will endeavor to keep Radarsite fresh and intriguing in his absence, as was his wish. Please feel free to leave your comments, your opinions are valuable to us. Obscenities, personal attacks, anonymous commenters and anti-American rants will of course be deleted. I hope you enjoy your visit and return often -- Roger W. Gardner, owner/editor. [Note: most of the images on this sidebar are hyperlinks. Click the little icon above to read Radarsite's updated mission statement]
Semper Vigilans

The original Radarsite
Radarsite has had 122 articles published in the Chicago Sun Times Group since April, 2008
Radarsite in The Houston Chronicle
Radarsite recommended by Jay Severin of WTKK Boston
Radarsite is monitored by Reuters
"Radarsite is a Zionist website. It's even got endorsements from Fox News for heaven sakes."
The Best of Radarsite
Radarsite in the Chicago Courier News - Member of the Chicago Sun-Times Group
Radarsite at
Radarsite in The Beacon News: member of the Chicago Sun Times group
Radarsite in the Chicago Post-Tribune
"Hello to Pakistan" - The Pakistani Spectator, February 17, 2008
As of July 13, 2008 Radarsite will also be a proud contributor to Maggie's Notebook
Beginning July 27, 2008 Radarsite will be contributing to the inimitable Miss Beth's Victory Dance
Radarsite on Hillary Clinton Forum
Opinions, in my opinion, unlike principles, are not sacred possessions to be protected, locked away and defended from all intruders. Rather, they are, or should be, living and evolving attitudes, constantly subjected to rigorous revision and adjustment — or, when necessary, quickly abandoned for some more plausible or cogent truth. - rg
-- Wrestling With Mohammed - 12/9/07
-- Wrestling With Mohammed - 12/9/07
Blog Archive
- The Oklahoma Beheading: Leftist Media Insisting It...
- Choudary released from police custody
- Anjem Choudary under arrest
- British ISIS/Al Qaeda operative operating 'freely'...
- 'Jihadi John's' identity to be withheld
- British ISIS/Al Qaeda operatives
- Why Are We Funding Propaganda in Our Universities?
- Hostage David Bolam's video message for help 'bann...
- Jewish Leadership in Seattle and Los Angeles-and t...
- The Terrorist Attack That Went Practically Unnoticed
- Sohail Daulatzai's Latest Ravings
- America now 'officially' at War with ISIS
- Another British hostage held by ISIS
- The Litvinenko affair - Putin's terrorist Government
- The Instamob: How to Create Your Own Raging Mob in...
- Russia in a 'state of war' with Europe
Roger's cool retro 1950s red Vino

US Air Force

Proud veteran of the United States Air Force

Those great silent lessons in humility
The Age of Unreason
We are living in an new era, the Age of Unreason. We are being ruled by a ruthless and unyielding dictator who hides under the benign title of Political Correctness. This tyrant requires nothing less of us than our complete and unquestioning obedience to his rules of conduct. His ironclad laws permeate every area of our existence, even penetrating into our innermost thoughts. He vigorously supports and enforces these regulations through a formidable array of propaganda, misinformation and outright lies.
-- New Rules of Engagement 12/9/07
-- New Rules of Engagement 12/9/07
The truth about "Palestine"
For an intelligent and thorough rebuttal to the "Palestinian" Arabs' claims of "dispossession" by the Israeli Jews, Radarsite highly recommends Churchill's Parrot's authoritative essay "The Desert Bloom: An Insult to Human Dignity?"

Those great silent lessons in humility.
Friends, patriots and fellow vets
Check out Pastor Ed at "Do the Right Thing"
Radarsite supports boycotting the City of Berkeley

Thanks Snooper.

A message from Radarsite

"It does not escape me, however, what a significant proportion of my respected fellow warriors in this blogosphere are women -- well-informed, strong-minded and courageous, and certainly not afraid to speak out against this worldwide Muslim oppression of their female population..." -- From "A Big Ms-Take"
Strong women are sexy!

Radarsite supports freedom for women around the world. ESPECIALLY IN ISLAM
Strong, patriotic, gun-toting, pro-military women are even sexier!

Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. With the Home Guard. (Thanks Crusader Rabbit)
Bravo brave Princess!

Crown Princess Mary of Denmark
Bravo Ayaan Hirsi Ali!

Radarsite supports the brave Infidel
For a great introduction to the Ayaan Hirsi Ali story, see Shane Borgess" insightful article at PV
Bravo brave Ann!
Bravo Melanie Phillips!

Radarsite supports "Londonistan"
Melanie Phillips
Bravo Cassie L.!
Radarsite also honors our own Cassie L. of Patriots For Conservative Values for her tireless work and her innumerable contributions to our righteous cause.
A follow-up announcement from Radarsite:
I'm sure I've inadvertently neglected to include some brave female warriors in this small tribute, and for this I apologize.
If you would like to suggest a site to be included on this list please email me (from my bio) or leave a comment and I'll be happy to make the addition.
If you would like to suggest a site to be included on this list please email me (from my bio) or leave a comment and I'll be happy to make the addition.
Islam also honors their women

Islamo-feminist Pride Day Parade
Islam also honors their women

A very public display of respect.
Islam: Religion of peace.
8:67 It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter. And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise. Tafsir: 1 2
For the complete Myth vs. Fact Series, follow the link to Miss Beth"s Victory Dance
To better understand the threat of Islam Radarsite highly recommends Benjamin C. Powell, Jr."s:

The religion of peace - part one

The religion of peace - part two
The religion of peace hits new York City

So when is enough enough? Not yet? What are we waiting for -- Armageddon?

V for Victory!

Radarsite supports the spirit of Sir Winston Churchill
Harry's Place Blogroll

Can anyone...

seriously doubt...

who our enemies are?

Can anyone...

seriously doubt...

who our enemies are?

Can anyone...

seriously doubt...

who our enemies are?
To understand the "movement behind the movements" Snooper"s List of 45 is a Must Read

Can anyone seriously doubt...

who our enemies are?
"Inverted"? Radarsite highly recommends HCdL"s passionate but factual rant at Wake Up America.

Can anyone seriously doubt...

who our enemies are?

Radarsite highly recommends Lew Waters eye-opening article on the falsehoods about Vietnam vets
Thank you Mike for your service

LCDR Mike Thayer - DOS: 12 June 1964 to 31 August 1994 - USS New Jersey
Thank you Len for your service

Len Peracchio - Sept 14, 1960- Sept 21, 1965. Semper Fi
Radarsite highly recommends Dean"s masterful IAGA series at Do The Right Thing
Thank you Dean for your service.

Brown Water Navy - Vietnam
1966-1968, home port Danang.
Radarsite honors the lifetime achievements of Prof. Gerhard Weinberg

"One of the world's foremost scholars on Hitler and Nazi Germany"
Radarsite pays tribute to the enormous contributions of Sir John Keegan

"The world's preeminent military historian"
Radarsite supports the invaluable contributions of Prof. Bernard Lewis

"What Went Wrong?"
Radarsite supports the important work of Dr. Walid Pharis

Radarsite recommends the insightful essays of George Jochnowitz

Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, College of Staten Island, CUNY.
by Pam Gecko
Those great silent lessons in humility.
Bravo brave little Israel!

As Israel goes, so goes the West...
Think there"s nothing funny about the Middle East? Think again -- check out Israeli Satire Lab:

Palestinian Arabs - 1970

"new pride and unity"?

A disgraceful act of submission

New York City's incomprehensible decision to light up the Empire State Building green for the weekend of October 16, 2007 in honor of the Muslim holiday of Eid. [Thank you]

Old Blood and Guts

George Smith Patton, Jr. - November 11, 1885 – December 21, 1945 (aged 60)

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

See "My Haunted TV"

James Dean in Times Square - 1955

My first job in the Big Apple. Doorman at the old Astor Theater (above left), during the 1955 season of its world premier of James Dean's East of Eden: "Step right this way folks, immediate seating in the balcony!"
Times Square and the Old Astor Theater

My second job in the Big Apple: Doorman at the MOMA - 1957

Evidently, there was something about me that made me a good doorman...

Fishing for Fatwas

Radarsite supports the truthful but deadly Danish cartoons
Radarsite honors Flemming Rose
Also see "Enemy in the Mirror"

President Barack Hussein Obama?

Is there a message here, I wonder?

Family values -- Palestininan style

Frolicking in the surf -- Muslim style (note the long black gloves)
For more on Denmark see Susan MacAllen"s "Decision Time" on We The People
Bravo Stormin" Norman

Capt. Norman Hooben - Alabama State Defense Force. "We The People".
Is THIS what the West wants?

We MUST fight back.
British Blogger Lionheart

"Today it is me, but tomorrow it is you --"
It's about time! He should have been in prison and/or thrown out of Great Britain years ago!
ReplyDeleteTotally agree...Then you ask the question as to why not until now?