There are times in the life of a nation when words just aren't enough. When action, and only action will suffice. This is one of those times. And the whole world is watching us as we disgrace ourselves and bow down before the bully. How on earth are we ever going to contain the escalating threats of proliferation if we are on record for being unwilling to put our lives on the line, and to back up our words with our actions?
Has our once-proud State Department merely become an extension of the corrupt UN, is our Defense Department seemingly at the beck and call of a cowardly pacifist president. For the sake of some pie-in-the-sky concept of Universalism have we bartered away our national identity?
The only military response we have given to North Korean aggressions so far is purely defensive: If you attack us we can shoot down your missiles. Is this a cogent deterrent to a determined enemy? No wonder our great nation is viewed by our adversaries with nothing but well-deserved contempt.
Cowardice must support itself with rationalizations; bravery needs no rationalizations. The road we have chosen is the road of the coward. And I am ashamed. - rg
Has our once-proud State Department merely become an extension of the corrupt UN, is our Defense Department seemingly at the beck and call of a cowardly pacifist president. For the sake of some pie-in-the-sky concept of Universalism have we bartered away our national identity?
I think you nailed it spot one here with the above comment. We have rolled over and are not playing dead but we are surely acting it. This leftist administration has traded our military power and projection for
UN sanctions and resloutions that are worthless, toothless and useless. Obama is the epitomy of a leader without balls, no moxi. He is pulling all of our hard earned, hard fought for victories, rights and liberties back inside a shell of cowardice and spineless horrors.
The UN quit being a serious player many years ago and is increasingly becoming a sounding stage for Islam through the OIC.
I am sure Obama thinks that is just perfect. More ways to appease the world, attack Israel, and let North Korea off the hook.
I am afraid that the DOD is being pushed and bandied about by this clown in the oval office. The appoinments he has made are rife with people that have no experience and have no business running,or even advising on such imporatnt events that are taking place around the globe. The warm and fuzzy feelings are replacing
the sound, solid policies of the past admisnistration, even though I did not agree with everything the Bush folks did. We are in for tough sledding and this administration is putting our valiant men and women in uniform in very grave danger. All of us in the country are in danger, thanks to the baffonary and incompetence that is flowing from the swamp these days.
C'mon now, did anyone actually think the panty waist Occupiers of the White House would ever take a strong stand when they needed to?
ReplyDeleteBy the time homey is done, we won't reconize America and will probably be learning Chinese.
I agree with Mr. Waters. Our government is not interested in stopping N. Korea, only in making speeches.
ReplyDeleteRunning one's mouth off like our dear President does is not leadership. It takes a strong person (man or woman) to do the right thing, stop the ship, board it and search for contraband. It is what Kennedy would have done (and almost did during the Missile Crises).
What we are seeing is a man (more like a mouse) who hasn't the moral fiber to grow a set of balls. No wonder Iran and N. Korea laugh at him. I do believe all of the world laughs at Obama behind his back. Is it any wonder why the US is no longer regarded as the LEADER of the free world, just a bit player?
I won't use my customary language, since this is Roger's blog--but, this ba***rd pretender has to go, one way or another.
ReplyDeleteIf his presidency runs the full term the damage will likely be irreparable.
This is just such a sad demonstration of the "New" US, I'm disgusted. (You know, Obama, "change" etc)Christ, the majority in any poll says that the people want NK dealt with! I agree that Obama has to go. But I just can't imagine that this is how the threats of NK will be handled, considering he's only been in office such a short time!
ReplyDeleteI'm holding out hope that one morning I'll turn on my computer and there will be Breaking News of North Korean ships being obliterated after some random confrontation setting off a string of events well planned by the US military. I just can't see how Obama thinks this can be overlooked! And all the crap talk about Iran at the same time? I just don't get it.