Friday, November 20, 2009

Why Didn't We Follow the SIgns?

Cross-posted by Gary Fouse

Lately, the whole country has been asking itself,

"Why didn't we follow the signs?"

An obvious question given what has happened. In hindsight, it all seems so obvious to anyone with common sense. All we had to do was connect the dots.

We knew who his inspiration was.

Saul Alinski

Why didn't we follow the signs?

All we had to do was see his associations.

Rashid Khalidi

Bill Ayres

Why didn't we follow the signs?

All we had to do was read his writings.

Why didn't we follow the signs?

All we had to do was see where he worshipped and with whom. After all, we knew it was a place where radical thought and hate was being preached.

Jeremiah Wright
"God damn America!"

Father Michael Pfleger (R)

Why didn't we follow the signs?

You didn't think I was talking about this guy, did you?


  1. You echo my question, "Why?"

    Not that I want any "atta-boys" but I've been following the signs since the mid seventies...and guess what? Nobody cares! (except maybe you and me...)

  2. Norm,

    I could name a lot of people that don't care.
