Roger Gardner, the owner of Radarsite, lost his battle with leukemia on December 17, 2009. His friends and contributors will endeavor to keep Radarsite fresh and intriguing in his absence, as was his wish. Please feel free to leave your comments, your opinions are valuable to us. Obscenities, personal attacks, anonymous commenters and anti-American rants will of course be deleted. I hope you enjoy your visit and return often -- Roger W. Gardner, owner/editor. [Note: most of the images on this sidebar are hyperlinks. Click the little icon above to read Radarsite's updated mission statement]
Repubs recycle flags thrown in trash by Dems- September 7, 2008
Radarsite in the Chicago Courier News - Member of the Chicago Sun-Times Group
"Jihad and the Growing Surrender of American Counterterrorism" Sept. 21, 2008
Radarsite at
CNN has cited 12 Radarsite articles at Latest article posted February 20, 2009
Radarsite in the Herald News
"AP lied about Obama's Red Mentor" - August 28, 2008
Radarsite in The Beacon News: member of the Chicago Sun Times group
Lionheart: Reports From Across the Pond: May 23, 2008
Radarsite cited by CBS News
"Other Blogs" October 30, 2008
Radarsite's most read article (170,000 readers at Reuters)
"Elect Obama, Destroy America"
Radarsite's most controversial article
" A Brief Message to America" - January 27, 2008
Radarsite in the Chicago Post-Tribune
"The Great Choice Revisited" by Roger W. Gardner - July 15, 2009
Radarsite in the Southtown Star - member Sun Times News Group
"My Haunted TV" - Oct. 18, 2009
The Pakistani Spectator interviews Radarsite
The Pakistani Spectator: 15 Feb 08
"Hello to Pakistan" - The Pakistani Spectator, February 17, 2008
Thoughts on the 2008 Pakistani election
Visit Liberty Street
A different kind of blog
Sansom Street
A collection of short stories by Roger W. Gardner
An original Radarsite essay in three chapters
Radarsite is a proud contributor to Wake Up America
Susan Duclos (Spree)
Radarsite is also a proud contributor to that great Australian website Crusader Rabbit
As of July 13, 2008 Radarsite will also be a proud contributor to Maggie's Notebook
Bravo Maggie Thornton!
Beginning July 27, 2008 Radarsite will be contributing to the inimitable Miss Beth's Victory Dance
Miss Beth!
Who is a patriot?
Click on Samuel Johnson to find out
Blogging Against the Religion of Peace
Graphic by No Sheeples Here!
Radarsite on Hillary Clinton Forum
"Obama Convention throw US Flags in the Trash" (Radarsite) - September 6, 2008
Opinions, in my opinion, unlike principles, are not sacred possessions to be protected, locked away and defended from all intruders. Rather, they are, or should be, living and evolving attitudes, constantly subjected to rigorous revision and adjustment — or, when necessary, quickly abandoned for some more plausible or cogent truth. - rg -- Wrestling With Mohammed - 12/9/07
Lionheart IS freedom of speech. If he loses, we all lose.
I Stand For Freedom
From No Sheeples Here
US Air Force
Proud veteran of the United States Air Force
Those great silent lessons in humility
The Age of Unreason
We are living in an new era, the Age of Unreason. We are being ruled by a ruthless and unyielding dictator who hides under the benign title of Political Correctness. This tyrant requires nothing less of us than our complete and unquestioning obedience to his rules of conduct. His ironclad laws permeate every area of our existence, even penetrating into our innermost thoughts. He vigorously supports and enforces these regulations through a formidable array of propaganda, misinformation and outright lies.
-- New Rules of Engagement 12/9/07
The truth about "Palestine"
For an intelligent and thorough rebuttal to the "Palestinian" Arabs' claims of "dispossession" by the Israeli Jews, Radarsite highly recommends Churchill's Parrot's authoritative essay "The Desert Bloom: An Insult to Human Dignity?"
Radarsite supports boycotting the City of Berkeley
Thanks Snooper.
Radarsite appears in Real Clear politics
A message from Radarsite
"It does not escape me, however, what a significant proportion of my respected fellow warriors in this blogosphere are women -- well-informed, strong-minded and courageous, and certainly not afraid to speak out against this worldwide Muslim oppression of their female population..." -- From "A Big Ms-Take"
Strong women are sexy!
Radarsite supports freedom for women around the world. ESPECIALLY IN ISLAM
Strong, patriotic, gun-toting, pro-military women are even sexier!
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. With the Home Guard. (Thanks Crusader Rabbit)
Bravo brave Princess!
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark
Bravo Susan Duclos (Spree)!
Radarsite supports Wake Up America
Bravo Deb Hamilton!
Radarsite supports Right Truth.
Bravo Courtney! Great Satan's Girlfriend
The Great Satan loves you!
Bravo Jenn Sierra!
Radarsite supports Fort Hard Knox
Bravo Reut R. Cohen!
Radarsite supports Reut
Bravo brave Naomi!
Radarsite supports author Naomi Ragen
Bravo Wafa Sultan!
The True Voice of Islam
Bravo Loon!
Radarsite support the fine work of "One Loon's Tales"
Bravo Barb!
Radarsite supports Faultline USA
Bravo Kateri E. Jordan!
Radarsite supports Miss Beth's Victory Dance
Bravo Melanie Morgan!
Radarsite proudly supports Move America Forward
Bravo Carol!
Radarsite supports No Sheeples Here
Bravo Amy Proctor!
Radarsite supports Bottom Line Up Front
Bravo Aurora!
Radarsite supports The Midnight Sun
Bravo brave Debbie!
Radarsite supports the important work of Debbie Schlussel
Bravo Ayaan Hirsi Ali!
Radarsite supports the brave Infidel
For a great introduction to the Ayaan Hirsi Ali story, see Shane Borgess" insightful article at PV
Radarsite also honors our own Cassie L. of Patriots For Conservative Values for her tireless work and her innumerable contributions to our righteous cause.
A follow-up announcement from Radarsite:
I'm sure I've inadvertently neglected to include some brave female warriors in this small tribute, and for this I apologize. If you would like to suggest a site to be included on this list please email me (from my bio) or leave a comment and I'll be happy to make the addition. rg
Islam also honors their women
Islamo-feminist Pride Day Parade
Islam also honors their women
A very public display of respect.
Islam: Religion of peace.
8:67 It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter. And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise. Tafsir: 12
For the complete Myth vs. Fact Series, follow the link to Miss Beth"s Victory Dance
New York City's incomprehensible decision to light up the Empire State Building green for the weekend of October 16, 2007 in honor of the Muslim holiday of Eid. [Thank you]
Old Blood and Guts
George Smith Patton, Jr. - November 11, 1885 – December 21, 1945 (aged 60)
My first job in the Big Apple. Doorman at the old Astor Theater (above left), during the 1955 season of its world premier of James Dean's East of Eden: "Step right this way folks, immediate seating in the balcony!"
Times Square and the Old Astor Theater
My second job in the Big Apple: Doorman at the MOMA - 1957
Evidently, there was something about me that made me a good doorman...
Check out "La Ultima Paja"
Fishing for Fatwas
Radarsite supports the truthful but deadly Danish cartoons
Radarsite honors Flemming Rose
The courageous Jyllands-Posten Editor who first published these explosive cartoons and has subsequently been targeted for assasination by those ardent followers of that gentle Religion of Peace.
I figure WW 3 is just about upon us.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely, only its not like the previous 2 so many people are oblivious and still asleep to the threat.