Dzhokhar Tsarbaev placing his bomb near 8-year-old victim Martin Richard
-Photo from Jihad Watch
I decided to hold off on commenting on the Boston Marathon attack until we knew who carried it out and why. On one side, the media was speculating that it might be tax-protesters, Tea Partiers, right-wing militia men, or white racists. Others were guessing it was Islamist jihadists. I figured it was the responsible thing not to place blame on anyone until we knew. I think (I hope) I did a pretty good job of that.
But now we pretty much know the main facts-keeping in mind that no trial has taken place and nobody has been convicted.
The big question now is whether the two brothers had accomplices, were acting in concert with overseas terrorist elements, or were simply acting on their own. But the motive is pretty clear. This was an act of violent jihad.
First, we must keep in mind that it would be wrong to take out our anger on innocent Muslims in the US. I have said that many times before and repeat it again. We need their help.
Yet, we must continue to have an open and honest discussion not only about the true nature of Islam as a political ideology, but the wisdom of allowing hundreds of thousands of Muslims to immigrate to the West, in many cases from regions that are full of violence-which pretty much covers the entire Islamic world. True, many peaceful Muslims have come here to escape that violence. Peoples of other religions have come to escape Islamist persecution. It is a mess.
Here we have two ethnic Chechens from neighboring Dagestan. Chechnya is a region in Southern Russia that is primarily Muslim, in rebellion against Russia, responsible for many terrorist acts, and now being infused with Wahhabist elements.
Not exactly a favorable place to find immigrants to the US. Add that to the insane project that brought some 80,000 Somalis to the US in the 1990s, and explain to me why it is bigoted to question this policy.
So while the left and the media continue to label others as Islamophobes, we are mourning the deaths of an 8-year old boy, a 29-year-old woman, a Chinese student and a campus police officer killed by two Chechen immigrants who were clearly carrying out an act of jihad.
As I write, the major Islamic organizations in the US; CAIR, MPAC, ICNA, ISNA and MAS, are scrambling to find a way to react to the latest news. Up to today, they have been condemning the act, offering prayers, and complaining about alleged backlash toward Muslims. Here is the latest statement from CAIR (Southern California) director Hussam Ayloush:
This is a guy who, according to Discover the Networks, reportedly spoke at a protest in front of the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles on October 22, 2000 while young supporters reportedly shouted "Death to the Jews".
Meanwhile, national CAIR director Nihad Awad has issued another one of his blanket statements condemning terrorism "in all its forms" (which means he equates Israel's actions and the US military actions overseas to Islamic terror.)
Let me be clear; I consider each of these organizations to be subversive, Islamist organizations, who lie through their teeth to us. They are a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, and I would call on decent American Muslims to disassociate themselves from these groups. Hopefully, they do not speak for the majority of American Muslims. (I have no idea.)
We have an inescapable duty before us if we want to protect the American people from future attacks-and there will be future attacks. Look how many the FBI has managed to thwart already. Look at Ft Hood. I could go on and on. We currently have an immigration reform debate ongoing in Congress. In addition to the "reform" bill that is being considered, we must also address the wisdom in allowing a continued flow of Muslim immigrant into our country by the hundreds of thousands. We have the Constitutional right to scrutinize would-be immigrants. No non-US citizen has a "right" to come here. Until this madness ceases-and it shows no sign of ceasing anytime soon- we should tell our "allies" in the Islamic world that we are suspending immigration and even visitor visas until this stops. Let the various governments deal with it in their own countries and I don't care too much how they do it.
This would, of course, not go over well with these governments and their populations. So what? They hate us anyway. It is past time to remove ourselves from this part of the world. That means we have to become energy sufficient. We have all the resources beneath us right here at home. We just have to get them and tell the environmental lobby to take a leap.
It is also time to face the truth about the duplicitous Saudi Arabia, which uses its oil wealth to finance terror, build radical, Wahhabist mosques in the US, and create Middle East studies departments in our universities devoted to indoctrinating students and destroying Israel.
In addition, it is high time our leaders face the truth about Islam as a political ideology. If we cannot identify or will not identify our enemy, how can we hope to defeat it? People like Robert Spencer, Pam Geller, Steve Emerson, and many others have been demonized because they put out the facts about what is happening all over the world.
This should not be a struggle against innocent Muslims. Most of them here in the US are caught in the middle of a civilizational war. But when you add the persecution of religious minorities from Pakistan to Iran to Egypt to 9-11, Ft Hood and Boston (among others), the conclusion is becoming inescapable.
In the meantime, we await the next attack.
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