Friday, April 17, 2015

At the Daily Tarheel, Free Speech For Me-Not for Thee

Gary Fouse

In recent days, Mitt Romney has spoken at Duke and David Horowitz at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This has resulted in  an editorial by the Daily Tarheel, the campus paper at UNC. It maintains that campus speakers should be chosen "with discretion".

Really? So Mitt Romney should not speak at Duke because he is partisan. Would the Daily Tarheel object to President Obama or Hillary Clinton speaking at Duke or UNC? Have they objected to Democratic politicians speaking on campus in the past. I doubt it.

And they object to David Horowitz expressing his right of free speech at UNC? The truth hurts, doesn't it? Would the Daily Tarheel object to speakers from the "other side" speaking on campus?

I note that just in February, both schools hosted a Malcolm X event in which Professor Sohail Daulatzai, my "good friend" from UC Irvine, was a panelist. This is man who not only hates Israel, but also considers America to be a racist, imperialistic nation.

The Daily Tarheel is guilty of gross hypocrisy here.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hussam Ayloush (CAIR) Meets Tom Trento (Again)

Gary Fouse

Hat tip Creeping Sharia

Here is a nice film clip of Tom Trento of The United West greeting CAIR's LA director, Hussam Ayloush during "Capitol Day"* in Washington DC. Tom asks Ayloush if there is a Muslim Brotherhood in the US and gets the typical lie for an answer.

I wonder if Ayloush recognized Trento from their previous encounter in May 2011 in Anaheim when we were protesting an award being given to Muzammil Siddiqi. That was when Tom told Ayloush that he represented a despicable organization (CAIR). Ayloush had to be "rescued" by his cohort, Shakeel Syed of the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, who came and grabbed Ayloush by the arm and led him across the street. It was quite comical.

As to the question of whether there is a Muslim Brotherhood in America, the answer is yes though not in a formal sense. Their representatives are organizations like CAIR, MPAC, ISNA, ICNA and the Muslim Students Association. That was brought out in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas where an "explanatory memorandum" was introduced into evidence, which had been seized by the FBI  That was a 1991 Brotherhood letter addressed to several; of the above organizations (CAIR had not yet been founded) identifying them as the "North American brothers, whose task it was to destroy the American system from within. It was surely this document that Trento was offering to show Ayloush.

It is also the same document I handed to Brotherhood representative Ibrahim El Hudaiby when he came to UC Irvine in 2008  to speak in Professor Mark LeVine's class. Hudaiby told the students a number of lies including that the Brotherhood had no people in the US. He pronounced the document a forgery. (It was not.)

* Capitol Day: An annual event whereby CAIR and other Islamist activists flood the US and many state capitols with representatives lobbying for their causes.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tufts University Professor Gives Bizarre Speech

Gary Fouse

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine and Campus Watch

Bizarre. That's the only word I can attach to this presentation given March 17 in Washington DC by Tufts University professor Thomas Abowd on the issue of Israel and Jerusalem. Andrew Harrod wrote the below article for Frontpage Magazine.

There's not a lot one can add to Harrod's piece, which leaves one with the impression that Abowd must have been smoking his socks prior to taking the microphone. I would like to add a couple of points though.

First of all, how many times is there word "Jerusalem" found in the Old and New Testaments? Hundreds, I would guess. How about the Koran?


That is because, Dear Reader, Jerusalem was the capital of the Jewish land of Israel three thousand years ago long before Islam was born.The Islamic claim to Jerusalem as their third holiest city is based on the belief that the prophet Mohammad flew there on a winged horse one night from where he ascended into the heavens to meet with prior prophets. Even then, it was referred to as "the farthest mosque"-even though there was no mosque there at the time. That's rock solid.

And when did the Arabs in the region begin referring to themselves as "Palestinians"? That would be in the 1960s.

Before closing, let me retract the above crack about Abowd smoking his socks. I just realized that March 17 was St Patrick's Day. That explains the boffo statements. In the future I would hope Abowd will celebrate St Paddies Day after he gives a speech.