Ingrid Mattson, Muslims at Democratic Convention, ISNA...
Fox News is confused about why the DNC would invite Ingrid
Mattson to an interfaith gathering on the eve of the DNC convention.
What's so confusing?
Well, for starters, Ingrid Mattson, a scholar at Hartford Seminary, is a Muslim.
Furthermore, Ingrid Mattson is the president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a national, mainstream Muslim organization based in Plainfield, IN.
So what, you ask? I'm wondering the same thing - so what?
The blogosphere (for example: see here, here and here) and necon pundits are tripping over one another Dr. Mattson's involvement at the democratic convention.
Dr. Mattson is being labeled a radical and a terrorist sympathizer and her organization (ISNA) is being labeled a front from the Muslim Brotherhood. None of this is true, but when did truth ever get in the way of Islamophobes

ISNA, a group related to the violent Muslim Brotherhood, was named by the U.S. government a co-conspirator for a 2007 federal trial which dealt with the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas.Also, as recently as last month, under Mattson’s watch, ISNA propagated material on its national website calling for the murder of Jews and the waging of war against Jews and Christians. The violent ISNA documents can be viewed here.
ISNA president, Ingrid Mattson, stated in a 2002 PBS interview that she did not see "any difference between [certain Christian leaders’ criticisms of Islam] and [of] al Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden [using] Islamic theology to justify violence against Americans."