
George Galloway (L), Uday Hussein (R) during "happier times" in Baghdad
From May 5-21, the Muslim Student Union at UC-Irvine will be hosting more anti-Israel events with their usual collection of professional Israel-bashers, many of whom are making repeat performances at the Orange County campus (Amir Abdel Malik Ali, Anna Baltzer, etc.) This time the MSU has really reached into the dregs by bringing in America/Israel-hating radical British MP George Galloway (Saddam Hussein's old pal from the Oil for Food Program) and none other than Cynthia McKinney, former congresswoman from Georgia, whose loony theories and ideas are too numerous to list here. Of late, Ms McKinney was recently run ashore by the Israeli Navy while trying to smuggle God knows what to Gaza during the fighting there earlier this year. One wonders whether Ms McKinney will bring in a platoon of her New Black Panther Party thugs, like Hashim Nzinga to provide security and threaten any Jewish on-lookers (as they are wont to do). Chances are good since the UCI Campus Police chief has already conceded they don't have the resources to police these events.
McKinney will make her appearance May 13, while Galloway will crawl out from under his rock May 21. By the way, all you UCI students, the money to pay for these creeps to come to UCI and spout their hate comes out of your student tuition fees.
Galloway, of course, was a loud voice of opposition to sanctions against Saddam's Iraq as well as the invasion of that country. No wonder. According to numerous allegations, Galloway was on the dictator's payroll during the Oil for Food program receiving oil vouchers worth a small fortune. He was even seen in Iraq during the good old days whoopin' it up and smoking cigars with Saddam's son, Uday, the rapist and torturer. Not only does Galloway hate Israel, but America as well, leading one to wonder why he comes here so often-or why we let this scoundrel in.
McKinney, when she is not sailing the Mediterranean in the Leakin' Lena with supplies for the boys of Hamas, is hitting Capitol policemen or accusing Jews of orchestrating her election defeats-at least through her goons in the New Black Panther Party, like Hashim Nzinga, who she uses for security. Her father, former politician Billy McKinney has also made a few anti-Semitic remarks in his daughter's defense-blaming Jews for said election defeats. By the way, the elder McKinney does not use the phrase "Zionist Jews"-he spells the word out: ("Jews have bought everybody. J.E.W.S.".)
So the fact that the MSU is inviting these two odious characters as their speakers again says volumes about the nature of that organization. Their presence at UCI will be an embarrassment to the university.
Gary -- I've gone beyond shock at UCI-Irvine.
ReplyDeleteCould you possible pick two more despicable characters. We'll be eagerly looking for your follow-up.
I will be there with bells on.