Monday, February 11, 2008

Blips on the Screen: 11 Feb 08

McCain and Petraeus for Republican Ticket?

I mulled over this intriguing combination with a few other minds this past weekend. John McCain is within a heartbeat of becoming the de facto nominee. Originally, I suspected Mike Huckabee could very well be McCain's choice for running mate. A surefire way to garner votes from the religious right. But, that may not be what McCain is after. What if instead he bolsters his "we will not surrender" battle cry with a man of General Petraeus' reputation and stature at his side? A man ready to defend America's position, surge and theatre in the Middle East could very well be the man of McCain's hour. With a Democrat ring preparing for an unleashing of the hounds of MSM -- a brilliant strategy in the McCain camp would be to now begin the careful sowing of Vice Presidential seeds in the minds of Americans today. If surrender is truly not an option -- I can't imagine a more effective ticket.

-- Thanks to Helena Handbasket


  1. I don't agree with all of Lieberman's social policies however as I have stated in the past. My only concern about the upcoming elections are the threat of Islamo-Fascism. My children's safety and security trump all other issues! I would vote for Lieberman in a heart-beat! He truly understands the threat we are dealing with...


  2. The General would be a dream come true for America!!!

  3. If McCain were to chose a General,it would probably be Wesley Clark. Besides, Petreyus is more useful in his area of expertise, the battlefield, than in the political arena.

  4. God help us, Ben. Please not Weaselly Clark!

  5. McCain+Clark?
    It'd make the Clinton years look almost respectable.
    Clark is a foul piece of work and if the Republicans can't do better than that then better they lose, and rebuild the party

  6. Interesting comments all ..... Robert, I agree the threat as you call it of Islamo-Fascism is THE threat. The pool of those truly understanding that threat is shallow. I wish it wasn't so.

    Ben, not that I cannot get behind a military man, but Clark is not the man for me.

    My mulled post is simply a "what if" scenario. You will have to excuse my thinking that warriors in the White House would at this time more than any other -- be a positive move.

    Thank you for commenting one and all.

  7. As I see it Petraues in needed in Iraq.. However a Lieberman-PACE ticked might really get it done.. OR a Lieberman- Rice ticket.. ??? What thinks you all??

  8. OILY CLARK??? Not even Funny...

  9. What's worse, I wonder -- "oily" or "weaselly"? lol

  10. OHH this just might drive some libtard to PAIN but since we are in the SILLY season.. how about Rumsfeld and Delay??? Can you imagine the AGITATION and Despair from LEftards????

  11. I agree redhawk -- he is valuable in Iraq. That's why I think he would be valuable in Washington. His mission, so to speak -- can be accomplished by other warriors if he were to be approached by the McCain camp. Operable word is "if" of course.
