Saturday, August 10, 2019

Palestinian "Intersectionality" With African-Americans

Gary Fouse

My friend David Swindle has written an interesting article for Middle East Forum about a presentation he attended at UCLA. The speaker was (hold on to your hat) another one of those dime a dozen professors whose goal in life is to help destroy Israel. His name was Michael Fischbach, a history professor at Randolph-Macon College. For you UC Santa Cruz Community Studies and History of Consciousness majors, that is located in Ashland, Virginia.

Fischbach's theme was about the "intersectionality" between the Palestinian experience and the African-American experience. And what is intersectionality, you ask? You don't wanna know, but David explains it in the below article. It's really too painful for me to write it all out here.

Much as I hate to take Fischnach seriously, let me get serious here. Intersectionality, as David points out, is nothing more than a cynical attempt by one group to enlist the support of another group by claiming common victim status. In another words, Palestinians and American blacks are brothers here because they are both victims of a racist system. All it accomplishes is turning out more anti-Semites.

It should be pointed out that Jews were among the strongest supporters of the Civil Rights movement. Yet, it must also be mentioned that there is a degree of anti-Semitism among the African-American community-just as within the white community. This "intersectionality" movement, which is so widespread on college campuses, is not only divisive, but can only increase anti-Semitism. The common perception of Jews-which is inaccurate- is that they are simply the most "privileged" members of the "white privileged class". It is hardly surpring that the most demonized groups on campuses, no matter what the social justice warriors tell you, are whites and Jews.

It should also be noted that UCLA's Center for Near Eastern Studies, who hosted this event, is nothing but a hotbed of pro-Arab, anti-Israel, anti-West dogma.

This, Dear Readers, is what our kids are being taught in our universities.

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