Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Blips on the Screen: 1 Apr 08

Catholicism Overtaken by Islam

Cross posted from Revolution Muslim.com

Alhamdullilah, the Ummah is growing larger. Read here
about this.
Of course, many of the closed-minded disbelievers are upset
over this.
That’s too bad.
This is one sign of Islaam taking over the
world, slowly but surely. Alhamdullilaah.
The greater problem though is that
we don’t have an Islaamic State.

We ask Allah to bless our Ummah with a Khilaafah soon so that we can practice
our Deen correctly, give Da’wah properly, bring mankind into the light from
darkness and destroy all the oppressors of the world.

A response from Radarsite

Of all the negative characterizations that can be made of a person or a people, the worst is not necessarily that they are morally corrupt, or even that they are absolutely evil; one can be morally corrupt and absolutely evil yet still be powerful and respected. No, the worst fate of all is simply to be dismissed as irrelevant.

During the course of the last millennium, for whatever reasons, as the Western and the Far Eastern worlds progressed and their societies evolved and prospered, the Muslim world in general, and the Middle East in particular, stagnated and became increasingly irrelevant. Unfortunately, the considered Islamic response to this self-perceived inferiority was to become even more fanatical and intolerant in their religious zeal (Wahhabism), which of course only served to push them deeper into the backwaters of cultural and political irrelevancy -- "digging their way out of the well", as it has been so aptly put. Then, with the advent of that much-maligned Twentieth-Century Western technology, soon they began to discover the undeniable efficacy of transatlantic terrorism.

In our present turbulent era, whatever else one may have to say about jihadist Islam, one can no longer call it irrelevant. And to a previously irrelevant people, the power of this nascent relevancy, even if it be an infamous relevancy, is enticing, perhaps even irresistible.

Today, you may notice, when a Muslim speaks to an infidel about Islam you can catch a gleam of pride in his eye. He has become relevant again. We are learning how to pronounce his name and we are listening attentively to his views. One can only hope that -- with a little courage and a lot of willpower on our part --this new found violent relevancy will be short-lived and soon find its way to that abandoned graveyard of mutant ideologies.

-- From A Matter of Respect


  1. A rather practical solution: U.S. drills its own oil. Quick return to oblivion for our Middle Eastern would-be tyrants. But this might upset a gaggle of Northeastern Snorkel Geese and thus ... we submit.


