Sunday, April 18, 2021

Swedish Politicians Cry Crocodile Tears for Female Victims

Gary Fouse


 In Sweden, 5 women have been murdered in the past three weeks.  That has led Prime Minister  Stefan Löfven to issue a statement on Facebook lamenting the fact that there is a real problem of violence against women by men in his country. Meanwhile, Member of Parliament, Annie Lööf asks, where is the outrage? The below article from SVT is translated by Fousesquawk.

Löfven: "This fills me with anger"

Updated today 12:23. Posted today 12;14

Caption beneath photo: "For man's violence toward women to end, it is men who must change, " writes Stefan Löfven on Facebook.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven is also reacting to the murders by close relations in recent weeks. He now promises that the government will invite organizations and authorities to see what measures are needed to prevent this in the future. 

"This fills me with anger, and one cannot feel anything but the deepest contempt for men who humiliate, beat and murder women," he writes.

Five women have been killed by men in the past 3 weeks. This has awakened debate over how society is actually handling this.

"Where is the outcry from society? From my political colleagues? Where are the commissions, the tough ones?" wrote Annie Lööf (C) on Facebook Sunday.

"A Societal Problem"

On Sunday evening, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven reacted in a post on Facebook. The Minister for  Equality, Märta Stenevi (MP), earlier in the day, called for a party conference on the violence. Now Stefan  Löfven is also promising that the government will invite several organizations and authorities to see what measures can be taken to counteract it.

"Men who expose women to these heinous crimes should be punished, but men's violence on women should not be reduced to individual cases. It is a societal problem which must be fought with all of society's collective power," writes Löfven 

"Men must change"

According to Stefan Löfven, male violence against women and gang crime are the government's two main priorities in criminal policy.  He highlights the new sex crime legislation and increased possibilities of ankle monitors and (restraining orders) as examples of what the government has already done. But he says at the same time that more must be done.

"For men's violence against women to end, it is men who must change," he writes.

He continues: We need to talk with men about what real manhood is, that it is not beating or harassing."


But there is much more to this story. First of all, we must ask just who is responsible for a disproportionate share -if not most- of this violence against women. Here is an article from Sweden that we reported on just a few weeks ago.

It should be noted that nowhere in Löfven's Facebook post did he say one word about the involvement of immigrants, particularly Muslim immigrants, in this problem. According to the prime minister, it is just men. The fact is that as prime minister, he has presided over an insane immigration-refugee policy that has turned Swedish towns into gang warfare zones and made the country the rape capital of Europe.

And as for Annie Lööf, she is a fine one to be complaining. She is a liberal who advocates for even more immigration and acceptance of refugees into Sweden.

So Sweden will now appoint a blue-ribbon commission to "study the problem" and see how they can convince men to act like civilized human beings. If they really want to solve the problem and make their country safe for women again, they need to change their immigration policies. That is not to say stop all immigration, but they need to look elsewhere in the world to find immigrants who will assimilate and contribute to their society. They also need to toughen up their sentencing. Convicted rapists in Sweden are getting off with ridiculously light sentences, and in most cases, even avoiding deportation.

The sad fact is that these Swedish government leaders have blood on their hands.

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