Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bush's Cancelled Trip to Switzerland

Gary Fouse

It is troubling that George W. Bush's travel to Switzerland for a speaking appearance in front of the United Israel Appeal had to be canceled over security concerns. A combination of possible violence by the usual suspects and the ridiculous possibility that someone could actually file a criminal complaint against him in Switzerland made the trip "untenable" (my quotes).

This, of course, is the tactic of the far left even in Europe. How some of these nations can claim extra-territorial jurisdiction is beyond me. This is the continent that is supposed to be America's ally. Who did the feckless European governments turn to when they wanted to fight Serbia? The US. Did they call for prosecution of Bill Clinton after we bombed Belgrade? Of course not.

George W Bush may be evil in some people's eyes, but he is the one who removed the Taliban from power in Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. I'd take that on my resume anyday. He is also the one who led the fight against Al Qaida after 9-11.

You do remember 9-11, don't you?

What exactly is his great sin- Gitmo? Or perhaps that a handful of savages like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were waterboarded and gave up information that saved countless lives?

What exactly has been the Swiss contribution to the War on Terror? About the same as their contribution to the war against Hitler, I'd guess.

What those fools in Europe don't understand is what Bush understood. This is the signature issue of our generation and our children's generation. (That is the War on Terror-not Global Warming). The truth is that with a handful of abuses, such as Abu Ghraib, we have fought that war according to our principles-completely unlike the enemy.

Let me say this here and now; George W. Bush is a decent and honorable man who did all he could to prevent another 9-11. He deserved the full support of the Swiss government in giving that speech in Geneva. The Swiss should have provided whatever security was necessary, let it be known that there would be no fear of some dopey judge issuing an arrest warrant, and anyone who tried to violate Bush's right to speak and the right of his audience to hear him would be punished.

Oh, I forgot; he was supposed to speak in front of a pro-Israel Jewish group, wasn't he?

Silly me.


  1. good point..o gosh and look at Egypt now!

  2. .

    "Let me say this here and now; George W. Bush is a decent and honorable man" who has admitted to authorizing torture and violating international laws against war crimes and crimes against humanity. Mr Bush, and many of his junta cronies, are subject to the rule of law. They face the possibility of arrest when ever they travel to law abiding countries.

    Switzerland respects international law. It will do USA good to do the same. As long as USA allows accused international war criminals to remain free within its borders, USA will not be able to claim to be a country of laws.

    Ema Nymton
    The LEFT - taking shit for being right since long before you were born.

  3. .

    Your post , you make it clear that you think Mr Bush is not and should not be subject to the law.

    At what level is a person above the law, domestic and foreign? Is the Vice President above the law? How about the Secretary Of Defense? Are generals not subject to laws? Are only lowly service members to be punished or are they too above the law?

    Does your attitude toward the law apply to Democratic administrations or is this a case of OKIYAR (ok if you are republicant)?

    Ema Nymton
    The LEFT - taking shit for being right since long before you were born.
