Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sohail Daulatzai's Latest Ravings

Gary Fouse

Tip of the shoe to Dr David J Leonard blog.

Sohail Daulatzai is a professor of film at UC Irvine. From that soapbox, his real profession is damning his adopted country, the USA, which he considers a racist, colonial evil empire. (He was born in Pakistan). Best I can figure, Daulatzai is a frustrated Malcolm X wanna-be who fancies himself as a historian of the African-American experience. In previous writings, this angry guy has implied that Malcolm was really murdered as a result of a white conspiracy. I corrected him on this point a while back when he spoke at UCI. Below is a glowing review of Daulatzai's latest book, a diatribe against America.

As you can see, Daulatzai tries to make a link between African-Americans and Muslims. The obvious omission or error in his thinking is that the "War on Terror" was initiated-especially after 9-11- to save American lives. But what would that matter to "academics" like Daulatzai?

This is what is teaching our youth in our universities, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is what passes for scholarship in our institutions of higher learning.

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