Gary Fouse
Hat tip Katerina Magasin and Kronans Martell. Translation by Fousesquawk.
It would be hard to argue that any European country has caved to Islamic terror and supremacy more than Sweden. The rape capital of Europe even allows ISIS fighters who left Sweden to return with their families. Not only that, but they are given new identities, their old identities are erased even from police inspection, they are given job training and new residences.
The below article by Katerina Janouche in her blog, Katerina Magasin, reveals how Swedish state media is under reporting or covering up the Muslim slaughter of Christians and other religions. As example, she gives Sri Lanka, the disruption of a church service in Munich and the case of Nusrat Jahan Rafi.
How Much the Tax Financed Public Service Deliberately Misleads (on) Muslim Criminality and Terror
22 April 2019, 10:50am
Since January 1, 2019, all are involved and pay via our tax bills to be disinformed and misled by the large media platform, Public Service, which includes Swedish Television and Swedish Radio. If one were conspiracy (oriented), one might believe that there is an agenda to diminishing and hiding the acts carried out against Christians, Atheists and Jews by Muslims, in the name of Islam. Swedish Public Service has taken on the role for itself as educator of the people, where criticism against Islam is now seen as blasphemy, and where one is obviously expected to forgive and tolerate abominable acts when the perpetrators are Muslims.
It became clear with the terrible terror attack in Sri Lanka yesterday. Though, in principle, all the large international news channels reported early on that the terrorist acts were carried out by jihadists, i.e. radical Muslims, SVT chose several hours later to write that it was still not known who carried out the act.
In a long article, it was speculated instead that it could be Buddhists who were behind the attacks, where over 290 people, including many children, died and over 500 were injured. Only in a short bite are Muslim terrorists mentioned. This is generally an approach that Public Service has toward Islamic terror.
Now it is said that (a) "militant group" is behind the "attacks".
That there occurred an attack against church visitors in Munich by a Muslim criminal, where 24 people were injured, has not even been reported by Public Service.
Last week, the same thing occurred when SVT (Swedish Television) reported on Nusrat Jahan Rafi, a 19-year-old student who was killed by her school mates after she refused to take back her report of sexual harassment against the headmaster of the Islamic school in Bangladesh where she was studying. Nusrat Jahan Rafi was attacked and burned to death by five women in burkas. SVT, however, left out the connection to Islam in its reporting. SVT, however, uses BBC as a source, and thus, it is evident that it was known that the school was Islamic and that the killers were dressed in burkas, but they still chose to leave this out, (and) it does not even appear that all were women. It would be a stretch to believe that that SVT (would) leave out information that the perpetrators were white men or for that matter what one would call, "right extremists". Imagine if a black woman were attacked by a white man in a Nazi uniform? I guess that SVT wouldn't leave out these details. That tax-financed SVT, which should be impartial, fails to write the connection to Islam in the Rafi case is a scandal.
That other mainstream media and weak politicians back off from Islam and Muslim criminality and crimes against democracy and human rights is, unfortunately, a fact. The politicians are employed by the people, but lie wildly. Then one verbally changes Christians into "Easter worshippers" according to any international manual appears to be used by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Left party leader, Jonas Sjöstedt. Sweden's prime minister, Stefan
Löfvén, who held a press conference after the terror attack against mosques in New Zealand, is carefully silent when Christian children are slaughtered. There isn't much talk about solidarity now. I wonder if the great Social Democrat leader is afraid to come up against his constituents, who, in large part, consist of Muslims?
He has seen what happened in Copenhagen last week, when riots arose when one dared to criticize the religion of peace and love, and threw a Koran (in the air). Twenty-three people were detained in the riots that arose....
And the Swedish Church, with Bishop Antje Jackelen in the lead, doesn't say much about if people should form human shields to protect Christian buildings and churches. The Swedish Church, which has even turned its back on its own symbol, the cross, has long since betrayed its Christian values, so it isn't very surprising. Nonetheless, it is true, really unpleasant.
The mainstream media is reluctant to write that it is about the terror by radical Muslims against Christians and non-believers, so called "unbelievers".
Svenska Dagbladet, a newspaper that used to be bourgeois, expresses worry that the terror act in Sri Lanka will result in revenge against Muslims.
Nor does Swedish mainstream media report on the frequent attacks that take place against Christian buildings and targets all over Europe. Vandalism, graffiti, destruction. And quickly the fire at Notre Dame in Paris is dismissed as an "accident" despite the fact there are many indications that it may have been attack.
And at the same time, jihadists and their families are evidently welcome to Sweden.
With sadness in the heart, I am forced once again to note that lies, disinformation and coddling of terrorists seems to be the new Swedish model.
Fousesquawk comment:
To a lesser extent, this is also true in the US. Our media also is hesitant to report Muslim terror and crime, and when they have to, they are careful to couch it very carefully. But when the media and people like Barack Obama downplay these horrible atrocities by referring to "Easter worshippers" and not saying anything about the fact that the attackers were Muslims on ba mission of jihad, they are betraying their own public, which is entitled to be fully informed on the dangers we are facing.
Make no mistake: The Islamists have turned it up a notch and things are getting worse instead of better despite the efforts of our political and religious leaders to placate Muslims hoping that if we were just a little bit nicer, it would all go away. Now they are attacking our churches and synagogues and in the case of Sri Lanka, while we are present and worshipping. Weakness and kindness have produced no positive results. On the contrary, it has only emboldened our enemies who believe we are ripe for the kill.
I write this not forgetting the horrible attack against Muslims in New Zealand. It also must be condemned, and we must not take out our rage on innocent Muslims who live in our countries. Yet, we as a people must stand up and tell the jiahdists and their US apologists that we will never submit to Islam. We must also let the phony Muslim moderates like CAIR, MPAC, the Shura Council, and so many other extremist Islamic organizations that we are onto their game of telling us that Islam is a religion of peace and that Islamophobia is some evil danger, that Muslims are the real victims when these attacks occur. We must also continue to speak out openly about the true nature of this ideology, which is built around violence and hate towards those who follow other religions. In Sweden, that exposes people to risk that they could have their careers and lives destroyed by the power machine of the Social Democrats and the media. It is shameful, and true here in the US albeit to a lesser extent. We still have the First Amendment. We need to use it and protect it.