Friday, September 13, 2019

Sweden: Nigerian Rapper Calld for Killing of Whites

Gary Fouse

"....shoot them"

Hat tip Samnytt and Gates of Vienna

A Nigerian-born rapper residing in Lund, Sweden has just come out with a statement about  killing white people. This showed up on his Instagram account which is open only for black people. The below report from Samnytt is translated from the Swedish by Fousesquawk. Editing and sub-titling by Vlad Tepes.

Rap artist from Lund calls for death for whites" "Shoot them".

A YouTube profile and rap artist well known among young people has started a closed account on social media in which he invites only black people. In several video postings, he calls for murder of white people in Sweden. Samhallsnytt has (gotten into) the account and can now reveal how an immigrant Nigerian propagates racism to hundreds of young people. "If some white guy or white girl tries to talk shit about you-shoot them."

The well-known YouTube profile is "JCBUZ", who has 280,000 subscribers on his two YouTube accounts, in which he reviews current hip hop records in Sweden and shares his own gangster-inspired rap music. JCBUZ, who is really named Jesse Ekene Nweke Conable, is 22 years old and registered (residence) in Lund. According to the tax police, he immigrated from Nigeria in 2008 and now has Swedish citizenship.

On a newly registered and locked Instagram account under the name "barasvarta" (black only)  several video clips with JCBUZ have been uploaded. In the presentation text for the account, which has 465 followers up to now, followers can read: "Black Power in Sweden" and "Only for Blacks".

Samhallsnytt  has gained access into the account, where it is clear that only blacks should get access to the content. Below is a photo update from his account where he states that he does not allow any white people to join the group.

On Tuesday several video clips were uploaded on the account where the rap artist propagated murder against white people in Sweden.

Text above video:

"Created our group so we get it together"

JCBUZ states in a  post that he has created "our group" so that blacks will get together in the fight. He means that blacks "must take over".

Below is JCBUZ speech and the video clip:

"My brothers and sisters, my black brothers and sisters, I have an important message for you. I only want to say to you, my black brothers and sisters out there.- You are special and nobody is like you. Continue the war.

We will take over- we will be number one- one beautiful day we will become number one. We will take over over those whites here. Just like these whites took us as slaves, we will take them as slaves and treat them even worse.

But right now we're just fighting (among ourselves), we're going to be smarter, we're going to be faster, we're going to be the best at everything. We'll take their bitches and we'll take their money. To be perfectly honest, we will be the best race ever. This is only the beginning; it is starting small but believe me, we will grow and grow bigger. We will be the strongest group in Sweden - no one will dare mess with us. Just wait, a beautiful day.

The whites try to mess with us- then you know what will come (gun sign with fingers). We will show them how we do it. We are warriors, do you understand? We are African warriors- They are not on our level. This here is just the beginning. Black power. Black power.

If any white guy or white girl is trying to talk shit about you - shoot them! If they talk shit about your family - shoot them!"

Text below the video:

"Created our group so we will stick together"

JCBUZ says in a post that he has created "our group" for blacks to stick together in the fight. He believes that blacks "must take over".

Text of comment thread ( red box 1): "Up to now whites have seen us as their slaves. Even if they don't say it straight out, it is what they think. I swear everything- that is why I created our group-so we can get ourselves together."  

Red box 2

"Therefore, we must take over."

Text below photo of JCBuz making shooting sign.

CBUZ makes pistol sign on social media. Facsimile Facebook.

In the comments, a "Chidde" writes out his/her hate toward whites as they are unsocial and the type who all talk behind your backs and are racist. Further says Chidde  that whites "always get better grades and jobs".

”Fuck White People”

In several posts, the artist expresses his hate against whites. In one post with a noose is "Fuck White People", and then, "We blacks are the best"

"What do you think about white people?"

Several posts call for hate toward people with white skin color. One person writes, "They think they are better than us, but it was we who build everything up here."

"If a white boy messes (with me) I would shoot him."

In one post, a picture is shown with text that one cannot be racist if he isn't white.  Followers are then asked if they agree.

One person named "Abdi" states that he will squeeze the trigger if a white boy  talks bad with him.

Shows video clip when a white boy is hit

The account also shows a video clip where a white boy is wrestled down by a black boy in a gym. During the video post, is "black power" and then follows several jubilant comments where he is happy that the white boy is knocked down. 

No response from gangster rapper

Samhallsnytt has sought out JCBUZ Conable without results, both by telephone and email for a comment.

Update: Conable has commented on Samhallsnytt's article via his Instagram account with the following comment:

(Laughing emojis)

It is not clear if someone has reported the artist for hate towards an ethnic group.

Update 2: Conable has taken note of our article and now writes that he wants to "eliminate the snitch" ('informer-" Editorial note) in an update in his closed Instagram group.

Image at bottom in black:

"We have a snitch among us. He or she must be eliminated."

By Simon Kristoffersson
Fousesquawk comment:  This is sick. Do I think it represents the thinking of all or even most black immigrants in Europe? No, I don't. But it should sound an alarm to Europe and their careless-reckless even - admission of migrants from the Middle East and Africa-largely Muslim nations, with scant or no attention paid to their backgrounds. So here you have in Sweden, an ungrateful Nigerian thug who advocates killing whites in the predominantly white nation that admitted him.

Sweden, you have a problem.

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