Gary Fouse
The Ahmadiya branch of Islam is considered heretical by mainstream Muslims because they believe in a latter day prophet from the 19th century. Therefore, the branch, which was founded in the British colony of India and mostly centered in present-day Pakistan, is badly persecuted in that country and other Muslim countries where they reside. The Ahmadiyas have a good record when it comes to not being involved in terrorism. While the do subscribe to the Koran and revere Mohammad, along with the Sufis, they offer some hope of a peaceful coexistence between religions. Unfortunately, they are a small minority.
On November 18, Ahmadis managed to infiltrate a fund raiser featuring a speech by a Pakistani cleric in Springfield, Virginia. What they came away with is evidence of the type of thinking against non-Muslims (and Ahmadiyas) that has no place in America. The Ahmadiyas have posted this report in their newspaper, Rabwah Times.
"We went undercover to report on the day-long event which was organized by two U.S. registered charities, Idara Dawat-O-Irshad and Khatme Nubuwwat Center, both of which enjoy IRS tax-exempt status."
"The event’s keynote speaker was Habib-ur-Rehman Ludhianvi, a visiting Islamic cleric from Pakistan. In a 2016 piece, Ludhianvi who serves as the editor of monthly Millia magazine claimed that America was behind the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto."
“Have all Muslim lawyers died, why cant they learn and understand U.S. laws and then go present their case in front of the judge and explain that Qadianis [Ahmadis] are disrespecting Islam……..Islam is our faith and they [Ahmadis] are portraying their religious beliefs as Islamic beliefs ……. it should be made criminal for them to do so”
"During a Question and Answer session, Pakistani speaker Habib-ur-Rehman Ludhianvi warned the U.S. Government to “stop giving refuge to the adherents of the Qadiani faith [Ahmadis]” who he claimed were worse than Jews & Christians."
It seems there was a heavy Pakistani influence in this gathering.
Here is another report from an Ahmadi Muslim who attended. It appears in the Huffington Post.
I hope somebody in law enforcement is taking note.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Friday, November 17, 2017
Hillary Clinton Still Playing the Blame Game
Gary Fouse

"-Lights. Camera. Action."
-"Your audience is waiting, Madame President."
- "It was the Russians. Yes. It was the Russians.
But I know what I'll do. I'll write another book."
Hillary Clinton is still, out there pimping her latest book and blaming the Russians and everybody else for her loss. In her latest interview with Mother Jones (the blog not the real person, of whom there must be tens of millions), Hillary once again laid blame on the Russians. She also blamed voter intimidation, which means she is lamenting the loss of all those crucial votes from illegal aliens and dead people.
Aside from being crooked, corrupt and dishonest, Hillary Clinton is also a very sick and demented woman. She has no idea just how badly she comes across as a sore loser. It's a wonder that anyone still wants to interview her and listen to the same sad story. I guess they figure if Hillary thinks up someone else to blame for her loss, they'll get a scoop.
As it is, Clinton is staring to remind me of Norma Desmond in the old movie, Sunset Blvd.
"-Lights. Camera. Action."
-"Your audience is waiting, Madame President."
- "It was the Russians. Yes. It was the Russians.
But I know what I'll do. I'll write another book."
Hillary Clinton is still, out there pimping her latest book and blaming the Russians and everybody else for her loss. In her latest interview with Mother Jones (the blog not the real person, of whom there must be tens of millions), Hillary once again laid blame on the Russians. She also blamed voter intimidation, which means she is lamenting the loss of all those crucial votes from illegal aliens and dead people.
Aside from being crooked, corrupt and dishonest, Hillary Clinton is also a very sick and demented woman. She has no idea just how badly she comes across as a sore loser. It's a wonder that anyone still wants to interview her and listen to the same sad story. I guess they figure if Hillary thinks up someone else to blame for her loss, they'll get a scoop.
As it is, Clinton is staring to remind me of Norma Desmond in the old movie, Sunset Blvd.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Is This Racist?
Gary Fouse
It looks like UC Berkeley is on the lookout for......well, something even though no crime has been committed. It seems that some rascal put up posters in the dead of night that read (viewer warning) "It's OK to be white". The Daily Californian has the "disturbing" story.
It's refreshing to note that the campus police got it right for once. This is no hate crime because no other group was singled out. Given the current anti-white climate on college campuses, this seems a pretty innocuous way to point it out as being wrong. Maybe it's just another way to say to non-white students that white people are really not their enemy. Yet, it is clear that some snowflakes (no pun intended) on campus are offended. Their preferred message is that it is not OK to be white. Imagine if a poster read, "It's not OK to be black/brown/Asian", etc.
It looks like UC Berkeley is on the lookout for......well, something even though no crime has been committed. It seems that some rascal put up posters in the dead of night that read (viewer warning) "It's OK to be white". The Daily Californian has the "disturbing" story.
It's refreshing to note that the campus police got it right for once. This is no hate crime because no other group was singled out. Given the current anti-white climate on college campuses, this seems a pretty innocuous way to point it out as being wrong. Maybe it's just another way to say to non-white students that white people are really not their enemy. Yet, it is clear that some snowflakes (no pun intended) on campus are offended. Their preferred message is that it is not OK to be white. Imagine if a poster read, "It's not OK to be black/brown/Asian", etc.
Monday, October 30, 2017
UCLA's Daily Bruin and the Meaning of Fascism
Gary Fouse
"Hat tip" Daily Bruin
As a frequent reader of campus newspapers online, I usually tend to go easy on student writers.Yet, it is disturbing to read the intellectual rot that fills the pages of so many campus publications. They are a mirror of what is going on in campus life. Those professors who teach journalism should hang their heads in embarrassment at what student journalists are putting out.
One of the worst campus papers I have seen is UC Berkeley's Daily Californian. UCLA's Daily Bruin is not much better. In the current edition of the Daily Bruin, there is an op-ed that I have chosen to cross-post here not to embarrass the writer or single her out for any backlash. I post it here to illustrate how absurd the discourse is at the university level. The writer accuses the Trump administration of being fascist in nature. That is a silly charge in that if it were true, she would not be able to write such an article. She also reveals her own intolerance to opposing views in the article.
As is my wont, I have added a couple of reader comments. The longest one is pending editorial moderation.
One thing that is encouraging is that reader comments often show common sense and take issue with articles like this. The problem is that it is difficult to know if the readers who comment are students or community members.
"Hat tip" Daily Bruin
As a frequent reader of campus newspapers online, I usually tend to go easy on student writers.Yet, it is disturbing to read the intellectual rot that fills the pages of so many campus publications. They are a mirror of what is going on in campus life. Those professors who teach journalism should hang their heads in embarrassment at what student journalists are putting out.
One of the worst campus papers I have seen is UC Berkeley's Daily Californian. UCLA's Daily Bruin is not much better. In the current edition of the Daily Bruin, there is an op-ed that I have chosen to cross-post here not to embarrass the writer or single her out for any backlash. I post it here to illustrate how absurd the discourse is at the university level. The writer accuses the Trump administration of being fascist in nature. That is a silly charge in that if it were true, she would not be able to write such an article. She also reveals her own intolerance to opposing views in the article.
As is my wont, I have added a couple of reader comments. The longest one is pending editorial moderation.
One thing that is encouraging is that reader comments often show common sense and take issue with articles like this. The problem is that it is difficult to know if the readers who comment are students or community members.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
The Ugly American in Denmark
Hat tip Vlad Tepes

"At least I'm not an ugly American."
When Hans Christian Andersen wrote The Ugly Duckling, he had no idea about the Ugly American, a concept that would come to being after his death. Well, the Ugly American was most recently spotted in Aarhus, where an American woman took issue with someone wearing a Trump MAGA cap. What happened next was caught on videotape.
Note to ugly American: You don't go to other peoples' countries and insult them.

"At least I'm not an ugly American."
When Hans Christian Andersen wrote The Ugly Duckling, he had no idea about the Ugly American, a concept that would come to being after his death. Well, the Ugly American was most recently spotted in Aarhus, where an American woman took issue with someone wearing a Trump MAGA cap. What happened next was caught on videotape.
Note to ugly American: You don't go to other peoples' countries and insult them.
Berkeley Braces for Hurricane Free Speech
Gary Fouse
This article first appeared in New English Review Review.
Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro was able to complete his speech at the University of California last week thanks to the campus and Berkeley police shedding their potted plant costumes and ensuring that free speech was actually possible. Now comes the big storm. September 24-27 has been declared Free Speech Week as conservative speakers will be attempting to exercise their constitutional rights. Not surprisingly, the far-left is trying to shut it down-violently if necessary, while the university tries to shut it down with red tape and security fees.
Acting in the spirit of education, over 132 Berkeley professors signed a letter asking students to stay off campus during the above days and skip classes. Neat. I suggest students leave campus permanently since they are not getting an education anyway. They can be just as well indoctrinated sitting at home on their computers.
Judging from the announcement (linked above), it's pretty much an all star cast. One of the lesser-known speakers is a young lady to watch. Ariana Rowlands is a former president of the UC Irvine campus Republicans, a real burr under the saddle of UCI administrators. Here is what she says on Facebook about how college administrators are attempting to keep conservative speakers off campuses.
"The newest college administration trick to stop a conservative speaker from speaking at their campus is to pretend like they're going to be cooperative with the event and make empty promises to bring the student group's guard down. Then, just when event details need to be finalized, the administration completely flips the script by digging up arbitrary reasons as to why the previously agreed to contractual requirements cannot be fulfilled and gives new, completely unacceptable requirements that must be met by a fast-approaching deadline or else they say they'll be forced to cancel the event. Colleges across California are attempting this. Sad! They will lose!"
Ariana should know. She went through this with the UC Irvine administrators when she was bringing Milo Yiannapoulos to UCI. They attempted to suspend the College Republicans for a year over some security misunderstanding. They were forced to back down when a national furor arose. In the end, the College Republicans made the UCI administration look like a bunch of boobs.
For those who care about free speech, the eyes of the nation will be on Berkeley September 24-27. No doubt the forces of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and a few Palestinian flags will show up and make their voices heard. If the cops elect to show a low profile (their preference) and once again assume the position of potted plants, there will be violence. It will not come from the organizers and supporters of the events.
How ironic that conservatives have to put up big security fees when it is the other side that poses the threat of violence. It reminds me of the old Mafia protection racket where store owners had to pay Vinnie and Sluggo money every month to be "protected"-from them.
This article first appeared in New English Review Review.
Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro was able to complete his speech at the University of California last week thanks to the campus and Berkeley police shedding their potted plant costumes and ensuring that free speech was actually possible. Now comes the big storm. September 24-27 has been declared Free Speech Week as conservative speakers will be attempting to exercise their constitutional rights. Not surprisingly, the far-left is trying to shut it down-violently if necessary, while the university tries to shut it down with red tape and security fees.
Acting in the spirit of education, over 132 Berkeley professors signed a letter asking students to stay off campus during the above days and skip classes. Neat. I suggest students leave campus permanently since they are not getting an education anyway. They can be just as well indoctrinated sitting at home on their computers.
Judging from the announcement (linked above), it's pretty much an all star cast. One of the lesser-known speakers is a young lady to watch. Ariana Rowlands is a former president of the UC Irvine campus Republicans, a real burr under the saddle of UCI administrators. Here is what she says on Facebook about how college administrators are attempting to keep conservative speakers off campuses.
"The newest college administration trick to stop a conservative speaker from speaking at their campus is to pretend like they're going to be cooperative with the event and make empty promises to bring the student group's guard down. Then, just when event details need to be finalized, the administration completely flips the script by digging up arbitrary reasons as to why the previously agreed to contractual requirements cannot be fulfilled and gives new, completely unacceptable requirements that must be met by a fast-approaching deadline or else they say they'll be forced to cancel the event. Colleges across California are attempting this. Sad! They will lose!"
Ariana should know. She went through this with the UC Irvine administrators when she was bringing Milo Yiannapoulos to UCI. They attempted to suspend the College Republicans for a year over some security misunderstanding. They were forced to back down when a national furor arose. In the end, the College Republicans made the UCI administration look like a bunch of boobs.
For those who care about free speech, the eyes of the nation will be on Berkeley September 24-27. No doubt the forces of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and a few Palestinian flags will show up and make their voices heard. If the cops elect to show a low profile (their preference) and once again assume the position of potted plants, there will be violence. It will not come from the organizers and supporters of the events.
How ironic that conservatives have to put up big security fees when it is the other side that poses the threat of violence. It reminds me of the old Mafia protection racket where store owners had to pay Vinnie and Sluggo money every month to be "protected"-from them.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
It's Hillary Time
Gary Fouse
"Buy my book, Everybody !"
Hillary Clinton is back, refreshed and in full PR mode. Her latest book, "What Happened", full of excuses about all the people and forces that took the election from her. Today she was on The View. Typical Hillary stuff. Sympathetic audience and softball questions from the panel with the exception of Jedediah Bila. Even Bila disappointed me. Easy questions with no followup to destroy Hillary's lying answers. And Hillary was in full lying mode. She even had the gonads to talk about the need to fully investigate all those Trump scandals blithely ignoring the obvious fact that her own greatly outnumber any scandals attributable to Trump.
Next up is the Big Interview with Anderson Cooper, which promises to be more obscene than Anderson's infamous duos with Kathy Griffin.
She is the woman who will never go away.
Hat tip Gossip Cop
Hillary Clinton is back, refreshed and in full PR mode. Her latest book, "What Happened", full of excuses about all the people and forces that took the election from her. Today she was on The View. Typical Hillary stuff. Sympathetic audience and softball questions from the panel with the exception of Jedediah Bila. Even Bila disappointed me. Easy questions with no followup to destroy Hillary's lying answers. And Hillary was in full lying mode. She even had the gonads to talk about the need to fully investigate all those Trump scandals blithely ignoring the obvious fact that her own greatly outnumber any scandals attributable to Trump.
Next up is the Big Interview with Anderson Cooper, which promises to be more obscene than Anderson's infamous duos with Kathy Griffin.
She is the woman who will never go away.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
A Must Read: Stealth Invasion
Gary Fouse
Hat tip Creeping Sharia and Investigative Project on Terrorism

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
-From The Explanatory Memorandum
The blog, Creeping Sharia, has a piece tonight on an important new book. It is called Stealth Invasion by Leo Hohmann and describes the mass migration of Muslims into the West.
The book argues (and I concur) that this is part of a plan originated by the Muslim Brotherhood. The plan is to implant Islam upon the West through mass migration and demographic change. It is not about assimilating into American society, rather "destroying the Western Civilization from within". This is from a document called the Explanatory Memorandum seized in 2004 by the FBI and used as a government exhibit in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas, which involved Islamic charities diverting money to Middle East terror groups. The letter, which was addressed to the "North American Brothers" and had an address list that included many US Islamic organizations-including the Muslim Student Association, outlined the duties of the North American Brothers to undermine US civilization and lay the groundwork for Islam to be supplanted upon the West. It was not about blowing up bombs or killing people. It was using our system, institutions, and laws to subvert us while working for demographic change and acceptance of Islam. The Islamization of the US.
Civilizational Jihad
The problem, which is noted in the above link, is that too many of these people arriving have values that are opposed to our own. The leadership of most of the major Islamic organizations in the US, like CAIR, MPAC, ISNA, ICNA and others, have demonstrated that their goals and visions do not coincide with ours. There is an agenda, which is to gradually supplant American freedoms with Islamic values and sharia law. Yes, it is a long-term project, but the roots have been firmly planted. Look at what is happening in Europe today.
I highly recommend this book, and I will be getting it myself.
Hat tip Creeping Sharia and Investigative Project on Terrorism

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
-From The Explanatory Memorandum
The blog, Creeping Sharia, has a piece tonight on an important new book. It is called Stealth Invasion by Leo Hohmann and describes the mass migration of Muslims into the West.
The book argues (and I concur) that this is part of a plan originated by the Muslim Brotherhood. The plan is to implant Islam upon the West through mass migration and demographic change. It is not about assimilating into American society, rather "destroying the Western Civilization from within". This is from a document called the Explanatory Memorandum seized in 2004 by the FBI and used as a government exhibit in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas, which involved Islamic charities diverting money to Middle East terror groups. The letter, which was addressed to the "North American Brothers" and had an address list that included many US Islamic organizations-including the Muslim Student Association, outlined the duties of the North American Brothers to undermine US civilization and lay the groundwork for Islam to be supplanted upon the West. It was not about blowing up bombs or killing people. It was using our system, institutions, and laws to subvert us while working for demographic change and acceptance of Islam. The Islamization of the US.
Civilizational Jihad
The problem, which is noted in the above link, is that too many of these people arriving have values that are opposed to our own. The leadership of most of the major Islamic organizations in the US, like CAIR, MPAC, ISNA, ICNA and others, have demonstrated that their goals and visions do not coincide with ours. There is an agenda, which is to gradually supplant American freedoms with Islamic values and sharia law. Yes, it is a long-term project, but the roots have been firmly planted. Look at what is happening in Europe today.
I highly recommend this book, and I will be getting it myself.
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Why Did Facebook Take Down the Counter Jihad Coalition Page?
It is pretty clear now that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is engaging in politically-correct censorship. My friends and colleagues at the Counter Jihad Coalition advise me that Facebook has taken down the CJC page. Jihad Watch has the report.
First of all, CJC is not a hate group. It is, in fact, a human rights group. CJC does not advocate discrimination or hate crimes against Muslims. What CJC advocates is full rights for those mistreated under Islam, women, gays, and religious minorities. To be sure, CJC is against any implementation of sharia law. To be sure, CJC educates the public as to the dangers of Islamic ideology. I myself would not be part of this organization if it were a hate group.
Zuckerberg has the right to run his Facebook enterprise however he wants and according to his beliefs, but the rest of the public has a right to react accordingly. I have already been turned off by reports that Zuckerberg is collaborating with Angela Merkel to tamp down on negative comments about Islam in Germany. I have a Facebook page, but I am re-evaluating its continued usage. I have sent my concerns to Facebook for whatever it's worth.
If someone were advocating burning down mosques or killing Muslims on Facebook, I would support taking that page down. This is not the case, however. Facebook should restore CJC's page without delay.
First of all, CJC is not a hate group. It is, in fact, a human rights group. CJC does not advocate discrimination or hate crimes against Muslims. What CJC advocates is full rights for those mistreated under Islam, women, gays, and religious minorities. To be sure, CJC is against any implementation of sharia law. To be sure, CJC educates the public as to the dangers of Islamic ideology. I myself would not be part of this organization if it were a hate group.
Zuckerberg has the right to run his Facebook enterprise however he wants and according to his beliefs, but the rest of the public has a right to react accordingly. I have already been turned off by reports that Zuckerberg is collaborating with Angela Merkel to tamp down on negative comments about Islam in Germany. I have a Facebook page, but I am re-evaluating its continued usage. I have sent my concerns to Facebook for whatever it's worth.
If someone were advocating burning down mosques or killing Muslims on Facebook, I would support taking that page down. This is not the case, however. Facebook should restore CJC's page without delay.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Would-Be Suicide Bomber Thwarted in Mecca
A suicide bomber who was planning to attack the Grand Mosque in Mecca as one million Muslims had converged there to mark the end of Ramadan, blew himself up as police raided a house near the Mosque. No other deaths were reported though there were injuries.
This has been a particularly bloody month of Ramadan this year. It is supposed to be a time of fasting and good thoughts/deeds. At least that's what they tell us. Yet, the jihadis apparently consider it a prime time to kill. And why are these pilgrimages to Mecca often marked by violence?
I don't get it.
Good News: MPAC Loses DHS Grant
Gary Fouse
Hat tip Investigative Project on Terrorism and Karen Lugo for passing this on
The Muslim Public Affairs Council is another one of those phony moderate Islamic organizations in the US that poses as moderates. In reality, they are a front for the Muslim Brotherhood. Their CEO, Salam al Marayati, is a phony moderate who once told me there was no death penalty in Islam for apostasy (a lie). Under the Obama administration, this organization participated in a giant ruse with the government called, "Countering Violent Extremism", which relied on mosques and groups like MPAC to root out the "violent extremists" in their own community and train them to be good little citizens. Now the Trump administration has wisely withdrawn funding from MPAC.
As the article aptly points out, MPAC is one of law enforcement's biggest critics when it comes to catching terrorists in the US. Depending on MPAC and the imams and mosques to identify and cure would be terrorists (as opposed to identifying them and notifying police) is like expecting elephants to pass the peanuts.
This entire Countering Violent Extremism program should be halted and replaced with something more sensible like monitoring extremist mosques.
Hat tip Investigative Project on Terrorism and Karen Lugo for passing this on
The Muslim Public Affairs Council is another one of those phony moderate Islamic organizations in the US that poses as moderates. In reality, they are a front for the Muslim Brotherhood. Their CEO, Salam al Marayati, is a phony moderate who once told me there was no death penalty in Islam for apostasy (a lie). Under the Obama administration, this organization participated in a giant ruse with the government called, "Countering Violent Extremism", which relied on mosques and groups like MPAC to root out the "violent extremists" in their own community and train them to be good little citizens. Now the Trump administration has wisely withdrawn funding from MPAC.
As the article aptly points out, MPAC is one of law enforcement's biggest critics when it comes to catching terrorists in the US. Depending on MPAC and the imams and mosques to identify and cure would be terrorists (as opposed to identifying them and notifying police) is like expecting elephants to pass the peanuts.
This entire Countering Violent Extremism program should be halted and replaced with something more sensible like monitoring extremist mosques.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Today's Shooting in Alexandria, Virgina
Gary Fouse
Is this a case of the chickens coming home to roost? Perhaps.
It is always tricky to assign the blame for an act of violence on rhetoric unless the words and violence happen in immediate concert. But we have a 66-year-old man who took a rifle to a park where congressional Republicans were practicing for a traditional baseball game against Democrats. Once he confirmed that the men on the field were Republicans he began shooting and wounded five before being taken out by Capitol Police. As I write, Congressman Steve Scalise (R) is in critical condition.
As a side note, this appears to the the second recent case of assault with a deadly weapon by a Bernie Sanders supporter. The other incident was in Portland, Oregon, where a white nationalist stabbed two people to death who intervened when he was berating a couple of Muslim women. Do we condemn all Sanders supporters for this violence or the senator himself? Of course not, but the left needs to take a hard look at itself in their collective mirrors.
We should also take a close look at the rhetoric by Democrats and the media when it comes to President Trump and his supporters. Maxine Waters, in particular, has used rhetoric that-at least last Sunday in Los Angeles- bordered on inciting insurrection, in my view. CNN has surpassed even MSNBC in its daily, non-stop demonization of Trump. Their reporting is reckless and often inaccurate. They have their first amendment right and criticizing the president is a healthy part of American democracy. What is not healthy is throwing objectivity to the wind and painting the president and his team as inherently evil people who must be removed from power. As an example, this issue of Trump team collusion with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton is being beaten to death even though the investigators have publicly stated they have found no evidence of such collusion.
Donald Trump has his share of flaws, but being an evil man is not one of them as he is being portrayed. Many of his subordinates, most notably Steve Bannon, have been unjustly called Nazis and other names.
We are a badly divided nation, and many on the right do not speak or act for me. But this latest act of violence, coupled with the rise of ANTIFA, is very troubling. Would it surprise anyone if President Trump were one day the target of an assassination attempt? I well remember the last one ( I was 18 when Kennedy was assassinated.) In my opinion, this nation has never recovered from the shock. It seems we have been going downhill ever since. Now we face an enemy every bit as evil as Nazism. That is radical Islam, which seeks to destroy us and our freedoms. More than ever we need to come together as a nation and set aside these political and ethnic differences which are being magnified out of all proportion.
Is this a case of the chickens coming home to roost? Perhaps.
It is always tricky to assign the blame for an act of violence on rhetoric unless the words and violence happen in immediate concert. But we have a 66-year-old man who took a rifle to a park where congressional Republicans were practicing for a traditional baseball game against Democrats. Once he confirmed that the men on the field were Republicans he began shooting and wounded five before being taken out by Capitol Police. As I write, Congressman Steve Scalise (R) is in critical condition.
As a side note, this appears to the the second recent case of assault with a deadly weapon by a Bernie Sanders supporter. The other incident was in Portland, Oregon, where a white nationalist stabbed two people to death who intervened when he was berating a couple of Muslim women. Do we condemn all Sanders supporters for this violence or the senator himself? Of course not, but the left needs to take a hard look at itself in their collective mirrors.
We should also take a close look at the rhetoric by Democrats and the media when it comes to President Trump and his supporters. Maxine Waters, in particular, has used rhetoric that-at least last Sunday in Los Angeles- bordered on inciting insurrection, in my view. CNN has surpassed even MSNBC in its daily, non-stop demonization of Trump. Their reporting is reckless and often inaccurate. They have their first amendment right and criticizing the president is a healthy part of American democracy. What is not healthy is throwing objectivity to the wind and painting the president and his team as inherently evil people who must be removed from power. As an example, this issue of Trump team collusion with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton is being beaten to death even though the investigators have publicly stated they have found no evidence of such collusion.
Donald Trump has his share of flaws, but being an evil man is not one of them as he is being portrayed. Many of his subordinates, most notably Steve Bannon, have been unjustly called Nazis and other names.
We are a badly divided nation, and many on the right do not speak or act for me. But this latest act of violence, coupled with the rise of ANTIFA, is very troubling. Would it surprise anyone if President Trump were one day the target of an assassination attempt? I well remember the last one ( I was 18 when Kennedy was assassinated.) In my opinion, this nation has never recovered from the shock. It seems we have been going downhill ever since. Now we face an enemy every bit as evil as Nazism. That is radical Islam, which seeks to destroy us and our freedoms. More than ever we need to come together as a nation and set aside these political and ethnic differences which are being magnified out of all proportion.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Europe's Tragic Tradeoff
This article first appeared in the Times of Israel Blogs. Please click below link.
Islamic Terrorism: It Is Time for Drastic Measures in the West
Gary Fouse
The more we learn from Britain and other European countries, the more outrageous it gets. Just in the past few days, an Afghan refugee who was supposed to be deported back to Afghanistan after he set an apartment complex on fire, stabbed a 5-year-old girl to death while wounding the mother and a 6-year old daughter. The once intelligent Germans decided not to deport him back to Afghanistan because it would be too dangerous for him. (He claimed he converted to Christianity. If so, I guess he missed the part of "Thou shalt not kill".)
Meanwhile in Londonistan, we learn the names of the three attackers who committed the last atrocity on London Bridge. Not only do we learn that one or two of them were "on the British radar", but that (of course) they were living on welfare while waving those black flags with the shahada on them that resemble ISIS flags.
This latest British case is instructive. British intelligence and police reportedly have some three thousand hard core terror suspects they are attempting to monitor in-country. In addition, there are some 20,000 other lesser suspects who they simply don't have the manpower and resources to effectively monitor.
Meanwhile, the migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers keep on coming, mostly from Middle Eastern and African countries and mostly Muslim. Nobody knows who they are, but they are mostly young, unaccompanied males in their 20s. What could possibly go wrong? They are arriving by the thousands almost weekly in Italy, Africans being picked up by NGO ships off the coast of Libya and delivered to Italian ports. They disembark and are escorted to housing centers in various parts of the country. The Italian people are besides themselves. Their leaders don't care. It's the same in Germany, where rapes, knife attacks, and flat out terror attacks have plagued the country. And the once-efficient Germans have no idea what to do. Anybody who speaks out against these insane policies-fully supported by the EU- risks being prosecuted.
Before the problem can be fixed, the Europeans and Americans/Canadians need to face certain realities. The problem is Islam. It is not a perversion of Islam. It is Islam in its purest form as preached by the Prophet Mohammad. Most Muslims in the West may be peaceful, secular, and law abiding, but when you add up those who support the ideals of the terrorists-albeit quietly- or long for an Islamic caliphate living under sharia law- the percentage of problematical Muslims increases drastically.
Once we realize that this Muslim wave will eventually overtake the West, we face the choice: Submit or survive as free societies. It is not a matter of the presence of people who will change our demographic makeup. It is the presence of a wave of people, some of whom want to change our way of life, take away our freedoms of speech and religion, or simply kill us. How many terrorist attacks on our people must we endure? This is war, and we need to recognize it as such.
The main steps the West must take immediately are:
1 Stop the bleeding and close the borders. At the same time, those who have entered illegally must be sent back to their country of origin. Those who are "on the radar" must be rounded up and at the least deported. I support President Trump's travel ban. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Nobody has the constitutional right to enter our country. If we excluded communists in the past, we can exclude those with another ideology that stands against our freedoms and values.
2 Countries like Britain are considering revoking the citizenship of terrorists. They should do it, and we should do it. Many of our "home-grown" terrorists are immigrants who obtained citizenship (and in some cases, are born in the West). If they are naturalized, it can be shown that they lied on the immigration papers when they swore under oath that they did not subscribe to any belief in subverting our freedoms.
3 Instead of closing GITMO, it should remain open, and more should be opened and run by our allies.
4 This leads me to an even more drastic measure, and I want to explain it carefully. In the US, this may well require a suspension of Habeus Corpus, but we should not expect the FBI to try and monitor the activities of Islamic suspects who, by the FBI's own admission, are located in all 50 states. Those who have been identified as radicalized and involved with terrorist groups or planning to make an attack should be picked up and either prosecuted, detained, or deported back to country of origin. When I say detained, I mean GITMO detained.
But here is an important point: I am not advocating that every Muslim in our country be picked up. I have said many times that innocent Muslims must be protected. We have to focus on the ones who want to do us harm. Our country made a grievous error after Pearl Harbor when Japanese and Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast were interned. To intern innocent Muslims who may be secular or have no intent to harm us would be an injustice. Similarly, there are many well-established Muslims in Europe, such as Turks in Germany or North Africans in France, who are working and living peacefully. I am not talking about them. Yes, members of their respective communities have been radicalized and have committed terrorist acts. But here again, I am talking about people that the police and intelligence agencies have identified. I am talking about those immigrants who have committed previous crimes and not been deported like the Afghan in Germany who just killed that 5-year-old child.
All this may require a changing of some laws depending on each country. It is also a question of will. Do we really care enough about our traditions of freedom and protection for women and gays, or are we really ready to surrender them to the Islamists and jihadis in our midst? Are we really ready to accept terrorist attacks on our soil-against our citizens as part of everyday life? I say no.
Kick them out and keep them out. It is a matter of life and death.
The more we learn from Britain and other European countries, the more outrageous it gets. Just in the past few days, an Afghan refugee who was supposed to be deported back to Afghanistan after he set an apartment complex on fire, stabbed a 5-year-old girl to death while wounding the mother and a 6-year old daughter. The once intelligent Germans decided not to deport him back to Afghanistan because it would be too dangerous for him. (He claimed he converted to Christianity. If so, I guess he missed the part of "Thou shalt not kill".)
Meanwhile in Londonistan, we learn the names of the three attackers who committed the last atrocity on London Bridge. Not only do we learn that one or two of them were "on the British radar", but that (of course) they were living on welfare while waving those black flags with the shahada on them that resemble ISIS flags.
This latest British case is instructive. British intelligence and police reportedly have some three thousand hard core terror suspects they are attempting to monitor in-country. In addition, there are some 20,000 other lesser suspects who they simply don't have the manpower and resources to effectively monitor.
Meanwhile, the migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers keep on coming, mostly from Middle Eastern and African countries and mostly Muslim. Nobody knows who they are, but they are mostly young, unaccompanied males in their 20s. What could possibly go wrong? They are arriving by the thousands almost weekly in Italy, Africans being picked up by NGO ships off the coast of Libya and delivered to Italian ports. They disembark and are escorted to housing centers in various parts of the country. The Italian people are besides themselves. Their leaders don't care. It's the same in Germany, where rapes, knife attacks, and flat out terror attacks have plagued the country. And the once-efficient Germans have no idea what to do. Anybody who speaks out against these insane policies-fully supported by the EU- risks being prosecuted.
Before the problem can be fixed, the Europeans and Americans/Canadians need to face certain realities. The problem is Islam. It is not a perversion of Islam. It is Islam in its purest form as preached by the Prophet Mohammad. Most Muslims in the West may be peaceful, secular, and law abiding, but when you add up those who support the ideals of the terrorists-albeit quietly- or long for an Islamic caliphate living under sharia law- the percentage of problematical Muslims increases drastically.
Once we realize that this Muslim wave will eventually overtake the West, we face the choice: Submit or survive as free societies. It is not a matter of the presence of people who will change our demographic makeup. It is the presence of a wave of people, some of whom want to change our way of life, take away our freedoms of speech and religion, or simply kill us. How many terrorist attacks on our people must we endure? This is war, and we need to recognize it as such.
The main steps the West must take immediately are:
1 Stop the bleeding and close the borders. At the same time, those who have entered illegally must be sent back to their country of origin. Those who are "on the radar" must be rounded up and at the least deported. I support President Trump's travel ban. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Nobody has the constitutional right to enter our country. If we excluded communists in the past, we can exclude those with another ideology that stands against our freedoms and values.
2 Countries like Britain are considering revoking the citizenship of terrorists. They should do it, and we should do it. Many of our "home-grown" terrorists are immigrants who obtained citizenship (and in some cases, are born in the West). If they are naturalized, it can be shown that they lied on the immigration papers when they swore under oath that they did not subscribe to any belief in subverting our freedoms.
3 Instead of closing GITMO, it should remain open, and more should be opened and run by our allies.
4 This leads me to an even more drastic measure, and I want to explain it carefully. In the US, this may well require a suspension of Habeus Corpus, but we should not expect the FBI to try and monitor the activities of Islamic suspects who, by the FBI's own admission, are located in all 50 states. Those who have been identified as radicalized and involved with terrorist groups or planning to make an attack should be picked up and either prosecuted, detained, or deported back to country of origin. When I say detained, I mean GITMO detained.
But here is an important point: I am not advocating that every Muslim in our country be picked up. I have said many times that innocent Muslims must be protected. We have to focus on the ones who want to do us harm. Our country made a grievous error after Pearl Harbor when Japanese and Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast were interned. To intern innocent Muslims who may be secular or have no intent to harm us would be an injustice. Similarly, there are many well-established Muslims in Europe, such as Turks in Germany or North Africans in France, who are working and living peacefully. I am not talking about them. Yes, members of their respective communities have been radicalized and have committed terrorist acts. But here again, I am talking about people that the police and intelligence agencies have identified. I am talking about those immigrants who have committed previous crimes and not been deported like the Afghan in Germany who just killed that 5-year-old child.
All this may require a changing of some laws depending on each country. It is also a question of will. Do we really care enough about our traditions of freedom and protection for women and gays, or are we really ready to surrender them to the Islamists and jihadis in our midst? Are we really ready to accept terrorist attacks on our soil-against our citizens as part of everyday life? I say no.
Kick them out and keep them out. It is a matter of life and death.
Friday, May 19, 2017
Texas A&M Professor Advocates Killing Whites-in Class
Gary Fouse
Hat tip Campus Reform

Tommy Curry
(Photo by Campus Watch)
This is as bad as it gets. This goes far beyond race hucksters talking about white privilege on campus. Here we have a black professor named Tommy Curry advocating the killing of whites He does it on the air in an interview, and he does it in class.
Here is an article by the campus paper, The Battalion.
If we were talking about slaves rising up and killing their white masters, I would not have a problem. This is not the time of slavery. This idiot apparently thinks it is because he brings his crazy ideas into the modern day.
In my view advocating murder of a particular race is not free speech. They may not find a prosecutor willing to bring criminal charges, but if Texas A&M doesn't fire this dangerous man, every student should withdraw and every donor should stop giving money. If the president doesn't have the gonads to fire this man, then he should go too.
For a decade now I have been stating and writing that if campus anti-semitism is not dealt with by our universities, we are going to eventually see a Jewish student murdered on a college campus. After reading this, I have to conclude that if this "white privilege" nonsense isn't nipped in the bud by universities, we will see the murder of a white student on a campus simply for the reason that he or she is white.
Hat tip Campus Reform

Tommy Curry
(Photo by Campus Watch)
This is as bad as it gets. This goes far beyond race hucksters talking about white privilege on campus. Here we have a black professor named Tommy Curry advocating the killing of whites He does it on the air in an interview, and he does it in class.
Here is an article by the campus paper, The Battalion.
If we were talking about slaves rising up and killing their white masters, I would not have a problem. This is not the time of slavery. This idiot apparently thinks it is because he brings his crazy ideas into the modern day.
In my view advocating murder of a particular race is not free speech. They may not find a prosecutor willing to bring criminal charges, but if Texas A&M doesn't fire this dangerous man, every student should withdraw and every donor should stop giving money. If the president doesn't have the gonads to fire this man, then he should go too.
For a decade now I have been stating and writing that if campus anti-semitism is not dealt with by our universities, we are going to eventually see a Jewish student murdered on a college campus. After reading this, I have to conclude that if this "white privilege" nonsense isn't nipped in the bud by universities, we will see the murder of a white student on a campus simply for the reason that he or she is white.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Ex LA County Sheriff Lee Baca Sentenced to 3 Years
Gary Fouse

"Heigh ho, heigh ho
It's off to jail I go"
Former LA County Sheriff Lee Baca was sentenced this week to three years in prison on a corruption conviction based on his attempts to thwart an FBI investigation into abuses at his county jail.
I have no sympathy for Baca. Not only did he abuse his power and corrupt his office, he was also an apologist for radical imams and mosques in Southern California. He was an ally of organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Public Affairs Council, appearing at their events and helping spread the lie that sharia law was no threat to our own laws. This is something I personally observed back in 2012 in Garden Grove.
Baca was a disgrace to law enforcement. The cell door cannot shut quickly enough on him.
"Heigh ho, heigh ho
It's off to jail I go"
Former LA County Sheriff Lee Baca was sentenced this week to three years in prison on a corruption conviction based on his attempts to thwart an FBI investigation into abuses at his county jail.
I have no sympathy for Baca. Not only did he abuse his power and corrupt his office, he was also an apologist for radical imams and mosques in Southern California. He was an ally of organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Public Affairs Council, appearing at their events and helping spread the lie that sharia law was no threat to our own laws. This is something I personally observed back in 2012 in Garden Grove.
Baca was a disgrace to law enforcement. The cell door cannot shut quickly enough on him.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
My Open Letter to UC Irvine Re: Standing Rock Is Everywhere Event
Gary Fouse
In connection with my previous post regarding the Standing Rock is Everywhere event at UC Irvine on April 18, I have sent the below letter to the university and elected leaders expressing my concern.
In connection with my previous post regarding the Standing Rock is Everywhere event at UC Irvine on April 18, I have sent the below letter to the university and elected leaders expressing my concern.
April 26, 2017
Dear Dr Parham et al
My name is Gary Fouse, and I am a former part-time teacher in the UC Irvine Extension (1998-2016). Last week, I attended an event sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs “New Narratives” program and the Cross Cultural Center. It was entitled “Standing Rock Is Everywhere” and consisted of several panelists, who spoke not only about the Standing Rock pipeline issue but many other issues as well. Frankly, I was appalled at the negative perspectives given to UCI students by these speakers as it pertains to our country and our society (as well as Canada). Given the fact that the event was sponsored by the university, I wonder whether UCI was putting its official imprimatur on the views expressed.
I fully understand the dark chapters in our nation’s history and am old enough to remember some of them. I also understand the first amendment right of those speakers to express their opinions. But I do not share the negative opinions expressed toward our country as it is today or some of our leaders who were mentioned. For example, I do not believe Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a racist as was implied by one of the speakers.
I also found it offensive that a panelist (Janaya Khan) who has just moved to the US from Canada would open her remarks by saying that “she had picked the wrong time to move south of the border” then go on to trash this country. I also found the expression she used, “Christian patriarchy” equally offensive. I could go on, but you can read my reactions in full at the below link.
My real purpose in writing, however, is to inquire whether the “New Narratives” program has in the past or is willing in the future to sponsor a speaker or speakers with a more positive perspective on America as well as provide opposing viewpoints on the North Dakota pipeline and other issues brought up by your panel covered in the above event. I should add that I posed this question to Dr Abby Reyes before I left the event. While I don’t feel I got a particularly clear answer, she informed me that New Narratives was set up after the unfortunate “black face” incident on campus a couple of years back and was designed to give a voice to “marginalized students”. She also told me that suggested speakers are considered by a New Narratives panel and referred me to the vice chancellor’s office for further information.
Therefore, in the interest of providing UCI students and the community with other perspectives on these issues, I would like to respectfully propose a couple of speakers for your consideration (specifically for the New Narratives). First of all, I would like to propose Los Angeles-based talk show host Larry Elder, an African-American conservative. Secondly, I would like to propose Dr Thomas Sowell, who I believe recently retired from the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He is also a well-known African-American conservative. I can think of several other worthy speakers, but I will leave it with these two at this time.
In my view, university students deserve to be exposed to all sides of issues not just some. I don’t deny the rights of the above speakers to have their say, but I seriously question whether universities today are committed to giving a fair hearing to other voices. I eagerly await your response to my suggestions.
Gary Fouse
Dr. Howard Gillman, Chancellor
Dr. Douglas Haynes, Director, Cross Cultural Center
Dr. Abby Reyes
US Rep. Mimi Walters
State Senator John Moorlach
State Assembly Rep. Steven Choi
I will keep you advised of any responses I get (or don't get).
Friday, April 14, 2017
Detroit Doctor Charged With Performing Female Genital Mutilations
Gary Fouse
Hat tip The Blaze
“The Department of Justice is committed to stopping female genital mutilation in this country,” she added in a statement, “and will use the full power of the law to ensure that no girls suffer such physical and emotional abuse.”

A doctor in Detroit has been charged for performing female genital mutilations. She is an emergency room physician named Jamana Nagarwala. She is facing federal charges.
I can only pray that this story is widely publicized. This practice has encroached upon Europe. It is done behind closed doors. In other cases, young girls are sent back to the family's country of origin to have the procedure performed. No doubt some families here have sent their daughters back to the old country for the same purpose. Now this.
These girls are entitled to the same protections we all enjoy here in America. I am heartened that the new DOJ is prosecuting this. I doubt the Obama DOJ would have brought charges.
*Update: The story is indeed getting wide coverage including the New York Times, CNN and foreign outlets including Nagarwala's native India. The below article identifies her as a member of the Dawoodi Bohra sect of Shia Islam, which practices FGM.
Hat tip The Blaze
“The Department of Justice is committed to stopping female genital mutilation in this country,” she added in a statement, “and will use the full power of the law to ensure that no girls suffer such physical and emotional abuse.”
A doctor in Detroit has been charged for performing female genital mutilations. She is an emergency room physician named Jamana Nagarwala. She is facing federal charges.
I can only pray that this story is widely publicized. This practice has encroached upon Europe. It is done behind closed doors. In other cases, young girls are sent back to the family's country of origin to have the procedure performed. No doubt some families here have sent their daughters back to the old country for the same purpose. Now this.
These girls are entitled to the same protections we all enjoy here in America. I am heartened that the new DOJ is prosecuting this. I doubt the Obama DOJ would have brought charges.
*Update: The story is indeed getting wide coverage including the New York Times, CNN and foreign outlets including Nagarwala's native India. The below article identifies her as a member of the Dawoodi Bohra sect of Shia Islam, which practices FGM.
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